Madden 12 News Post

Check out the hi-res Madden NFL 12 screenshot of the 49ers throwback uniform. Brought to you by Michael Young, Madden NFL Art Director.

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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# 41 acreyman @ 05/11/11 12:24 AM
I didnt play 11 so I am only speaking from my last Madden experience which was 10.......I HOPE the crowd is WAY more into it this time around. Sounds like NCAA put an emphasis on crowd noise so lets see what Madden does this year. so far......I like what I see. Franchise details soon, hopefully its what we wanted.
# 42 qetuonz @ 05/11/11 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by PGaither84
Can we get the away version?

Can we get the Chargers uniforms show in that picture and the home version?

Can we get the uniforms we wore from '99-'08?

Can we get the away versions of those?

Long story short, can we get a lot more uniforms in the game?

can we get less of the fake 1980's white pants that never existed?
Agreed. Love the 99-08 uniforms.
The 80's throwbacks and the current unis look exactly the same on Madden 11.
Really, really want the 99-08 uniforms back... they were in Madden 09 so shouldnt be that hard!
# 43 RedZoneD25 @ 05/11/11 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by huskerwr38
Those are considered throwback unis? I remember when they were new!
Funny you said that, I was trying to figure this out as well.

49ers Current Uniforms are actually a spinoff of their 1980s garb....So, they have current throwbacks, but technically since this is a dead uniform, it's a retro. Though, they look newer than the current unis, which makes it all the more confusing.
# 44 PSRusse83 @ 05/11/11 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by dat swag
For those saying the ball needs to be re-sized...It sure looks size proportionate in the pic
Thats because they took the time to proportion it correctly this year.
# 45 PGaither84 @ 05/11/11 02:02 AM
That picture is also unrealistic because it looks like Alex actually threw the ball to Vernon.

For those that didn't watch 49ers games last year [and why would you?] Davis was targeted a LOT less last year for some unknown reason [okay, we know it's because Alex is a bad QB.]

Davis is one of the most underutilized weapons in football.
# 46 DavidmOrtiz15 @ 05/11/11 02:07 AM
Looks like Frank Gore dropped his contact lenses lol jokingg. I hate that though, when you're going for a big block andd miss andd they do that whole tripping crap animation, I wish you would just lose balance and fall rather than trip and touch the ground andd keep running. But what am I kidding Madden is lookingg sickk. Cant wait til may 16th, Madden dont fail me now !
# 47 theDude47 @ 05/11/11 02:09 AM
I really hope they add all the past jerseys this year. One thing I really like about NFL 2k5 (I know another 2k comparison) was that they pretty much had all the jerseys a team wore throughout its history home AND AWAY. I emphasize away because I like to use classic uniforms on the road too. Heck, if they could just add the 2nd most recent Chargers uniform, the 80's and 90's Eagles uniform, and the old 60's Rams uniform, I'll be pretty content.

I don't know why they just can't add them all while they are it. They are about half way there anyways. Might as well just give us all the old home and away unis to work with.
# 48 oneamongthefence @ 05/11/11 03:14 AM
Ball size just makes everything better. can't get over how much it adds to the authenticity of the visuals.
# 49 SouthernBrick @ 05/11/11 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by albert_24
Ball size just makes everything better. can't get over how much it adds to the authenticity of the visuals.

10 char.
# 50 Double C @ 05/11/11 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
SF going back to the white pants this year? I thought most fans hated that combo...... Unless it's a user combo, of course...
Nice pic but I'm one of those who hated those white pants. I don't think I'll use them much in the game.
# 51 TreyIM2 @ 05/11/11 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
The level of detail in the players is looking great. I notice the grass kick-up, the red staining (blood? heh) on the white pants, the shadowing of the padding under the uniforms....
Originally Posted by canes21
I don't think thats blood, they'd probably need a T rating. If I see what your'e talking about, then it is the symbol for whoever makes the pants.
Originally Posted by goodygoody
I think he's talking about the left side (his right leg).. Maybe a stain from the niners mid-field logo?
goody was more in my line of thinking. I threw the blood thing out there as a joke to see what responses I would get hence it being in parentheses with a "heh" in there. I definitely know EA can't do blood in Madden nor would they to lose the even younger demographic.
# 52 DickDalewood @ 05/11/11 09:07 AM
The graphics look fantastic this year, for both this and NCAA... I'm getting very excited.
# 53 mrmass413 @ 05/11/11 10:09 AM
i like the photo the grass looks really good. i cant wait to see it in gameplay
# 54 PGaither84 @ 05/11/11 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Double C
Nice pic but I'm one of those who hated those white pants. I don't think I'll use them much in the game.
I am one of those people who likes the white pants... as an alternate.

I was not a fan of 1996 when hey made their massive uniform "upgrade" that included white pants. I liked it in 1999 when they brought back the gold pants.

I like to use the white pants in Madden 11 as an alternate like twice in a season of franchise mode.
# 55 bh446066 @ 05/11/11 11:11 AM
This makes me happy in the pants since I'm a uniform junkie. Here's hoping that we can get road (white) alternate unis as well this year.
# 56 therealsmallville @ 05/11/11 11:12 AM
Adem...you are the man. I've been wanting these forever!

I would also be interested in knowing if the '94 aways are included...I'd love to follow up a Super Bowl season with a 16 game throwback celebration :-)
# 57 blklightning @ 05/11/11 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by adembroski
It's the 1994 "Primetime" uniform. Note the opponent.

I demanded them pretty much the moment I got here
yes, but is neon deion in the game? or is he still #21 like usual? if not, demand some classic teams be fully recreated for next year. the niners and cowboys of that era would be an excellent start.
# 58 bxgoods @ 05/11/11 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by adembroski
It's the 1994 "Primetime" uniform. Note the opponent.

I demanded them pretty much the moment I got here

lol I like you already.
Can you also ask them to put in the Cowboys 94 Throwback too?
# 59 PGaither84 @ 05/11/11 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by bxgoods
lol I like you already.
Can you also ask them to put in the Cowboys 94 Throwback too?
It already is.

It just isn't a normal selectable. you have to scroll through the jerseys specifically and you will find it.
# 60 ryan36 @ 05/11/11 12:32 PM
This was my least favorite Niners Jersey. I love the Montana era style.

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