Patrick Bellanca, Assistant Designer for Madden NFL 12, has released a blog detailing the changes in Superstar Mode.
"The instant you get into Superstar mode, you’ll notice the entire interface has been redesigned to match the visual style of the rest of the game. The main hub has the same menu style as Franchise mode and Online and should already feel familiar. From the hub, you can always see your superstar, dressed however you set him up, as well as his key stats and attributes. From here you can navigate to the depth chart and monitor your progress toward the starting job. You can still choose to play as an NFL rookie from the 2011 NFL Draft, or import your NCAA Football Road to Glory player. I’ve always preferred to create myself to live out those football dreams. Every year we add new equipment to the player creation process and this year is no different. Quarterbacks look more realistic that ever this year because we’ve added flak jackets and back plates which are available to you. The side by side before and after comparison photo of Eli Manning is stunning, which I think Mike Young published in another blog on Presentation and Graphics."
Also new to the creation process are Player Traits. Traits are the behaviors and tendencies that set players apart beyond their physical or mental makeup. Will a player fight for that extra yard, or head out of bounds to protect the football? Will a player make the safe, wrap up tackle, or look to bring the lumber every chance he gets? "
In regular season and post season games, we have brand new offensive and defensive coordinator audio to your assignment is for the upcoming play. We recorded hundreds of lines for each position so that no matter what position you choose to play as, there’s somebody explaining what you have to do to succeed. Everything that you do well in games is also accumulating skill points to be spent later on ratings. "
If this turns out to be the Football version of 2k's My Player mode, I know I will be addicted to this.
Especially if you get good coordinator audio that gets me pumped up before every player. Hopefully they get rid of those stupid camera angles that made the mode hard to play before.
I haven't touched this since Madden 08 (first time I tried it). Looks like i'll be splitting time between this and the franchise mode, both sound like they've finally had a lot of work put into them
THIS IS GREAT NEWS!... I maybe able to complete more then one season with my player for the first time since 07 with out getting bored.
I didnt really play this mode since 08 09. I tried playing in 11. I didnt even get through one practice. I just said "f*** it" and went back to franchise.
I glad it is getting changes
I didnt really play this mode since 08 09. I tried playing in 11. I didnt even get through one practice. I just said "f*** it" and went back to franchise.
I glad it is getting changes
i imported my RTG player from NCAA and got through about 2 quarters before i turned it off last year. this year i don't know what i'm going to play first, which is my only gripe about what the dev team has done so far. thats a GREAT thing! this has the potential to surpass madden 05 for me and keep my interested well into m13.
i can honestly say, despite all the bugs/glitches that may exist (theres always a few) EA's effort this year has certainly earned my $65. i've been buying it used the last few years but after reading these blogs its a direct reflection of community feedback and i respect that a lot.
i imported my RTG player from NCAA and got through about 2 quarters before i turned it off last year. this year i don't know what i'm going to play first, which is my only gripe about what the dev team has done so far. thats a GREAT thing! this has the potential to surpass madden 05 for me and keep my interested well into m13.
I didnt even try to import RTG into Superstar. MOst of the time cam in with low ratings(especially QBs), and I hated coming in with a Linemen Head with a Kid body. HOpefully you are able to edit face. to
I always start off with RTG and get the players done with first. THen after the named rosters is out, I do a DYnasty or two, too get the draft classes. With Custom Playbooks, I will play a long Dynasty. If Coaching Carousel is in, I might not play MAdden until at least a few weeks after. I then will start a SS then a Franchise. I dont play online at all.
I will shuffle between modes to keep things fresh
I usually would get bored with this kind of stuff but this is actually interesting. I may have to budget some time for this aswell(againgst franchise), but all depending on how good RTG is bc I'd like to link both college and pro career to actually feel immersed, instead of creating a player on the spot.
I usually would get bored with this kind of stuff but this is actually interesting. I may have to budget some time for this aswell(againgst franchise), but all depending on how good RTG is bc I'd like to link both college and pro career to actually feel immersed, instead of creating a player on the spot.
Its scary that we agree on everything you just said.
Still looks like you get to be starter regardless. His player is a 67 OVR and he is in front of Freeman. My biggest gripe, aside from QB imports sucking or other players entering as 90+, is being handed the starting job right away.
Hopefully this is addressed, maybe we can flood twitter until they change it lol. If not, looks like I'll just join a camp with the Cards or whoever goes into this year without any QB depth.
Other then that, hopefully they bring back to close up shot. Last years camera sucked for QB and never made it past a year in it. But, everything else is looking good, just hopefully they've added a reason to play it longer then previous years. RTG is great because you have only 4 years to try to win a NC, but if Superstar just gives you the starting job and you are drafted by the Pat's... well that's just not fun!
Edit: Guess it looks like you start out at 60 regardless of created or RTG player. Hopefully each rating has scaled points. I'd hate to bring a scrambling RTG QB in that can either run fast but can't hit a barn, or throw OK but doesn't know how to even jog.
Still looks like you get to be starter regardless. His player is a 67 OVR and he is in front of Freeman. My biggest gripe, aside from QB imports sucking or other players entering as 90+, is being handed the starting job right away.
Hopefully this is addressed, maybe we can flood twitter until they change it lol. If not, looks like I'll just join a camp with the Cards or whoever goes into this year without any QB depth.
Other then that, hopefully they bring back to close up shot. Last years camera sucked for QB and never made it past a year in it. But, everything else is looking good, just hopefully they've added a reason to play it longer then previous years. RTG is great because you have only 4 years to try to win a NC, but if Superstar just gives you the starting job and you are drafted by the Pat's... well that's just not fun!
I REALLY hope that is fixed before the release. THat is one of the MOST BIGGEST gripes about SS. I thought it was fixed since the added Skill Points
That why I like RTG. You have to compete for the ST. Hopefully they made it longer.
It would be nice if RTG effected your player going into SS. Like if i was drafted number 1, it would be nice if i started of with more skill points or something then beign drafted number 199 or soemthing.
My SS will be RTG imports.
6'0 235lb Power RB
5'10 205 Speed RB
6'3 220 Balanced QB
6'2 210 Balanced WR
6'0 210 Cover CB and FS
6'2 220 Hard Hitting SS.
6'4 260 3-4 OLB and 4-3 Pass Rushing DE
My free time this summer will go to RTG,Dynasty, SS, and Franchise