NBA 2K12 News Post
NBA 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 562
rockchisler @ 09/01/11 10:10 PM
Why you bringing up old stuff though? It seems like you bring up that same, exact play once every year. Is this is how we treat our veteran OS brethren.
In 2K11, on the odd occasion, there was a small interaction with player legs. It looked un-natural, but the idea was there. Whether it was intentional or not, I don't know. But the player's legs never went through each other., as if there was some kind of force-field stopping them from clipping. Also, it usually only happened when there an inbound pass, while they were standing still.
Sometimes, if a player got too close in the same scenario, arms would also react in the same way, un-naturally of course, but it was there.
In some cases where there was a dunk, a leg would be 'pushed' at weird angles so as to avoid clipping through a torso.
So it is possible, and would make the games polish a lot more shinier than it already looks...
# 567
Mr_Riddick @ 09/01/11 11:07 PM
Yeah, I just watched the trailer again. I need this game like I need water, real talk.. Lol
This is the illest thing I've seen in a hot minute . But still kinda pissed that they still have people who wear white accessories at home wearing black accessories at home and away . Besides that this one of the best games I have EVER seen .
SICK... But i hope they give bargnani a beard atleast... 2k never changed anything on bargnani since nba 2k6
The way this game looks is making me even more hyped than I already am
# 580
slliMMills @ 09/02/11 01:07 PM
Dope video...cant wait, One month to go...but it seems any and ev'1 can be a post monster...Even Kevin Martin did damage in the post.
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