According to Kotaku's Owen Good, NBA 2K12 Legends will not be available online.
None of the 34 teams unlockable in "NBA's Greatest" will be available for online multiplayer modes. There had been some confusion, even hope that they would, as earlier reports suggested that once a team is unlocked from "NBA's Greatest" it is available across all modes of play. 2K Sports just confirmed for me all the modes in which these teams can be used, and online multiplayer isn't one of them.
For all of you who say this is fine because you don't play online anyhow....
How would you feel if they came out and said Legend Teams would ONLY be available ONLINE. Wouldn't you feel a little disappointed that after being hyped up for all these great teams, that these teams won't be available in any mode you have any interest in? This is the way a lot of people feel...or at least me.
You do have a point. If that were to happen I would be a little disappointed. But i'd still have association and my player so it wouldn't be a total deal breaker.
For all of you who say this is fine because you don't play online anyhow....
How would you feel if they came out and said Legend Teams would ONLY be available ONLINE. Wouldn't you feel a little disappointed that after being hyped up for all these great teams, that these teams won't be available in any mode you have any interest in? This is the way a lot of people feel...or at least me.
that would plane be stupid, since 2k knows not everyone who plays their game has access to online, the game and all games are first and foremost made to be played offline.'re going to get it later...just not at release day? Or you're not going to get it period?
Some of the People act like 2K puts out hot-mess like NCAA 12 which has both offline and online problems. All you have to do is look at the alternative of what we could be dealing with...SMH.
I will get it once the lockout ends. the only way I will get it on release, s if the demo blows me away, or the Magic Johnson cover will be a limited run near release time.
I will get it once the lockout ends. the only way I will get it on release, s if the demo blows me away, or the Magic Johnson cover will be a limited run near release time.
The Magic Johnson cover is a limited release so is Bird, Jordan will be the only one produced after.
The PR department is ruining 2k. Every time I see a new article or video from 2ksports, I see another person with a title like "Marketing Director" or "Social Media Director," and every one of them makes the game worse for their dedicated fan base (not necessarily the casual gamer).
You can say all you want about people being armchair developers, but the fact of the matter is 2k is to blame for this miscue. The problem from the start was promising a "greatest mode" to us through their PR department. Unfortunately, after figuring out that they didn't have the time nor resources to figure out how to make this happen, they just put 2 teams from each year and matched them up with each other. This is NOT a mode! All this does is make us go through a tediously boring and easy mode to unlock the teams. And there aren't even individual achievements within the mode.
Then, the PR team thought of another brilliant idea - making the 02 Kings and 91 Warriors preorder only. When this news broke, I immediately knew the classic rosters weren't going to be available online (okay, 99% sure) because of peoples' classic teams not matching up. And what for? To try to appeal to a few more casual gamers through marketing.
The "15 legends" gimmick is another part of the marketing disaster that is 2ksports. To say that Malone and Stockton are legends, but not Shaq, Duncan, Robinson, Kobe is completely arbitrary and borderline embarrassing. A more logical way to implement the classic teams would be just to make them available out of the box (and online). This disaster started with the PR department (Ronnie2k, etc.).
Get rid of the gimmicks, get rid of the PR department, and dedicate the resources instead to making the game functional and the online play more stable.
This whole fiasco was predictable from the start if you followed Ronnie2k on twitter.
Since I'm one of those Real FG% guys and therefore don't play online much, not an issue here.Not buying the game for the legends anyway,they are just icing on the best tasting cake in sports gaming.
Oh wow 2k, why in the world would you use these teams as a major selling point(THE selling point) and not allow them online?..........
I don't get it, many complained about this last year. Even if you felt they were unfair we could always only be allowed unranked matches. The best thing to do would be seperate lobbies. One for current NBA only, One for classic NBA only and a third for Past vs. Present. Are the Bulls really that unfair/unbeatable?
Since I'm one of those Real FG% guys and therefore don't play online much, not an issue here.Not buying the game for the legends anyway,they are just icing on the best tasting cake in sports gaming.
once again this is how I feel. but I do feel bad for the online players. I really don't see why this isn't an option. doesn't make much sense, but isn't an issue to me in the slightest. I know i'm posting on this thread like crazy but news has been slow the last few days
Still get 2k regardless if they don't allow u to use classic teams online if ur a true fan and gamer of 2k u would still support all the changes that they made this year in the controls on defense and offensive and giving us more freedom to do things user wise without all the automated animations and listening and paying attention to the gamers request be proud that they are making a better game ever year and not sticking to the same stuff like madden year end and year out and not adding anything new really I appreciate u 2k for making great game after great game ppl hate playing the computer on hall of fame cause its too hard for them get it together ppl....
do people even play unranked games? this isn't great news, but far far far away from being anything of a deal-breaker for me. I think teamup games would be a ton of fun with legends. my time will be split playing Online Associations and Crew, classic teams weren't that high my list of new features.
do people even play unranked games? ... my time will be split playing Online Associations and Crew, classic teams weren't that high my list of new features.
Ha - based on their popularity this question is backwards.
Ranked/unranked games outnumber all other online modes. By far. Their dedication to leagues have actually been a "blessing" because quick games are king.
I am an exclusive online player and while I'm not excited about this announcement, I do understand it. Like the article says if the legend teams are unlock able then how can u maintain roster similarity between multiple users. If I open up 93 hornets but you don't how can we play each other? Can it be done ala fight night where certain teams are just locked? Maybe but is it that simple? Obviously not. Cod uncharted battlefield etc.. All have options offline that are not online. 2k is not alone in this regard. Before we crucify them for ignoring their passionate online community let's wait and see what the online insight has to offer in the way of server news and online association.
P.s. Let's not blame 2k for the lame modern rosters, that blame is reserved for David stern and Derek fisher .... As soon as they both stop being short slow and greedy, the lockout will end and ferdette and tyreke will ball out all u cheesy heat players lol
The PR department is ruining 2k. Every time I see a new article or video from 2ksports, I see another person with a title like "Marketing Director" or "Social Media Director," and every one of them makes the game worse for their dedicated fan base (not necessarily the casual gamer).
You can say all you want about people being armchair developers, but the fact of the matter is 2k is to blame for this miscue. The problem from the start was promising a "greatest mode" to us through their PR department. Unfortunately, after figuring out that they didn't have the time nor resources to figure out how to make this happen, they just put 2 teams from each year and matched them up with each other. This is NOT a mode! All this does is make us go through a tediously boring and easy mode to unlock the teams. And there aren't even individual achievements within the mode.
Then, the PR team thought of another brilliant idea - making the 02 Kings and 91 Warriors preorder only. When this news broke, I immediately knew the classic rosters weren't going to be available online (okay, 99% sure) because of peoples' classic teams not matching up. And what for? To try to appeal to a few more casual gamers through marketing.
The "15 legends" gimmick is another part of the marketing disaster that is 2ksports. To say that Malone and Stockton are legends, but not Shaq, Duncan, Robinson, Kobe is completely arbitrary and borderline embarrassing. A more logical way to implement the classic teams would be just to make them available out of the box (and online). This disaster started with the PR department (Ronnie2k, etc.).
Get rid of the gimmicks, get rid of the PR department, and dedicate the resources instead to making the game functional and the online play more stable.
This whole fiasco was predictable from the start if you followed Ronnie2k on twitter.
I'll gladly play NBA Jam for $15 this year.
So now your "armchair" public relations,
SMH. So sick of hearing the term "bad PR" thrown around here......especially when it makes absolutely no sense. Do you even know what "PR" includes? This post is just ridiculous on so many levels.
The game not having the legends you want, or the mode not catering to what you feel it should be is NOT "bad PR". What makes your post even more ridiculous is the support the original NBA JAM got...but thats the game you rather play.
Guys, 2k had a good reason for doing this. They're not technological wizards. There's a lot of things they can't do or cannot do yet, and there's reasons for them.
thank you!!! offline only is for those anti social guys, i pay 60 dollars i want to play every mode not 33% of the game. guess they dont DL patches either
Offline is for anit social guys ? Ah thats low dude, thats low.
thank you!!! offline only is for those anti social guys, i pay 60 dollars i want to play every mode not 33% of the game. guess they dont DL patches either
Except you play online so you don't play every mode, you probably play 33% of them.