MLB 2K12 News Post

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The MLB 2K12 Official Trailer is 90 seconds of real-time in-game action featuring highlight clips of 2K Signature Styles for players such as Justin Verlander, C.J. Wilson, Jay Bruce, David Price, Tim Lincecum, and many more. Check out the attention to detail in the all-new catcher animations, updated logos and uniforms including the brand new Miami Marlins stadium, diving catches, 100 MPH fastballs and all-new hit types thanks to improved ball physics.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Bulls321974 @ 02/09/12 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sparkles
nice ps2 trailer, now wheres the 360/ps3?
Just wanted to ask the same question
# 22 Bulls321974 @ 02/09/12 06:28 PM
The team colors in this game are sometimes way off.
# 23 Cavicchi @ 02/09/12 06:51 PM
As long as the game plays without serious bugs, I'd be happy. I could have been satisfied with 2K11 if not for the game summary zero thing. As far as I'm concerned, 2k baseball is all about having fun--and getting hits!

I am buying both games, The Show and 2K12. First I play The Show and struggle to get any hits and strikeouts. Then, I play 2K baseball and get rid of all my frustration about hits when batting and strikeouts when pitching.
# 24 Watson @ 02/09/12 07:04 PM
Is it odd I noticed the Ionic necklaces?
# 25 RGmoney @ 02/09/12 07:05 PM
Keep The Show OUT of this thread.
# 26 42 @ 02/09/12 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by UofO Ducks

I'll simply remove you from the forums - it's as easy as that.

If you would like to discuss BOTH games, use the Baseball (Other) forum.
# 27 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/09/12 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by WatsonTiger
Is it odd I noticed the Ionic necklaces?
It is, when everything is supposedly dictated by the MLB Style Guide.

Trailer looked good. Uniforms & Animations look really good. The lighting looks improved also.

Player faces also look better

Sent from Awesome Phone
# 28 lnin0 @ 02/09/12 08:06 PM
Looking good to me.
# 29 Knight165 @ 02/09/12 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
It is, when everything is supposedly dictated by the MLB Style Guide.

Trailer looked good. Uniforms & Animations look really good. The lighting looks improved also.

Player faces also look better

Sent from Awesome Phone
Uniforms only.
Everything else...is with permission of the MLB.
2K seems to get a few bones in that area.

# 30 queensbomber @ 02/09/12 08:35 PM
I thought it looked great..****nning animations look better, gloves look good, some colors are a bit off...hopefully well get some gameplay with commentary from a developer like last year.
# 31 Watson @ 02/09/12 09:27 PM
Holding out for news for uniform mix and match. not holding my breathe though.
# 32 kg54mvp1 @ 02/09/12 10:00 PM
yet again no improvements for target field, shame.
# 33 pena1 @ 02/09/12 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by WatsonTiger
Holding out for news for uniform mix and match. not holding my breathe though.
ya mean mixing tops and bottoms? with how the files have been setup in the past, prob not.

I did notice there are at least two sets of batting gloves in the video though, thats a nice touch (finally)...
# 34 SkillzKillz719 @ 02/09/12 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Billy Beane
Looks great actually, which isnt the norm for 2k baseball since 2k5. Figures they may actually get it right just as there liscense is expirering.

Owell hope for all the best.
Same here. Hopefully this is the culmination of all those years of working on these games and this is their best product yet.
# 35 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/09/12 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Uniforms only.
Everything else...is with permission of the MLB.
2K seems to get a few bones in that area.

Thanks for the update o'l friend

Sent from Awesome Phone
# 36 DJ @ 02/10/12 12:03 AM
Looks good for the most part. Cargo still looked way off, but the shot of Tulo was nice, although he doesn't wear clear shades.

The base runners were rounding the bag much better than last year.
# 37 DeuceDouglas @ 02/10/12 01:03 AM
Yikes! That was almost hard to watch.
# 38 dunkyboy @ 02/10/12 02:19 AM
Hi folks,
Long time lurker, first post I've read with interest the comments on this game's graphics. As a long suffering cricket fan (bear with me!), I've had to put up with some truly appalling computer games over the years. As a result, I've maybe developed a relatively high tolerance for crappy graphics.

I've only recently discovered baseball, and I picked up MLB 2k11 a few weeks ago. I have to say I thought the graphics were fine and the commentary and presentation were top notch (remember I'm comparing this to the likes of International Cricket 2010 however).

Anyway, what I think I'm trying to say is that for me gameplay and the 'feel' of a game will always trump graphical prowess, and I for one am really looking forward to march the 6th.

Now if only 2k could be persuaded to take on a cricket game....
# 39 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/10/12 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by peigone
Hey dunky, welcome. Graphics aren't big on my priority list. I sometimes even prefer simplistic graphics in games. What I don't get though and find difficult to accept is how 2K screws up the most obvious and basic aspects of the game's appearance. Nobody is expecting cutting-edge at this point, that's a given. But there is simply no excuse for getting teams' MLB uniform colors completely wrong, every single year. That's just sloppy, lazy programming. I spent many hours last year recoloring all teams' unis, caps, etc. (PC version.) RGB values for caps were wrong and different from uniform RGB values, which were also wrong and different again from equipment RGB values. From that perspective, the game was a mess graphically.
The real issue is, there's no Color Standard for Video Games developed on consoles.

Devlopers don't have to adhere to Color Space specs. It would be nice but they don't. Hence the issue with color.

I've compained about this issue all the time. 2k has gotten better, but until the video game industry make this a standard, my guess is we will continue to see this issue on consoles.

Sent from Awesome Phone
# 40 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/10/12 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by peigone
My question is why is it I can spend 10 minutes with a PC editor and fix a team's cap, uni and equipment colors so they're all identical AND with the correct RGB values assigned? Why can't the 2K devs do the same before the game is shipped?

2K is tasked with the job of recreating the MLB baseball experience. I understand if the graphics aren't up to par, that's not an issue. I can understand if the gameplay isn't 100% great, which game ever is? I even understand that bugs and glitches occur. But why the heck can't the game makers at the very least get each team's uniform colors all aligned, regardless of the RGB values they decide on for each team? Especially given I can do it on my PC working with some funky little editing program I downloaded.

I love 2K, always have. I just don't get their inattention to detail and their lack of interest in fixing something so glaringly noticable, especially when it would be so easy to do.
Because again Color Space Specs are not a standard on Consoles & this game is developed for consoles then ported over to PC. For the PC RGB is a standard. Also with PC's the graphics are determined by the Graphics Card.

This is why MODS are always available to enhance the experience, compared to consoles where everything is locked-in. This has always been this way in gaming.

That's why you get PC/Console wars all the time

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