NCAA Football 12 News Post

IGN is currently hosting a live stream for NCAA Football 12.

Just in case you missed it, here are the videos.

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Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 161 illwill10 @ 05/11/11 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
I anticipate with them reintroducing coaches on the sideline CC may be the major thing added to dynasty. Probably the only major thing added if so I'm OK with it if it's done right.
Fully agree.
If CC is only major thing added to Dynasty and done right, I am fully okay with that. As long as Recruiting is improved I am good. Recruiting is 80% of my Dynasty anyway
My main concern of NCAA 12, besides Dynasty and RTG, is commentary. Hopefully the commentary was from a old build. Even though I dont really pay attention to it. It does play a big factor.
# 162 PVarck31 @ 05/11/11 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by JohnZapp
when is this recording gonna be up????? i only saw the mizz game and thats it
Originally Posted by mrMagic91
I didnt see crap. Still searching! im begging to see it
IGN said it will be up sometime soon. Thats all we know right now.
# 163 BoomerSooner11 @ 05/11/11 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by hurricanefootball4
I know some people hate when people talk about dreads, but for the people that do care about dreads - what is your reaction to them?

I'm a big proponent of the dreads for realism (judge me if you must) and I will likely be taking dreads off of most of the players based on how they looked in the video.

It is what it is, how dreads look isn't going to make or break whether or not I get the game; but it is disappointing to see how they look. It's like asking for coaches on the sideline, finally hearing you got them, only to find out that they all look the exact same and it's a giant fat white guy. Kind of a buzzkill.

For those of you who don't actually read posts and need a summary:
"Disappointed in the way dreads look, not going to ruin the game or determine whether or not I buy it."
I'm not a fan of dreads..so much..as I am a fan of realism. Like someone posted earlier, majority of the community said they were impressed with ncaa 11 and the issues with that gameplay are addressed in this year's game.

So for me I am more leaning towards the 'realism' improvements. Again, that's just me. I'm still playing '11 which is a record for me, so seeing them add dreads and new equipment and HDR lighting looks amazing to me. Also, it seemed like every time someone asked a question to Ben about dreads, uniforms, non-gameplay/presentation questions etc, he seemed to get kind of irritated, I don't know, just an observation.
# 164 The JareBear @ 05/11/11 09:50 PM
I just read through all 19 pages

My favorite bits were people saying "my question got answered!" and nothing more, that doesn't help those of us who weren't able to be home.

Someone said they asked a question about pass rush, can you elaborate please?

Also, did anyone actually see a CPU QB scramble?
# 165 illwill10 @ 05/11/11 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
I just read through all 19 pages

My favorite bits were people saying "my question got answered!" and nothing more, that doesn't help those of us who weren't able to be home.

Someone said they asked a question about pass rush, can you elaborate please?

Also, did anyone actually see a CPU QB scramble?
My guesses are since there is " no suction blocking" than it improves pass rushing
If you count the IGN guy scrambling back and to the sideline and trying to throw bombs, than no.
# 166 The JareBear @ 05/11/11 09:54 PM
For those of us who had to work or just weren't home, I read through the entire thread and this is what I noted from the comments:

Still a 70 player cap
Some teams still have generic entrances (Missouri was the team specifically noted)
Crowd presentation seems to be greatly improved
Crowd attendance (the actual visuals for it) will go up and down depending on your record
They said something about 120 alternate uniforms
RB doesn't get suctioned into o-lineman so you gotta watch your gap
A guy complained that in zone the linebacker is pack pedaling as fast as the slot WR is running
Play action is improved (quicker animation)
Shotgun running is improved (quicker handoffs)
Only one dreadlock length
Apparently the guy playing as Mizzou just dropped pack 15 yards every play (whatever?)
CPU QBs will now scramble more often when appropriate
Sounds like dive catching will be only user controlled the CPU wont do it
"trajectory upgraded" (what does that mean?)
No dynamic weather
Yes to broadcast camera angles
Tackles look a lot better (many posts on this)
End of quarter presentations look great
A few people say the dreads look terrible
Based on what they say a lot of people said pass rush wasn't really fixed and bouncing it outside still a bit too easy
Same slider settings and player ratings as NCAA 11 (meaning the number of different ratings and sliders wasnt expanded)
Apparently the guy from IGN played as Mizzou and he was a cheeseball, so they couldn't get a good feel for some of the imrovements
Speculation seems to say that Road To Glory got more attention than Dynasty this year
# 167 Yankees_CT @ 05/11/11 09:54 PM
Oddly enough, the only thing that has me bummed about that video was the presentation. Gameplay is hard to judge from a video but it does look improved at least as far as the tackling is concerned. Won't be able to truly judge it until it is in our hands though.

I dug the entrances and the end of quarter replays. I think they really add to the presentation but the rest of it really does look like '11' to me, TBH. I was really hoping that they would have incorporated the pre and post play broadcast cameras that Madden seems to be getting (see the vick entering the huddle video). The replays also seem to be the same up close replays from last year (with a little slow-mo added). Again was hoping for broadcast camera replays. I am going to stay optimistic for now though because I heard them mention that there will be new cameras that they couldn't talk about at the moment. Really hoping that is what they are alluding to.

I am just afraid that after a few Madden videos are released and we see these cameras in action that it will take away from what NCAA is offering. Maybe I will stay away from everything Madden until it is released that way I won't have to think about those juicy broadcast cams .

Then again I haven't seen anything from Madden yet other then the teasers so no need to jump off the cliff just yet! Aww, who am I kidding, I will still get both!
# 168 da ThRONe @ 05/11/11 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
I just read through all 19 pages

My favorite bits were people saying "my question got answered!" and nothing more, that doesn't help those of us who weren't able to be home.

Someone said they asked a question about pass rush, can you elaborate please?

Also, did anyone actually see a CPU QB scramble?

It was users vs. users atleast the second 5mins. Not sure about the 1st 5min game.
# 169 illwill10 @ 05/11/11 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
For those of us who had to work or just weren't home, I read through the entire thread and this is what I noted from the comments:

Still a 70 player cap
Some teams still have generic entrances (Missouri was the team specifically noted)
Crowd presentation seems to be greatly improved
Crowd attendance (the actual visuals for it) will go up and down depending on your record
They said something about 120 alternate uniforms
RB doesn't get suctioned into o-lineman so you gotta watch your gap
A guy complained that in zone the linebacker is pack pedaling as fast as the slot WR is running
Play action is improved (quicker animation)
Shotgun running is improved (quicker handoffs)
Only one dreadlock length
Apparently the guy playing as Mizzou just dropped pack 15 yards every play (whatever?)
CPU QBs will now scramble more often when appropriate
Sounds like dive catching will be only user controlled the CPU wont do it
"trajectory upgraded" (what does that mean?)
No dynamic weather
Yes to broadcast camera angles
Tackles look a lot better (many posts on this)
End of quarter presentations look great
A few people say the dreads look terrible
Based on what they say a lot of people said pass rush wasn't really fixed and bouncing it outside still a bit too easy
Same slider settings and player ratings as NCAA 11 (meaning the number of different ratings and sliders wasnt expanded)
Apparently the guy from IGN played as Mizzou and he was a cheeseball, so they couldn't get a good feel for some of the imrovements
Speculation seems to say that Road To Glory got more attention than Dynasty this year
Passing trajectory
# 170 The JareBear @ 05/11/11 09:58 PM
Ah thanks illwill, so you mean we can drop the ball in between zone defenders now with touch passes?
# 171 stevensa08 @ 05/11/11 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by BoomerSooner11
I'm not a fan of dreads..so much..as I am a fan of realism. Like someone posted earlier, majority of the community said they were impressed with ncaa 11 and the issues with that gameplay are addressed in this year's game.

So for me I am more leaning towards the 'realism' improvements. Again, that's just me. I'm still playing '11 which is a record for me, so seeing them add dreads and new equipment and HDR lighting looks amazing to me. Also, it seemed like every time someone asked a question to Ben about dreads, uniforms, non-gameplay/presentation questions etc, he seemed to get kind of irritated, I don't know, just an observation.
Ben needs to realize that people have questions who want answers. If your not prepared to answer them then don't take questions.
# 172 ggsimmonds @ 05/11/11 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by BoomerSooner11
I'm not a fan of dreads..so much..as I am a fan of realism. Like someone posted earlier, majority of the community said they were impressed with ncaa 11 and the issues with that gameplay are addressed in this year's game.

So for me I am more leaning towards the 'realism' improvements. Again, that's just me. I'm still playing '11 which is a record for me, so seeing them add dreads and new equipment and HDR lighting looks amazing to me. Also, it seemed like every time someone asked a question to Ben about dreads, uniforms, non-gameplay/presentation questions etc, he seemed to get kind of irritated, I don't know, just an observation.
I don't blame him. For the past two weeks the community has been all about gameplay. They have been screaming for actual gameplay footage and if you look in presentation trailer comments there are always several "means nothing if the gameplay if not good" comments.

We finally get a chance to see gameplay and what do we do? Ask about multiple dreads length.
# 173 illwill10 @ 05/11/11 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
Ah thanks illwill, so you mean we can drop the ball in between zone defenders now with touch passes?
not sure but hope so
# 174 The JareBear @ 05/11/11 10:05 PM
Well if it was a corner blitz that makes sense, I mean PA plays cant be unstoppable as well as they shouldnt be insta sacks either, fine line
# 175 The JareBear @ 05/11/11 10:07 PM
Did anybody who watched the feed really focus on the zone defense? I mean were the users just killing each other or was it a defensive showdown?
# 176 georgiafan @ 05/11/11 10:11 PM
You can also call plays in supersim and you can advance your OD on a computer

Originally Posted by jaredlib
For those of us who had to work or just weren't home, I read through the entire thread and this is what I noted from the comments:

Still a 70 player cap
Some teams still have generic entrances (Missouri was the team specifically noted)
Crowd presentation seems to be greatly improved
Crowd attendance (the actual visuals for it) will go up and down depending on your record
They said something about 120 alternate uniforms
RB doesn't get suctioned into o-lineman so you gotta watch your gap
A guy complained that in zone the linebacker is pack pedaling as fast as the slot WR is running
Play action is improved (quicker animation)
Shotgun running is improved (quicker handoffs)
Only one dreadlock length
Apparently the guy playing as Mizzou just dropped pack 15 yards every play (whatever?)
CPU QBs will now scramble more often when appropriate
Sounds like dive catching will be only user controlled the CPU wont do it
"trajectory upgraded" (what does that mean?)
No dynamic weather
Yes to broadcast camera angles
Tackles look a lot better (many posts on this)
End of quarter presentations look great
A few people say the dreads look terrible
Based on what they say a lot of people said pass rush wasn't really fixed and bouncing it outside still a bit too easy
Same slider settings and player ratings as NCAA 11 (meaning the number of different ratings and sliders wasnt expanded)
Apparently the guy from IGN played as Mizzou and he was a cheeseball, so they couldn't get a good feel for some of the imrovements
Speculation seems to say that Road To Glory got more attention than Dynasty this year
# 177 Crimson Pig @ 05/11/11 10:13 PM
Well neither seem like they could read coverage, in the "demo game" before they went live, Hefty Ben threw 2 picks in back to back drives, and during the head to head game, they were forcing everything into double/triple coverage.
To be fair, the guy playing Missou had people open in the zone, he was just too busy running around to notice. If he'd sat in the pocket he could've hit his guys.
# 178 The JareBear @ 05/11/11 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by georgiafan
You can also call plays in supersim and you can advance your OD on a computer
Wow those are two big ones, I like both those additions!

LOL at the "hefty ben" comment

I like how someone said he even says himself in the video "thats how I play and I am not changing"

# 179 booker21 @ 05/11/11 10:17 PM
is this stream up in youtube already? i missed it.
# 180 PSRusse83 @ 05/11/11 10:18 PM

The field just looks so small to me or the players look too big on it.

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