Christian McLeod finishes off his NCAA Football 12 coverage with a review of the game. Hit the link below to read his final thoughts and get his score for the title.
The best part about NCAA 12 is that it has forced me to completely relearn how to play the series. Having played the series for so many years, it's sort of dawned on me recently that I had learned more about how to cheat the CPU AI yearly than actually play smart football. NCAA 12 rewards those who set up their plays, follow their blockers, and make the right pre snap reads. This is the most fun I have had with this series in years, and I can’t believe how much I had been missing smart football gameplay.
love the article but im givin it a 9.0..i am a loyal ncaa football/madden gamer and ive been purchasing college football games every year since the 1st bill walsh college football (classic)..with ncaa 12 being as good as it is, im super excited about madden..
yea overall in my book it's a 9 but I can see taking off .5 off for the little hiccups. Besides, giving it a 9 would cause a bunch of people to pull out the pitchforks and torches over their issues and derail any substantive discussion.
It appears uniforms DON'T DEGRADE!! I played several games in natural turf ran the ball like crazy and the white jerseys were perfectly clean. PLEASE PATCH EA ASAP!!
I really could not agree more. The review is spot on. Finally I am playing a console football game that is forcing me to read the defense, spy on the mobile QB, make adjustments with my coaching strategy (aggressive, conservative, balanced) and really making me play smart football.
The new tackling is fantastic compared to EA football titles in the past on this generation of consoles.
The only thing really keeping this game from getting to the level of titles like The Show and NBA 2K11 is the presentation.
Is it just me, or EA but when i'm playing on grass only the home teams dark colored uniforms get dirty. I observed the visitors uniforms who were wearing all white uniforms and they didn't have a smidge of dirt on them at the end of the game. I then played another game alternating a dark top with white bottoms and once again no dirt at all on the white pants. I remember last year EA had a patch to fix the dirt, do you know if there going in that direction again this year? By the way I enjoyed this read immensely although I have PS3.
It appears uniforms DON'T DEGRADE!! I played several games in natural turf ran the ball like crazy and the white jerseys were perfectly clean. PLEASE PATCH EA ASAP!!
Really? Hmm...I played a game on natural grass and the unis looked pretty browned up.
I give it a solid 8. I think the presentation is still pretty bad and I'm into audio. Big plays need to feel bigger, the crowd needs more excitement. Hits need more umph...
Audio = bad. But the rest of the game is solid.
The gameplay of Road to Glory needs some work. Camera angles are bad on defense. Camera switching on deep pass plays = broken.
I honestly don't expect a lot. All I expect is realistic outcomes of situations. Why is that like asking the producers of the game if they want a root canal? I feel like people would have an easier time trying to talk a 4-star recruit into attending Eastern Michigan.
Once you implement RTP into a game, see: FIFA 12, realistic outcomes of situations happen and a lot of the problems with the gameplay are solved. Will FIFA 12 be perfect? No, but it will be nice to see realistic goals and outcomes that wait for it... happen in real life. That's all I expect, realistic outcomes.
I will give you an example of what I am talking about...
In this play, Stanford has 9 guys in the box. NINE, to stop the run. and the motion of the left receiver puts 10 guys in the box (!!!!). But that DOES NOT MATTER because the defense could not anticipate the direction of the run and the zone-read forced them to hesitate, which opened up a hole. This does not happen in the game because the players do not move realistically. If this situation was presented in the game, someone would be warping around and ice skating and magically appear in the backfield unblocked because the zone read takes too long or the defensive play is WAY TOO FAST or just because they knew I was running and still ran it, even though the CPU did not know the direction.
I really could not agree more. The review is spot on. Finally I am playing a console football game that is forcing me to read the defense, spy on the mobile QB, make adjustments with my coaching strategy (aggressive, conservative, balanced) and really making me play smart football.
The new tackling is fantastic compared to EA football titles in the past on this generation of consoles.
The only thing really keeping this game from getting to the level of titles like The Show and NBA 2K11 is the presentation.
The game is a solid 8 but a long ways from MLB the show and NBA 2k11. Needs much better presentation, smoother animations, player movement is unnatural. Better AI as opposed to bugs/glitches and just dumb player outcomes to even out the playing field.
It's getting there but EA is only capable of putting out a really good product as they can profit with that as opposed to a masterpiece as the show and NBA 2k11.
I agree totally. The game has flaws and the NCAA team is one of the best in responding with fixes so I can see the OD wait issues getting rectified as well as the ussue with visuals.
Perhaps this is all true for the Xbox version, but the PS3 version has loads of framerate issues and other glitches. Unfortunately I opted for the PS3 version.
they need to add the CPU VS CPU broadcast camera view in a patch asap! that woud put the game over the top . and will beef up the presentation. REAL FOOTBALL CMON! EA DO THE PATCH FOR US ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't had a chance to read the review yet but I do have one comment I'd like to say to everyone who says the infamous "this game plays like NCAA 11.5......":
That's right, I said it! It is such a massive change overall it's as if I skipped ahead a year and got a game that is 2 years removed from NCAA 11! Just my opinion of course but then, I'm usually right