NCAA Football 12 News Post

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Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 161 chrispepper @ 06/15/11 07:14 AM
not sure if this has been posted.. but will you recieve recruiting offers throughout the year? or will you just get offered scholarships after the high school season is complete?
# 162 UCOBronchos @ 06/15/11 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by chrispepper
not sure if this has been posted.. but will you recieve recruiting offers throughout the year? or will you just get offered scholarships after the high school season is complete?
Designer Alex Howell:*
"Once you initially start up RTG, you get to choose three teams from the start to add to your college choices board. After every game, you will have the option to choose between three different school to add to your college choices board. At the beginning of the season, you'll be recruited by smaller schools based on the location of your high school. As you gain more recruiting points and become a high star leveled athlete, you will start to get more schools from across the nation making offers to you."
# 163 maddenforeva @ 06/16/11 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by illwill10
no. someone on TGT said there isnt any new positions or being Kr/PR
Alex said on the Chat that you will be able to return kicks if your WR is designated. You can't choose to be a kr/pr, but if you play WR, you can be assigned that designation.
# 164 maddenforeva @ 06/16/11 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by mz1290
Wow thats disappointing. And aggravating. But i'll work with it haha.
Alex said on the chat that there is returning kicks/punts, but you can't CHOOSE to be a KR/PR. You have to be a WR, and depending on your attributes and accomplishments, you might become the designated KR/PR for your team
# 165 BuffaloBull7 @ 06/16/11 11:03 PM
Playing both side of the ball.. YES!!! this is a great decision! I'm hype for RTG this year. I think I might have to start a RTG and a dynasty mode this year!! Both features look great!!!
# 166 fghkjh @ 07/28/11 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by DJACK
One thing i noticed was that when it was showing the skill packs, one of them upgraded throw power, throw accuracy, and release. Now i know last year release meant the ability to beat jams, but maybe this year the QB's have a release rating? Maybe just wishful thinking.

And for the pack description it says: Show the defense what level you are on with this release, throw accurary, and throw power boost

So you would think it would be for quarterbacks given that
I was just looking that up...from what I saw it is still about how a receiver gets off the line. All the top QB's have low ratings in release and receivers have higher rating, even bad receivers. I think it was just an odd mistake they made.

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