Fight Night Champion News Post

Want to see some changes in the next Fight Night boxing game from EA Sports? If you want your voice to be heard, fill out this Fight Night survey. The responses will be submitted to the Fight Night Producers and Development Team, along with the Fight Night Wishlist and other feedback materials.

Submit your survey now, don't pass up this opportunity to help the team show what is important. It's all in the details. Get it done.

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 TB Legendary @ 05/05/12 02:07 AM
I think the Fight Night series allows you to throw and land too many punches. There no strategy in that. It seems like you can just throw punch after punch. Thats not realistic. If you watch a fight, the fighters are mostly trying to feel each other out and pick there spots seeing where they can land their punches. That give the game a more realistic feel. Another big thing is finally getting Floyd Mayweather back on the FN, hasn't been on FN since FNR2.
# 42 Angel_G @ 05/11/12 12:57 AM
I don't care how much money Floyd wants but just add him to the game! Make him the cover boy if thats what he wants. I would pay $59.99, pre-order, etc. The game is missing him. Also have a feature were you guys update tattoos, facial hair, trunks, robes, gloves, bandanas, etc based off the most recent fight. Ex: Cotto's dad tat on his back. Since yall release a game every 3 yrs.
# 43 Artman22 @ 05/11/12 02:38 AM
Too many things wrong with this game. All you have to do after the last patch is pick a strong boxer and bully your opponent. It doesn't require strategy. I hate that a boxer is in quick sand the moment he's on the ropes. Also, I hate how slow and horrible the footwork is in this game. Like stated before, the stamina is broken in this game.
# 44 Motown @ 05/12/12 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by Angel_G
I don't care how much money Floyd wants but just add him to the game! Make him the cover boy if thats what he wants. I would pay $59.99, pre-order, etc. The game is missing him. Also have a feature were you guys update tattoos, facial hair, trunks, robes, gloves, bandanas, etc based off the most recent fight. Ex: Cotto's dad tat on his back. Since yall release a game every 3 yrs.
Floyd's an A#^!@% No thanks
# 45 TarHeelPhenom @ 05/13/12 07:20 AM
The one thing I've always wanted and the thing UFC hits a grand slam with is Create-A-Card/Create-A-Pay Per View. The ability to put a card together...put mega fights together and put the straps on the line. The UFC's presentation when it comes to their fight now and pay-per-views are by far bar none the greatest I've seen. I would love to have this kind of offline mode where my friends and I can actually have a pay-per0view event and fight against each other for a title. Also, the multiplayer career mode would be awesome too. To have me and a buddy in a collision course to meet for a title in career mode would be fantastic.

The second thing would be full customization over online gyms. That mode had soooooooooo much potential if they would have just done it right. Had we been able to adjust sliders in the gym we would probably still be playing this game right now. Not only that, but find a way to eliminate the ability for players to roid up....you know...the online packs guys could purchase to boost their fighters without putting the work in. Nothing made me more upset than to have to fight a guy rated 89 with a record of 1-0 while my dide is a 79 and 16-11 record.

Come on EA...listen to us.
# 46 DaveDQ @ 05/16/12 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by TarHeelPhenom
The one thing I've always wanted and the thing UFC hits a grand slam with is Create-A-Card/Create-A-Pay Per View. The ability to put a card together...put mega fights together and put the straps on the line. The UFC's presentation when it comes to their fight now and pay-per-views are by far bar none the greatest I've seen. I would love to have this kind of offline mode where my friends and I can actually have a pay-per0view event and fight against each other for a title. Also, the multiplayer career mode would be awesome too. To have me and a buddy in a collision course to meet for a title in career mode would be fantastic.

The second thing would be full customization over online gyms. That mode had soooooooooo much potential if they would have just done it right. Had we been able to adjust sliders in the gym we would probably still be playing this game right now. Not only that, but find a way to eliminate the ability for players to roid up....you know...the online packs guys could purchase to boost their fighters without putting the work in. Nothing made me more upset than to have to fight a guy rated 89 with a record of 1-0 while my dide is a 79 and 16-11 record.

Come on EA...listen to us.
Good points. They really left the online Gyms with much to be desired. At first they said we would have the ability to change sliders for Gyms, and like you said, that would have given that mode so much potential.

On the idea of getting Floyd in the game, I would be very concerned with that. It seems to me that the entire reason they out Champion mode in this game is because they didn't trust that giving a robust career mode and leaning more towards realistic play would help sell the game. They felt they needed something external to come in and get everyone's attention.

If they use that same philosophy with trying to get Floyd, we may see yet another hyped up game with him on the cover and very little done to polish this title. It would take a bunch of money getting him in this game. I sure hope they don't put all their budget into that.
# 47 kingsofthevalley @ 05/20/12 04:18 PM
Conversation in here is cool I suppose, but are they making another Fight Night or what? Thats all I'm trying to figure out.
# 48 JerzeyReign @ 05/22/12 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Conversation in here is cool I suppose, but are they making another Fight Night or what? Thats all I'm trying to figure out.
No one knows at the moment.
# 49 Phobia @ 05/25/12 05:45 PM
I talked till I was blue in the face with the issues that needed fixing. Survey was a waste of time in my opinion. If the developers can't see from the jump what the issues are then that worries me more than anything else.
# 50 BezO @ 05/29/12 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
...Survey was a waste of time in my opinion. If the developers can't see from the jump what the issues are then that worries me more than anything else.
Worries me as well. Seems like if not enough folks ask for the right gameplay improvements, they won't be made. What if the majority of survery takers think this game is a few boxers & better graphics away from being great?

If they're trying to make a simulation boxing game, some things are just a given. They shouldn't require suggestions from the fan base. Make the most realistic game possible, period. A good, dynamic career mode should also be a given.
# 51 JerzeyReign @ 06/02/12 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I talked till I was blue in the face with the issues that needed fixing. Survey was a waste of time in my opinion. If the developers can't see from the jump what the issues are then that worries me more than anything else.
I thought the survey was user created and had nothing to do with what the devs were adding to the game?
# 52 kingsofthevalley @ 06/03/12 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by BezO
Worries me as well. Seems like if not enough folks ask for the right gameplay improvements, they won't be made. What if the majority of survery takers think this game is a few boxers & better graphics away from being great?

If they're trying to make a simulation boxing game, some things are just a given. They shouldn't require suggestions from the fan base. Make the most realistic game possible, period. A good, dynamic career mode should also be a given.
Definitely agree about the dynamic career mode. I'm still trying to figure out what these developers have on their mind when they're building these games. It always throws me for a loop. There's many strange occurrences but I'll just give you one example.

Lets go with presentation. They create this extremely short and linear story mode that is pretty much done after you complete it the first time right? No branching paths and absolutely no incentive for you to play it more than once correct?

Sooooo, why in the world would you add your best presentation elements into a mode (not saying it shouldn't be there) where your consumers are only going to see it once. Seems to me it would've been obvious to add the pre match commentators, etc, etc to the mode thats INFINITELY replayable, your legacy mode.

That type of presentation immerses you into the game. Thats something needed within legacy mode. THATS the mode that I still play to this day, and it is dead as hell lol. Weird decisions like that just have me scratching my head man.
# 53 steelernut @ 06/03/12 11:27 PM
I play this game religiously and I am a big boxing fan. As far as offline play I think implementing a more in depth training system would greatly help the game. For example I like how in EA MMA it let you pick a certain gym to train in with a particular trainer, and certain attributes would be heightened depending on what trainer you picked. Wouldn't it be awesome to train in the Wild Card gym hitting some mitts with freddie roach and hearing his voice push you on while you're doing other training regimens? As far as online I would totally get rid of OWC and concentrate on other aspects of the game. There's to many spammers in there I.e. players creating max reach max height, and all you see are guys spamming the right cross, that is not boxing. If they want to keep OWC then get rid of the unrealistic measurements please.

Get rid of the side step counter and if not make it so if that you spam it then there's a penalty for it I.e.. It drains your stamina severely.. It's ok to use it a few times a round but come on, when a player use's it through out the whole fight thats not kool;The side step spam doesn't force guys to box, it's an easy way for players to get a cheap win, and looks very arcadish. Try playing a master side step spammer and you will know what I mean. Most of the guys who are top ranked online are master spammers and the side step upper cut spam is their bread and butter, I know for a fact the #1 player in the world is because he told me so, and a whole slew of players in the top 100 are all guilty of it. Tighten that up EA, lets force guys to actually have to box the next go around.

I would like to see a new system where the inside game is magnified. The inside game for FNC looks like a muddled display of two guys throwing uppers and hooks, that is not what boxing looks like. EA should really take a look at some boxing tape of some of the best inside fighters in the game and mold the system off that, watch some Caesar Chavez or for a current look watch some BAM BAM Rios he's a great pressure inside fighter, I can't stress enough how important the inside game is. If EA can concentrate on making players actually learn how to box it would be a better success. For example I'm playing MLB the show, I've never really played a lick of baseball in my life so I'm a novice to the game, but I love it because the game doesn't give any shortcuts for me simply because I'm a nooby to the aspects of the game. It forces you to learn the game of baseball, yeah it frustrates me allot but you know what? I keep coming back to it because it challenges me. I find myself actually turning on a baseball game on the tube and watching the whole entire game, that is exactly what you want to aim for EA. You want a player who doesn't really give a damn about the sport, but because for what ever reason they decided to buy the game, it now has challenged them and has made them want to get in-tuned to the sport of boxing.

So EA please just challenge us as players and give us a simulation experience that will keep us coming back for more ... forget about the whiners and make a game that will actually inspire us to learn more about boxing.

Overall the game Imo was a success I love the game and I spend allot of my off-time playing it, one of the best sports games out. But Imo if EA can make those minor adjustments then it will be an even better success. Oh yeah a new fresh roster would be nice too, put some young guns in there, I'm tired of seeing Butterbean and Eddie Chambers, shine some light on some of these up and comers, I know you can't get Money May, but Adrien Bonner would be the next best thing.
# 54 Money99 @ 06/06/12 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by JerzeyReign
I thought the survey was user created and had nothing to do with what the devs were adding to the game?
That's what I assumed as well.
I don't believe this survey is from the developers.
# 55 DaveDQ @ 06/06/12 10:37 AM
The survey isn't from the devs. Supposedly they said they would look at it and use it as a reference.

I'm somewhat concerned that we may not see a Fight Night next year. 2013 would be the time for its next showing with 2012 being the off year, but nothing of it was mentioned at E3, making me wonder if EA is letting it rest for now.

With all that troubles FNC, it does have potential if they could continue to improve on the game's physics system and make things less canned in the animation dept. and more fluid.
# 56 Money99 @ 06/06/12 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
The survey isn't from the devs. Supposedly they said they would look at it and use it as a reference.

I'm somewhat concerned that we may not see a Fight Night next year. 2013 would be the time for its next showing with 2012 being the off year, but nothing of it was mentioned at E3, making me wonder if EA is letting it rest for now.

With all that troubles FNC, it does have potential if they could continue to improve on the game's physics system and make things less canned in the animation dept. and more fluid.
I agree. With the UFC licence going to EA something tells me all their eggs will go in that basket for a new UFC game next season.

From what I've seen FNC didn't sell nearly as well as FNRd4 so who knows if EA feels there's any real value to boxing.
I hope we see FNC2 next year. But really, if the career mode is still paper thin, I'm not sure I'll even care.
Unlike team sports games, the career mode in boxing is the most important aspect IMO.
Unfortunately, I don't feel very confident that the developers would agree.
You can't make a lot of money via micro-transactions in an offline career mode.
Just look at the NHL series. The developers all but admitted that they neglected AI and gameplay the last 3 seasons. And what did they do during that time? HUT, EASHL; Two modes that make a tonne of cash through micro-transactions.
# 57 MattyEdgeworth @ 06/07/12 07:36 AM
I gave them a pretty throrough survey hopefully if enough people do it we can make a difference.
# 58 DaveDQ @ 06/07/12 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
I agree. With the UFC licence going to EA something tells me all their eggs will go in that basket for a new UFC game next season.

From what I've seen FNC didn't sell nearly as well as FNRd4 so who knows if EA feels there's any real value to boxing.
I hope we see FNC2 next year. But really, if the career mode is still paper thin, I'm not sure I'll even care.
Unlike team sports games, the career mode in boxing is the most important aspect IMO.
Unfortunately, I don't feel very confident that the developers would agree.
You can't make a lot of money via micro-transactions in an offline career mode.
Just look at the NHL series. The developers all but admitted that they neglected AI and gameplay the last 3 seasons. And what did they do during that time? HUT, EASHL; Two modes that make a tonne of cash through micro-transactions.
Good points on the career mode. What else can they do with a one on one game? They tried with the XP system this go around, and they tried to get people interested with the Champion mode, but ti didn't work. There isn't much at all they can do to incorporate micro-transactions.

The only thing I think would help in getting people to do a second take would be to get Mayweather Jr. on the cover and in the game. That would sell copies, but you could get by with that in maybe 1 version or 2. This is where I think they decided to go after the UFC and put their efforts there. Paying Mayweather JR. isn't as beneficial to them as having the UFC.
# 59 SHAKYR @ 06/12/12 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
The survey isn't from the devs. Supposedly they said they would look at it and use it as a reference.

I'm somewhat concerned that we may not see a Fight Night next year. 2013 would be the time for its next showing with 2012 being the off year, but nothing of it was mentioned at E3, making me wonder if EA is letting it rest for now.

With all that troubles FNC, it does have potential if they could continue to improve on the game's physics system and make things less canned in the animation dept. and more fluid.
Trust me they have been monitoring the survey. I was even asked how the survey was going awhile go. I gave the producers the password so they could monitor it themselves instead of me keep posting the survey stats to them.

Someone from EA told that Fight Night is still in their portfolio and isn't going anywhere, whatever that means...I don't know at the moment.

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