Check out the latest screenshot for Madden NFL 12, as Dez Bryant and the Dallas Cowboys battle the Washington Redskins. Brought to you by Michael Young, Madden NFL Art Director.
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The individual unique run styles of each defender in the pic. The CD guys in that round table were saying they asked them about this during an instant replay down at Tiburon and they didn't notice it until the developers pointed it out because it looked so natural.
i've never seen anyone running at full speed hunched over like that, and in this pic its my only real bit of criticism...although not really related to the aesthetic goodness the art team always delivers.
great looking graphics as always, but the hunchback running is still a major eyesore for me (unless all 3 players are still accelerating than its fine, im referring to the full sprint).
Love the pic and also how Madden 12 is looking this year.
But I will point out one minor thing that caught my eye. I am not a stickler for graphics to be amazing, but it stuck out to me how the refs feet are disappearing in the grass. That is some tall grass lol
Love the pic and also how Madden 12 is looking this year.
But I will point out one minor thing that caught my eye. I am not a stickler for graphics to be amazing, but it stuck out to me how the refs feet are disappearing in the grass. That is some tall grass lol
Well it could be just the angle of the Camera that might be making you think the refs feet is sinking into the ground. I could be wrong tho. But to me it just might be the Camera angle more then anything. But who knows.
there's no denying that the game is looking sexy. now will it look this good when i'm playing it ...that is the question. i know 11 didn't look like the screenshots. maybe when you zoomed in on one guy it did.
That is a cool pic of Igor chasing Vick (good luck). I remember seeing him up close at Chargers practice and he sure did look like the biggest of the bunch. Wish Madden made an attempt to get tats on these guys. Igor doesn't have bare skin like so many other NFL players these days.
Well it could be just the angle of the Camera that might be making you think the refs feet is sinking into the ground. I could be wrong tho. But to me it just might be the Camera angle more then anything. But who knows.
Quick-sand sidelines are probably a condition of the new CBA.
If there is a season , this is typically what you will see from Dez Bryant every week pants sagging or not !
Especially against the skins .
All I see is a guy who was returning a punt, turned the wrong way, but didn't realize the defenders were so fast and now he is losing more and more yards on the return trying to create something that was just not there.
I wonder if they can add in cutscenes on a breakaway run to show sideline players running down the field with them. Only on breakaway runs or maybe add it to the replay in the background to make it more special.
Looks like they still haven't fixed players proportions. The Redskin guy has enormous arms and I'm sure players like Jay Ratliff will have puny WR arms again.