Fight Night Champion News Post

Want to see some changes in the next Fight Night boxing game from EA Sports? If you want your voice to be heard, fill out this Fight Night survey. The responses will be submitted to the Fight Night Producers and Development Team, along with the Fight Night Wishlist and other feedback materials.

Submit your survey now, don't pass up this opportunity to help the team show what is important. It's all in the details. Get it done.

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 chivs890 @ 07/22/11 05:29 PM
Went hard on the extra info on that survey. The one chance we may actually be able to influence the developers to making the game they should.
# 2 SHAKYR @ 07/22/11 06:51 PM
I want Boxer and trainer chemistry. I also want avariety of judges and referee with traits.
Creating trainers and giving them abilities would take offline modes to another level. It would also be great to share them online
# 3 threattonature @ 07/22/11 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
I want Boxer and trainer chemistry. I also want avariety of judges and referee with traits.
Creating trainers and giving them abilities would take offline modes to another level. It would also be great to share them online
I want there to be more options in general about all that goes into the fight. I want a diverse list of trainers all with different strengths and weaknesses. I want different cornermen and cutmen in the corners that all cost money to secure. Hell I want a promoter that depending on the size of them or their scope take a differenct percentage of the cut. I want to make it so that you truly have to scout opponents for strengths and weaknesses and for it to not be such an easy game to dominate.
# 4 SHAKYR @ 07/22/11 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by threattonature
I want there to be more options in general about all that goes into the fight. I want a diverse list of trainers all with different strengths and weaknesses. I want different cornermen and cutmen in the corners that all cost money to secure. Hell I want a promoter that depending on the size of them or their scope take a differenct percentage of the cut. I want to make it so that you truly have to scout opponents for strengths and weaknesses and for it to not be such an easy game to dominate.
I like how you think. We both want depth added to the game. I want my offline experience to be deep like a text-sim.
# 5 Control-X @ 07/23/11 12:24 AM
I think EA should bring back the women's boxing also for the next installment. I wonder why they took that out in the first place.
# 6 SHAKYR @ 07/23/11 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Control-X
I think EA should bring back the women's boxing also for the next installment. I wonder why they took that out in the first place.
I question decisions like this too. True boxing fans want it all if it partians to boxing
# 7 jjsmitty34 @ 07/23/11 02:14 AM
Honestly, if they need to ask - then they are kinda far off..
# 8 jjsmitty34 @ 07/23/11 02:16 AM
It's pretty easy, copy Ippo's: Victorious Road for their career mode.. We need diet training and the such.. Tell then they are just missing the punch..
# 9 SHAKYR @ 07/23/11 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
i'd rather them get the men's side down before working on women's. I'm a huge boxing fan and i can't name you 3 women's boxers. Women boxers aren't going to sell any more copies of this game and itd be a feature that is very rarely used so why bother wasting time and resources on something like this?
I understand what you are saying about getting men side together first, but I think the Champion Mode kept the game from being a great overall game.
There are plenty women boxers out there they can use. Women boxing is going to be a part of the olympics next year.
Knockout Kings 2001 had women boxers and Laila Ali, Ann Wolfe, and Lucia Rijker. George Foreman and Joe Frazier had daughters who boxed.
# 10 bigeastbumrush @ 07/23/11 01:11 PM
I want the cutman mini-game in between rounds back.
# 11 NYG_Meth @ 07/23/11 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
I want the cutman mini-game in between rounds back.
Yuck. Just sayin...
# 12 Money99 @ 07/23/11 05:12 PM
I'm dying for a deep career mode. No more cinematic junk. Just give me a deep and robust Legacy Mode.
And with that, I don't want to see more attribute grinding. It's been said 1000x already but fighters like Tyson, Ali, Floyd, etc started off with very impressive skills.
They didn't start at 50 speed, or 62 power and build it up. They had those skills to start with.

As you move up the ladder the CPU needs to have more skills and more smarts.

I'm done talking about this though. It'll never happen. But I thought I'd bring it up one more time in case someone wanted to make a realistic career mode in a boxing game.
# 13 DaveDQ @ 07/23/11 05:25 PM
I keep seeing great suggestions and keep thinking, "But they had that opportunity with FNC." It all comes down to the philosophy of the developers and the pressure of EA Corporate. At one point we thought because the game was an "every two year" release, we thought we'd see a little more polish. That simply didn't happen.

This game sold for $60.00 and freezes like it's EA first attempt at putting a game on a next-gen console, and two patches later...it still freezes. So now we have another year of wishlists and hopes for the Fight Night franchise, but game as it is now can't even function properly. I won't even get into the mystery of why cuts and swelling, one of the talkig points of FNC, is gone.

But they had their chance. Yet, they went in another direction. They took their time and resources and focused on Champion mode.
# 14 evilc08 @ 07/23/11 05:27 PM
The Smackdown vs Raw 2011 universe mode as a guide. Give us the ability to set champions outside of legacy. Then setup fights based on how we play. Titles can change hands and maybe cards set based on previous ones, but we can edit them at anytime.

Perhaps give the option to carry over damage from a bad fight. Yet also have the abiltiy to clear one fighter's stats/injuries at a time or start fresh with a reset all. Keep track of records too. Maybe leave out age progression or give that as an option also.

This mode would work great for boxing. It would be quicker than legacy and the abiltiy to control it could be amazing. Would give fight now a whole new feel.

Included this in my survey. Please feel free to pass on the same suggestion if you like it and haven't done one yet.
# 15 SHAKYR @ 07/23/11 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
I want the cutman mini-game in between rounds back.
It wasn't a huge favorite amongst hardcore fans and the producers( even though they added for the something new that year). I personally hated it.

Originally Posted by NYG_Meth
Yuck. Just sayin...
I agree and the producers told me it wasn't a fan favorite. Fans want to fight and not waste time between rounds being a cutman.
# 16 scottyo60 @ 07/24/11 06:48 PM
I agree with most here. Would love to see more current rosters. While I love the old fighters, I think to casual boxing fans who pick this game up, it would be beneficial to have new fighters. For instance Zab Judah is a great example. I had an idea who he was, but after I bought the game I started actually looking into his fights. Even if the new fighters are not huge names (which should be more beneficial budget wise) They need to be included.

@evil your SVR 2011 sounds pretty cool. My biggest gripes with legacy, like most, is established fighters having to work their way up, no real substance, and some glitches here and there.

Also the creation of arcade mode and sim mode need to be at the top priority. I can't stand how up and down this game has been with patches and tuners bringing the game back to which ever side they ticked off before.
# 17 bigeastbumrush @ 07/25/11 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
It wasn't a huge favorite amongst hardcore fans and the producers( even though they added for the something new that year). I personally hated it.

I agree and the producers told me it wasn't a fan favorite. Fans want to fight and not waste time between rounds being a cutman.
I didn't buy this year's game.

But in the previous year's title, you could hardly even see cuts on your boxer's face in-between rounds. It was bogus to me.

I don't get it...but whatever.

What do you see when you watch a boxing match in between rounds?
# 18 SHAKYR @ 07/25/11 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
I didn't buy this year's game.

But in the previous year's title, you could hardly even see cuts on your boxer's face in-between rounds. It was bogus to me.

I don't get it...but whatever.

What do you see when you watch a boxing match in between rounds?
Fight Night Champion everything is automatic.
This is how it should be setup.....
Between rounds: trainer gives instructions, trainer/cutman works on cuts, replays of previous rounds, ring card girl.
I didn't buy the game, I played my brother's copy. The game seemed unpolished and lacked realism if you compared it to what the Sports fans standards are after seeing what games like NBA 2K11 and the Show have brought to the table.
# 19 anthill191 @ 04/05/12 12:53 AM
The most important thing for me is gameplay, it has to be just like real live boxing and the boxers should have their own styles just like real live even their own stance. About gameplay: A boxer should be able to hold out the jab for as long as the jab button is hold, like ali when he put the jab in their face, the parry should be taken off it disrupts a good exchange and it's really annoying, the haymaker and the ko punch should be the same and thrown fast just like in fight night round 2. Also some boxers don't speak english so for the boxers who don't speak english they should have trainers speaking their language. Also the referee should be able to separate boxers. Anything that is done in real boxing and a boxer does should be put.
# 20 JerzeyReign @ 04/05/12 07:56 AM
Even though this post was bitten by Bumpasaurus Tex -- Shakyr, do you still EA's ear regarding Fight Night? I want to fall in love with this game but I just can't... so frustrating.

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