Madden 12 News Post
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 21
TennesseeVols16 @ 06/17/11 05:30 PM
I'm lovin all the gameplay vids and how well it looks so far, but I also notice a slight graphical difference in the PS3 and 360 versions, and like someone said before, they make it for the 360 then port it to the PS3, why can't they make it on each console instead of always porting it to the PS3? Wouldn't that resolve most of the PS3s issues and have it on the same level graphically as the 360?
2 problems right off the bat in the video. On the first snap from scrimmage, Andrew Whitworth, widely considered one of the best LTs in the leauge just gets blown by, like schooled like there is no tomorrow. That was not realistic what so ever. He allowed 3 sacks the whole year last year. And on the first play of the game in madden he gets just blown up. That animation is not representative of ANY left tackle in the NFL, let alone Whitworth.
Secondly, Carson Palmer ran WAY too fast in that video. He is by and by a pocket passer and should not have the mobility that was displayed in that video.
Secondly, Carson Palmer ran WAY too fast in that video. He is by and by a pocket passer and should not have the mobility that was displayed in that video.
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