Lost in the NCAA Football 12 Title Update #3 announcement, released earlier today, EA Sports and the NCAA Football 12 team have stated they are working on title update #4.
We'd also like to announce that the team is currently working on a fourth title update and we will announce details at a later date.
That's an odd statement to make without any evidence given in support.
Not to say that it's perfectly representative of the larger consumer base, but NCAA 12's facebook page is also littered with the same kind of comments you see on OS. I imagine NCAA 13's day 1 sales will be a better indication of people's reaction to 12.
lol its true though. As much as I hate to admit it, those of us here at OS are purists when it comes to our baseball games and football games. Ouf of the milliones who own the game only a small fraction gripe about it the way we do which is why stupid things like penalty animations (PI, ball thrown away ect...) never get updated, and important things go untouched or not updated for years.
Guys this game is still really good. The key is finding the right slider set and speed threshold. I've noticed that the lower the speed threshold the less player warping you see. Lower the Pass Coverage slider to under 10 for both CPU and HUM. This will cut down on the AI reaction time, which in turn will cut down on the psychic stuff. I have seen less psychic defense using a combination of low threshold and low Pass Coverage values. I can't understand how guys play on AA and Heisman with Pass Coverage at or above 50. It's insane.
I'm hoping the 4th patch can fix coach progression and the dreaded tendency bug at the very least without breaking something else. If they can fix a few more things in addition to these two I am more than happy. Would love to see them sort out the online transfer failed issue for all my ppl that love OD. Luckily for me I'm not an OD guy. I can see why they would have given up by now.
Oh...I almost forgot to ask...Hey EA. WHERE IS OUR TUNER!!!!!
Guys this game is still really good. The key is finding the right slider set and speed threshold. I've noticed that the lower the speed threshold the less player warping you see. Lower the Pass Coverage slider to under 10 for both CPU and HUM. This will cut down on the AI reaction time, which in turn will cut down on the psychic stuff. I have seen less psychic defense using a combination of low threshold and low Pass Coverage values. I can't understand how guys play on AA and Heisman with Pass Coverage at or above 50. It's insane.
I'm hoping the 4th patch can fix coach progression and the dreaded tendency bug at the very least without breaking something else. If they can fix a few more things in addition to these two I am more than happy. Would love to see them sort out the online transfer failed issue for all my ppl that love OD. Luckily for me I'm not an OD guy. I can see why they would have given up by now.
Oh...I almost forgot to ask...Hey EA. WHERE IS OUR TUNER!!!!!
I was thinking the same thing. I don't mind the game overall but we should have another tuner by now. That frustrates me.
I'd like to see this patch address the inconsistency on both sides of the ball regarding the Option...
The CPU runs it well about 25% of the time, 25% of the time the D defends it well and properly...
The rest of the time SOMEBODY on O and or D is doing something unnatural and really stupid...even with edits, its a hard code mess...
Tuning CPU D logic would be nice too...
Too often they either "know" exactly what you're running or are blitzing inefficiently, leaving the seams wide open...
It can be limited by editing Coach Philosophy, to play a more balanced / less aggressive game, but some of the mismatches against spread offences are also hard code and too easy to exploit...
The old "two controller trick" would solve both issues...
As NDAlum has said, if you assign them custom playbooks based on their base scheme, you can circumvent that, but I'd prefer to not have to do that...
Overall, the above is bordering on nit picky, as Herky and Sundown2600 alluded to in their posts, sliders can weed the majority of the issues that have been beaten to death around here out...
Sorry, my post wasn't very clear. I meant that the number of people that use operation sports and post complaints about NCAA 12 is in the thousands. True I haven't counted all the negative posters, but I can say for certain that this game has sold millions of copies.
You are correct that this is all speculation and I don't have evidence. But I would bet that next year the game will again sell millions of copies regardless of whether you and the several thousand operation sports users that don't like the game buy it or not. I mean even if you want to argue my logic and say that there are 10,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 you still won't have much impact on this game's sales or EA.
Finally, I would agree that there are thousands of people that don't use operation sports that don't like the game. Absolutely, you are correct. But my GUESS (only a guess) is that the type of consumer that doesn't know about operation sports or similar websites doesn't care enough about the problems to not buy the game.
Anyway, it is fun to discuss. Like I said, I'm happy with the game. Hopefully someday the game will live up to your expectations, but you might miss out on a lot of fun between now and then.
Sundown 2600 what threshold and slider setting are you using? That is if you don't mind sharing. I am going take your advice and lower the pass coverage settings below 10 to see if I can make the passing game more realistic.... Thanks in advance.
Hopefully they tune the runners to use their special moves more.
Also sway the pressure points from the DT's to the DE's or at least have the guys with the required ratings act accordingly. Though i'e gone ahead and dropped pass rush in my game to 20 on both sides, buti doubt anyone else wants to do that in their game.
Also please bring back giving the user the ability to "look to the sideline" on the no huddle offense.
Online dynasty wont be fixed by a patch. EA already said it's an issue on their end, not with the game. You don't need the patch for it to be solid. They will say when it's fixed.
Is there any particular reason why every dynasty of mine is having a whole lot of transfer fails in the last 48 hours ? The other people in my dynasties can't do anything. Even recruit as soon as they try to exit Transfer Failed. ??? I know this is not a patch issue but is anyone else getting this ? Is there a work around to get the transfer to at least go through even when exiting the dynasty .? (annoying but still the better alternative to never being able to advance. )
Guys this game is still really good. The key is finding the right slider set and speed threshold. I've noticed that the lower the speed threshold the less player warping you see. Lower the Pass Coverage slider to under 10 for both CPU and HUM. This will cut down on the AI reaction time, which in turn will cut down on the psychic stuff. I have seen less psychic defense using a combination of low threshold and low Pass Coverage values. I can't understand how guys play on AA and Heisman with Pass Coverage at or above 50. It's insane.
I'm hoping the 4th patch can fix coach progression and the dreaded tendency bug at the very least without breaking something else. If they can fix a few more things in addition to these two I am more than happy. Would love to see them sort out the online transfer failed issue for all my ppl that love OD. Luckily for me I'm not an OD guy. I can see why they would have given up by now.
Oh...I almost forgot to ask...Hey EA. WHERE IS OUR TUNER!!!!!
Do you have a slider set that you use to improve the passing experience?? I finally got so frustrated today that I busted my controller office space style. That's gonna set me back, but seriously, I'd do anything to be able to pass in this game.