Madden 12 News Post

Patrick Bellanca, Assistant Designer for Madden NFL 12, has released a blog detailing the changes in Superstar Mode.

"The instant you get into Superstar mode, you’ll notice the entire interface has been redesigned to match the visual style of the rest of the game. The main hub has the same menu style as Franchise mode and Online and should already feel familiar. From the hub, you can always see your superstar, dressed however you set him up, as well as his key stats and attributes. From here you can navigate to the depth chart and monitor your progress toward the starting job. You can still choose to play as an NFL rookie from the 2011 NFL Draft, or import your NCAA Football Road to Glory player. I’ve always preferred to create myself to live out those football dreams. Every year we add new equipment to the player creation process and this year is no different. Quarterbacks look more realistic that ever this year because we’ve added flak jackets and back plates which are available to you. The side by side before and after comparison photo of Eli Manning is stunning, which I think Mike Young published in another blog on Presentation and Graphics."

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 xITSxDAWKINSx @ 05/16/11 08:05 PM
i cant wait for ncaa and madden to drop. i really hope in madden this year that after u get drafted u can pick your number. if you want i number like 24 but the team that picks you has someone with that number. why does madden make you have number 48? why cant u pick your number after u get picked?
# 22 da ThRONe @ 05/17/11 12:35 AM
Too bad there won't be a combine. Something like that or a Senior Bowl game would be nice after importing a RTG from NCAA.
# 23 SouthernBrick @ 05/17/11 05:22 AM
If this mode ever becomes anything close to the fun I had with NBA 2K My Player mode I probably won't officially be a offline only player but, I'll be pretty damn close lol. I might of touched online once in NBA 2K and the rest of my time was spent offline, which as I've stated many times is a very hard task to get me to do considering I'm mainly a online type player.

I don't expect it to be on that level this year but, if it's vastly improved and fun I could see 13' being the second sports game to get me to turn to the dark side(offline).
# 24 kongemeier @ 05/17/11 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Exile04
It would be nice if RTG effected your player going into SS. Like if i was drafted number 1, it would be nice if i started of with more skill points or something then beign drafted number 199 or soemthing.
They have tweak this!

Let's say my RTG-player wins Heisman and then get's into the NFL rated... 60!?

Other than this I'm sooo excited to play this mode! It was kinda fun back on last gen, but should be better now they FINALLY decided to upgrade it.
# 25 willz1985 @ 05/17/11 11:49 AM
I assume this means imports from NCAA 12 and not last years game.
# 26 da ThRONe @ 05/17/11 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by kongemeier
They have tweak this!

Let's say my RTG-player wins Heisman and then get's into the NFL rated... 60!?

Other than this I'm sooo excited to play this mode! It was kinda fun back on last gen, but should be better now they FINALLY decided to upgrade it.
Certainly. If what I do in RTG has no impact on SS that will be a crime. Personally I like the combine type feel of creating a player that SS has had in the past. I wish they look to add something like that next year. And I want the drills and practices to effect the corresponding attributes. I really dislike the point system. Who bench press to increase their speed?
# 27 Chrisksaint @ 05/17/11 12:38 PM
Yeah if you import RTG I think the guy should start out at a 70, that seems fairly realistic for a incoming rookie still especially considering you prolly had a very successful college career. That or you get the opportunity to progress faster, access to combine/senior bowl before draft or something extra.

I'm ok with the point system, but I was fine with it in 2k11 and if this becomes similar to 2k11 i'm perfectly fine with that as I actually played my player on like SS mode in recent years. If you want you can still keep it realistic like use the points to get from say running the 40 and put into things like speed/agility/acceleration/maybe route running,etc.
# 28 goalieump413 @ 05/17/11 12:40 PM
I agree that if your RTG player career doesn't export properly, creating a 60 rated player, flattens the whole thing for me. In that case, why couldn't the dev teams send emails back and forth so a properly exported draft class from NCAA drops into Madden perfectly?

But let's hope this does not become a problem. Let's hope that NCAA players (whether Dynasty or RTG) can export their draft class files into Madden without Madden blowing up the ratings of all those players.

My hunch: the statement that you start as a 60 rated player only applies to when you create a player from scratch in Madden.
# 29 illwill10 @ 05/17/11 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by goalieump413
My hunch: the statement that you start as a 60 rated player only applies to when you create a player from scratch in Madden.
Me too.
As long as our ratings dont come in way off I am good. It would suck to have a 96+ Speed player and come in under 90. Or have a 96+ THP and come in under 90. It would make me not want to import. But with the abilty to have Skill Points will make up for that.
I love the abilty to hear from position coaches. It will make up for no commentary
# 30 da ThRONe @ 05/17/11 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Chrisksaint
Yeah if you import RTG I think the guy should start out at a 70, that seems fairly realistic for a incoming rookie still especially considering you prolly had a very successful college career. That or you get the opportunity to progress faster, access to combine/senior bowl before draft or something extra.

I'm ok with the point system, but I was fine with it in 2k11 and if this becomes similar to 2k11 i'm perfectly fine with that as I actually played my player on like SS mode in recent years. If you want you can still keep it realistic like use the points to get from say running the 40 and put into things like speed/agility/acceleration/maybe route running,etc.
My problem with the point system is it isn't realistic and it almost forces you to do the easy drills to improve the fastest. I shouldn't be able to do speed or quickness drills and improve my Medium pass accuracy. I shouldn't go 25 for 25 passing in a game and improve my trucking ratings. I want my BAP modes to be realistic as possible.
# 31 illwill10 @ 05/17/11 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
My problem with the point system is it isn't realistic and it almost forces you to do the easy drills to improve the fastest. I shouldn't be able to do speed or quickness drills and improve my Medium pass accuracy. I shouldn't go 25 for 25 passing in a game and improve my trucking ratings. I want my BAP modes to be realistic as possible.
I remember doing drills in a game and you could only boost attributes that dealt with it. I think it was Madden on the PS2. Where if you did a passinf drill you could only boost passing attributes
# 32 goalieump413 @ 05/17/11 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by illwill10
I remember doing drills in a game and you could only boost attributes that dealt with it. I think it was Madden on the PS2. Where if you did a passinf drill you could only boost passing attributes
And again, I don't see this being much of an issue with Madden 12. From the sounds of things, the dynamic player ratings system will take care of some of these concerns. If you factor in their discussion about drafting and signing free agents (Raiders speed WR's) then it's pretty clear that attribute boosts, whether temporary or permanent progression, will likely follow the player's on-field performance.

In other words, if a speed WR is successful at catching deeper passes, then it's likely that ratings related to speed moves will increase, while finesse, strength, or break tackle ratings might not. 3rd down receivers might get the shorter routes, and receive boosts in catching or possession related ratings, etc.

The only question for me is: If, in SS mode, you can select which ratings to spend points on, does that system carry over into Franchise?
# 33 Matt Diesel @ 05/17/11 05:44 PM
Man, my punter is gonna be dope!
# 34 dougdeuce @ 05/17/11 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by dougdeuce
Will dynamic player performance be active in SS?
Really, I can't believe I'm the only one who wants to know if my superstar's ratings will swing around each week. One week play like a HOFer and the next play like I should be cut from the team.

*sings* "All by myself

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