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PSNation has posted their day 1 MLB 12 The Show hands-on impressions.

Today, many of us used the time to simply dig-in to the game and experience the new features and changes. Visually, it’s pretty similar, but the list of fixes, changes, redesigns, and other features is pages long. One of the first changes we noticed right away is the all new physics engine applied to the Baseball. The old system was completely ripped-out and replaced with an all-new system, and the change is immediately noticeable. The ball reacts to everything in the environment as it actually should. When you see the ball jump off of the bat, the path and trajectory that the ball takes feels incredibly natural. I actually hope to talk to the brains behind this new engine, and obviously, if I do I’ll post anything I find out. For now, let’s just say, if you’ve ever actually played the game of Baseball, you know, on a field and stuff, that the Baseball in MLB 12 The Show actually reacts to everything like it did when you were playing. It’s damned impressive and really impacts the game and how you play it. Hits don’t seem “formulaic” or “canned” as in years past, and even on this first “half-day” that consisted of about 10 hours, we’ve already heard many instances when someone yells “did you just see that?!?!” Of course, there are many more changes and fixes, and trust me, I’ll cover as much as I can (there’s so much, and also, some things I still am not allowed to talk about.)

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 42 @ 01/17/12 11:12 PM
Final score of that game: 3-1 (I came back in the 8th)

Bring it, Ramone!
# 2 bcruise @ 01/17/12 11:23 PM
Seeing that room again sure brings back memories...

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
# 3 Stikskillz @ 01/17/12 11:43 PM
Nice write up! Looking forward to reading more blogs and seeing some video.
# 4 dodgerblue @ 01/17/12 11:56 PM
Thanks for the info! Just curious though, with the new physics and no more formulaic or canned hits, I am interested to see how they keep the statistics realistic. That has always been the give and take imo. Any more info on this would be appreciated!
# 5 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/18/12 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by dodgerblue
Thanks for the info! Just curious though, with the new physics and no more formulaic or canned hits, I am interested to see how they keep the statistics realistic. That has always been the give and take imo. Any more info on this would be appreciated!
Might have to have B Ma chime in on this one. But we have been seeing legit statistics. The game is still baseball after all.

# 6 Yanks22 @ 01/18/12 12:34 AM
Brett you're such a punk haha
# 7 Ghoste @ 01/18/12 12:50 AM
Awesome! Thanks for posting!

# 8 YanksFan4Life @ 01/18/12 12:55 AM
nice in-depth post... Keep these coming.
# 9 nomo17k @ 01/18/12 01:39 AM
Nice report, PSNation. Looking forward to more!
# 10 Bullit @ 01/18/12 07:24 AM
More posts like this and I think my brain might overload with desire for baseball
# 11 PsychoBulk @ 01/18/12 08:04 AM
Great to see theSlab rocking the Tigers cap
# 12 The Bimmer @ 01/18/12 08:12 AM
Yes, thanks for the update. I sure hope they let you guys talk about the "commentary". Lets be realistic, one of the biggest complaints about this game is the commentary. I passed on this game last year and this was my #1 reason.

This is by no means a complaint, its more of head scratcher. I guess I was expecting you guys to come out right away swinging, and confirming that one of the biggest issues has been fixed.
# 13 DickDalewood @ 01/18/12 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by 42
Final score of that game: 3-1 (I came back in the 8th)

Bring it, Ramone!
I can't believe he let you play with automatic fielding and base running on.....

Great write up from PSNation... hopefully you guys are having a blast despite those looooong hours. Keep up the good work!
# 14 Bulls321974 @ 01/18/12 08:35 AM
Hi Ramone, can't wait to see some new gameplay videos or at least some new images of the various teams!
# 15 Qb @ 01/18/12 08:39 AM
Good writing, Glenn. Can't wait to see the new ball physics in action. Looking forward to more feedback from the crew.
# 16 EmmdotFrisk @ 01/18/12 12:13 PM
Great write up Glenn.

As a previous College and Semi-Pro baseball player I appreciate the "little" things that the SCEA team incorporates into the Show. I can't wait to experience the things you talk about in your article. Thanks again and keep em comin'!
# 17 bisons18 @ 01/18/12 12:57 PM
Can't wait for this game and more info!
# 18 thaSLAB @ 01/18/12 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by The Bimmer
Yes, thanks for the update. I sure hope they let you guys talk about the "commentary". Lets be realistic, one of the biggest complaints about this game is the commentary. I passed on this game last year and this was my #1 reason.

This is by no means a complaint, its more of head scratcher. I guess I was expecting you guys to come out right away swinging, and confirming that one of the biggest issues has been fixed.
Commentary and presentation are greatly improved. I definitely think the majority will be very pleased. And it's not for lack of excitement, but more a courtesy of letting SCEA present their hard work themselves, in form of a blog.

Pared and I heard some commentary last night that was a situation where we had to bring everyone to attention, so that they could listen in.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
# 19 Doormat @ 01/18/12 02:03 PM
Amazing read PSNation, glad to see you're enjoying the game. Hoping to see those videos soon and screen shots, and of course more info on the Vita version
# 20 DJ @ 01/18/12 02:38 PM
Good read, although the part about Pulse Pitching and Broadcast Camera had me worried a little bit.

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