NBA 2K12 News Post
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So if I recall correctly Tuesday 4am EST? I remember waking up early to play...
Its a wrap. I will be in the dungeon perfecting those skills till the 4th.
Wow! Same release date of Gears of War 3! Gonna play the demo first
# 9
dukedude24 @ 09/16/11 06:06 PM
it will be Mavs vs. Heat
Heat users might actually be winning in this demo, since it's probably only 1st half, it doens't have 4th quarter.
# 12
Melo7NYKtru @ 09/16/11 06:08 PM
Cant wait. I'll be playing it all day every day til Oct 4th, ahaha
# 13
Xx Qontrolz xX @ 09/16/11 06:08 PM
allez les Bleus !!! kick those spanish asses !!!
# 15
HeavenlyTouch @ 09/16/11 06:09 PM
They really need to put together a full demo this time.. 4 quarters with shortened minutes.. Fifa etc gives you multiple teams and lots of playing time.. it's only fair to the users who buy 2k every year that they get to experience the demo to it's fullest and not some short half that feels undone where you cant make subs or check stats etc
# 16
dukedude24 @ 09/16/11 06:09 PM
i hope it's full game though....
# 17
SageInfinite @ 09/16/11 06:09 PM
# 18
blues rocker @ 09/16/11 06:09 PM
yeah...2 full weeks with the demo to hold me over until Oct 4th.
Thank you God it's over, no more threads or demo questions. I'll have to wait till I get home to test the game out, I need sleep. But once the game comes out I'll probably take that Friday off so I have all day and the weekends to play. Idk 2k might decide to do the madden thing a pick some random team or rivals. I hope it's better than last year demo, where you can only play as the Lakers and couldn't run plays.
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