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# 41
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:04 PM
Yeh things like this how EA limits us when I'm sure it would be easy customize the quarter lengths, and although I don't play on broadcast cam the fact that they locked that makes no sense. I mean look at all the options Madden has this year? They already have custom quarter lengths in SS and they let you return kicks. Super disappointed right now when this mode has so much potential why limit the gameplay?
You can start over Tom Brady when you get drafted. It doesnt matter if you are a 60 OVr QB
# 43
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:15 PM
See when I play SS I always transfer my RTG player so I am already high overall for a Rookie.
I can understand the XP exploit with custom quarter lengths for a RB or QB maybe. But for positions like WR, DB, and LB it will make gameplay funner. I hate getting 1-5 tackles a game as a DB or LB
# 46
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:25 PM
Oh I got what you are saying now, I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying we couldn't build up a 60 OVR to be like Tom Brady but I understand what you are saying now lol. Yeh in that case I don't like that we don't earn our starting positions but it is a fact that with the custom quarter lengths in Madden I was playing it more than NCAA's RTG. Now this year might be different but I know for a fact if NCAA had custom quarter lengths I would play it more than any mode. Yes even more than dynasty.
# 48
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:31 PM
Yeh I just hope Alex sees what we are talking about. I mean it seems like you and I are one of the few hardcore RTG fans and we both want custom quarter lengths VERY BADLY.
But, This is a great first year for Alex. He put down a great base just like CC for Dynasty. I cant until I can become captain so I can call some plays.
I will definitely play 10 game season so I can get good stats.
I will create a thread for RTG called "RTG: Your Path to Glory " tomorrow or weds after the Q&A comes out
# 50
goalieump413 @ 06/13/11 05:41 PM
Hey, I'm a hardcore believer too!
This info was a little more than I expected (which wasn't anything). Two things that stand out:
Also, and this is a big issue for me:
Have we heard anything whether your RTG player, once graduated, imports properly (with skill points earned and abilities demonstrated) into Madden? I recall that Madden will once again allow importing from RTG players, but with skills in hand, or just generic OVR 60 ratings?
This info was a little more than I expected (which wasn't anything). Two things that stand out:
- It was mentioned that you can import TB teams as opponents. Not as your own team? The one you play for? Why not?
- Not being able to forward the HS roster players on to college also irks me. Again, why not? I don't see any real reason this was taken off the "to do" list.
Also, and this is a big issue for me:
Have we heard anything whether your RTG player, once graduated, imports properly (with skill points earned and abilities demonstrated) into Madden? I recall that Madden will once again allow importing from RTG players, but with skills in hand, or just generic OVR 60 ratings?
It seems like without custom quarter lengths, it will be very difficult to have a high defensive rating. Although I never played defense in the past so I don't know how difficult it was to get rated as a four- or five-star recruit. If it was still reasonable in the past then I suppose nothing will change.
# 52
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:43 PM
Oh definately, I don't want to take away anything he has done because this is probably the most improved mode in a video game since maybe RTTS a few years back. But to be close to the same level as the best Be a Player mode is a GREAT start!
# 53
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:45 PM
My bad goalie, won't leave you out again lol.
As for #1 you have the ability to do both your team and your opponents for TB.
But with the ability to play 7-12 games, I dont think it will be hard to get a high rating.
I asked someone on TGT and they said yeah.
"The answer is mostly yes. As I said earlier in this thread, you can import your logo, school colors, uniform, stadium, and field to Road to Glory from Teambuilder. This is true for the team you play on as well as the teams you decide to play against in high school"
They also said that ALex said Playcalling is fixed.
# 56
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:50 PM
Yeh I never had a big problem with the rating but it was hard to get realistic stats especially as a safety. I would get maybe 3 or 4 tackles at the most.
# 57
sparkdawg777 @ 06/13/11 05:52 PM
That's a +1 too. A big problem I saw in RTG is that plays were never flipped so as a RB you would just have to deal with a strong set to the weak side of the field. Hopefully that was one of the things addressed.
I might play those positions as a secondary position in HS
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