Madden 12 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 JayD @ 06/16/11 10:06 PM
Nice to see some PS3 play
# 2 sportzbro @ 06/16/11 10:16 PM
I love that pausing the video results in ANOTHER commercial when I hit play again.
# 3 PSRusse83 @ 06/16/11 10:20 PM
Yeah I hate that about the vids. Cant let it load. What I love about this video is that first kick return. Thats the first time running has looked right to me.
# 4 adub88 @ 06/16/11 10:31 PM
This is the best vid I've seen yet and it doesn't hurt that it's a PS3 vid.
# 5 PSRusse83 @ 06/16/11 10:39 PM
Ive heard that it looks noticeably better on 360. I think thats disappointing because it seems the 360 generally has better graphics even if just slightly.
# 6 Chiefsfan881129 @ 06/16/11 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23
Did you see the popping out of the environment on the stadium flyby, just before the cut to inside the stadium?

And the pop in of the players on the sideline just before the player introductions?

Hope this is fixed for you PS3ers before ship. I didn't see this on the 360 version.

i am a PS3 Users and while it might be an eariler build i must say

yes i agree i really hope this is fixed or if not i hope it gets fixed

i don't know who to send a tweet to for this stuff so could u or someone else send a tweet to ea to ensure it gets fixed thanks man
# 7 Bumble14 @ 06/16/11 11:03 PM
Confirmed that it is an early build guys, relax.

Lots of small pop ups and bugs in the intro. Many have already been fixed.
# 8 Mike Smoove @ 06/16/11 11:09 PM
Looks better on 360 because its developed on the 360 then ported to the PS3, just like most cross platform games.
# 9 Bumble14 @ 06/16/11 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
Confirmed that it is an early build guys, relax.

Lots of small pop ups and bugs in the intro. Many have already been fixed.
Don't look at me, I was using the Chiefs :-D
# 10 at23steelers @ 06/16/11 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
Don't look at me, I was using the Chiefs :-D
Nice job with that scramble on that last drive!!! Looks like in this video you can finally take down QB's who try to move back and throw it 50 yards!!!
# 11 Bumble14 @ 06/16/11 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by at23steelers
Nice job with that scramble on that last drive!!! Looks like in this video you can finally take down QB's who try to move back and throw it 50 yards!!!
Haha, I was playing NCAA all day and completely forgot how to throw the ball away in Madden.

Line interaction in general has received a huge facelift and the lack of warping makes 25 yard drop backs pretty difficult. If you get outside the pocket good luck, unless you're playing with Vick you will have issues.
# 12 khaliib @ 06/16/11 11:50 PM
I hope that this reply somehow gets back to the Dev's.

You must, I mean must, Tune the Arc of deep throws because from every video of those passes, the ball is swatted/int as though it's being thrown from a trajectory of 10 yards away.

There seems to be a constant underthrow on these type of passes also.

The ball seems to drop perfectly into the Def-Player's swat/int animation instead of the Off-Player.

***Get rid of that Jump INT by defenders while they are Chasing the Off-Player.
It is impossible to INT a ball when you're trying to close ground 1st and foremost.

Just take the coding that has Def-Players reacting so Aggressive to the ball in the air and switch it to the Off-Player's so that they will not wait for the ball to fall into their hands.

Please code so that the ball is thrown to an Area instead of the player.
It will help in allowing players to run under the ball more often than what the game currently allows.

The game is looking great, but it's always the little issues that overshadow many of the good things the game has.
# 13 sniperhare @ 06/16/11 11:55 PM
I know they don't have the player tendencies right if Reggie Nelson is making a tackle.

Oh and "He's fast. He's very fast. Hooray! Hooray!"
# 14 PacMan3000 @ 06/17/11 12:22 AM
When we say pop up, are we talking about when a player will be there one minute, and will have disappeared like a ghost the next? If so, then yeah, that bothered me.

But there's a couple of things I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing. The QB scene of him running out to start the game and huddling up with his teammates. And some of the really nice post-touchdown presentation elements they've added.
# 15 Tengo Juego @ 06/17/11 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
Haha, I was playing NCAA all day and completely forgot how to throw the ball away in Madden.

Line interaction in general has received a huge facelift and the lack of warping makes 25 yard drop backs pretty difficult. If you get outside the pocket good luck, unless you're playing with Vick you will have issues.
Who was the guy trash talking the guy playing as Cinci?
# 16 ChaseB @ 06/17/11 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Tengo Juego
Who was the guy trash talking the guy playing as Cinci?
That would be me. I played the role of shoddy cameraman.
# 17 PSRusse83 @ 06/17/11 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by sniperhare
I know they don't have the player tendencies right if Reggie Nelson is making a tackle.

Oh and "He's fast. He's very fast. Hooray! Hooray!"
LOL at Reggie Nelson. I was at JMS for that Titans game where he put on a let receivers run right by you clinic.
# 18 cha0ss0ldier @ 06/17/11 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by PSRusse83
LOL at Reggie Nelson. I was at JMS for that Titans game where he put on a let receivers run right by you clinic.
Yeah Nelson is such a joke. Can't tackle and blows more coverage assignments than anyone I've ever seen. He can't grasp the basics of an NFL defense.

# 19 Jonsco28 @ 06/17/11 10:20 AM
I love the way the game is looking, especially the progressive lighting (finally!). Those camera flashes need to go, though. That's just ridiculous.
# 20 The JareBear @ 06/17/11 11:45 AM
Couple things bout this video. As a PS3 user and loyalist I always nitpick every PS3 video of these games I can find and gotta say, it seems like, even with less than stellar camera quality, you can compare this one to some of the 360 vids and notice a difference in graphical quality. Its not huge, and the PS3 version definitely isn't ugly, but there is definitely a little something missing as far as crispness and details on the PS3 side. Hopefully they candy coated it a bit more before release time

On the plus side, I like how a number of times in these videos the guy who just scrambles out can't move the ball. I think that is a great change to gameplay mechanics.

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