This makes me want to get the game in Canada. The cover looks great, and it supports a lower market team! Plus I'm tired of Red Sox covers: Gonzo, Pedroia, and Ortiz
His follow throughs look amazing. So how many players will actually follow through like that in the game? Only the big hitters? Can you edit? Are they tied to stances?
I like this cover very much...if I had the choice I'd take the Bautista one. But honestly, I see the cover for like 10 minutes then never look at it again. It would be cool to have, but still.
Don't know if this has been mentioned guys, if it has I apologize, but currently on Amazon (US Site), Show '12 for PS3 is displayed with the Jose Bautista cover and the Vita version has A-Gonz. Does that mean PS3 and Vita users are getting different cover athletes?
Don't know if this has been mentioned guys, if it has I apologize, but currently on Amazon (US Site), Show '12 for PS3 is displayed with the Jose Bautista cover and the Vita version has A-Gonz. Does that mean PS3 and Vita users are getting different cover athletes?