Madden 12 News Post

Check out the latest screenshot for Madden NFL 12, as Dez Bryant and the Dallas Cowboys battle the Washington Redskins. Brought to you by Michael Young, Madden NFL Art Director.

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Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 MrSkagTrendy @ 05/27/11 10:11 AM
The obvious thing to note is the throwbacks and the grass, but could this mean the refs are on the field now too, throwing flags etc?
# 2 mm boost @ 05/27/11 10:17 AM
wow, they finally got the dallas socks right! looks beautiful!!! Also, I love the new cleats!
# 3 chen_sc @ 05/27/11 10:21 AM
wow!! it looks beautiful!!
# 4 Manslaughterin9 @ 05/27/11 10:25 AM
looks like dirty 30 missed another tackle!!! sad thing is im a huge skins fan
and judging by the grass stains on Dez, this isn't the first play of the game, unlike last years monday night football game against the eagels. also the player shapes look more real. dhall looked stocky and husky last year. and laron landry finally looks stocky and husky..the guy has propane tanks for arms.
# 5 roadman @ 05/27/11 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Thinking Out Loud
The individual unique run styles of each player in the pic. The CD guys in that round table were saying they asked them about this during an instant replay down at Tiburon and they didn't notice it until the developers pointed it out because it looked so natural.
Bingo, good call!!
# 6 suthrnthug @ 05/27/11 11:32 AM
I have two questions. One, is that the correct throwback uniform for the Redskins? I thought they had a spear decal on the side of the helmet? Two, when are going to see some screenshots of the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers!?!
It's nice to see the uniforms get dirty this year. I'm impressed with Madden 12 so far. Can't wait to how the gameplay handles!
# 7 Spanky @ 05/27/11 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by suthrnthug
I have two questions. One, is that the correct throwback uniform for the Redskins? I thought they had a spear decal on the side of the helmet? Two, when are going to see some screenshots of the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers!?!
It's nice to see the uniforms get dirty this year. I'm impressed with Madden 12 so far. Can't wait to how the gameplay handles!
The Redskins have multiple throwbacks. One with a solid red helmet, one with a spear, and a yellow helmet with an R, which is my personal favorite. They had them all in there in Madden 10 (not sure about 11). Hopefully they didn't take any throwbacks out. I hate when that happens.
# 8 King Gro23 @ 05/27/11 12:04 PM
I hope he can run fast after that gruesome leg injury last year
# 9 coogrfan @ 05/27/11 12:06 PM
I'm not a fan of the 90's Double Star jerseys, but other than that this game is looking niiiiiiiiiiiice.
# 10 SageInfinite @ 05/27/11 12:19 PM
Very Nice screen shot
# 11 Brandwin @ 05/27/11 12:29 PM
Nice screen. I love those Cowboys uni's.
# 12 RedZoneD25 @ 05/27/11 12:39 PM
Love those Dallas uniforms. Ew, what a gross thing to say for me.
# 13 kc10785 @ 05/27/11 01:22 PM
I approved always when I see a cowboys player scoring on the redskins
# 14 UMhester04 @ 05/27/11 01:33 PM
Anyone ever notice that the ankles in previous games looked like those of a 70 lb kid? They are now fixed thank god..much easier on the eyes.
# 15 spfhelmiii @ 05/27/11 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by coogrfan
I'm not a fan of the 90's Double Star jerseys, but other than that this game is looking niiiiiiiiiiiice.
I LOVE them... as a 49ers fan, it reminds me of when we beat them in the NFC Championship game and then went on to win our 5th Super Bowl.
# 16 mm boost @ 05/27/11 01:53 PM
I wished Dallas made this their permanent home uniforms. Their current uniforms are fugly. I hate watching them on Sunday, and seeing the bright blue numbers on the jerseys, and the pants are like blue and gray had relations and that color popped out. And then the stripes on them are darker blue than the jersey. Hate them!!! I love these jerseys in this picture.
# 17 mm boost @ 05/27/11 02:02 PM

Igor looks freaking jacked, I love it!!!!!!! In Madden 11, he looked like a fragile linebacker. I am glad that they heard my complaints. This was something I complained about a lot last year. Igor is a walking tank in real life, and I am glad they gave him some attention.
# 18 JDoze @ 05/27/11 02:03 PM
I'm not one to complain about the little things that don't matter, but now it seems they are getting the big stuff right, they can move on to those little things.

Something I've never liked is the sideline players. They are basically chuck-e-cheese robots that move back and forth. I think for big plays like this one, have the sideline jumping/running down the field with their player would really add something to the game. On the other hand, maybe have the other sideline put their heads down, walk to the bench, maybe even throw a helmet down.

I'm not a Pats fan, but wouldn't it be nice to see Tom Brady pumping up his offense on the sideline after the D just gave up a score?? Just a thought...
# 19 2krunk4u @ 05/27/11 02:20 PM
Falcons in their red helmet, black top throwbacks please
# 20 xITSxDAWKINSx @ 05/27/11 03:39 PM
i wish the refs would throw flags. i remember in madden 98 the refs started to throw flags and now its madden 2012 and we still dont have the refs throwing flags. come on ea.

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