Madden 12 News Post

Jon Robinson of ESPN The Gamer has posted a new article discussing some major changes to Madden NFL 12, especially involving presentation.

""When people turn on the game for the first time, I want them to be like, 'Wow, I've never seen that before.," says Mike Young, "Madden NFL 12's" art director. "What we really went for this year was all the stuff everybody has been asking for but had never seen in 'Madden' before. Whether it's the green dot on the quarterback's helmet or the mascots running out onto the field, I think everybody is going to have their own 'wow' moment when they play the game.""

Source- 'Madden 12' scores visual touchdown

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Exonerated @ 04/28/11 06:47 AM
pictures in the real article look sick as!

This game is going to be off the hook!
# 2 Hooe @ 04/28/11 06:55 AM
Hoping for some Cowboys' entrance screens at some point today, but even without those I can't get over just how GOOD this game looks in these pics. I hope it looks as good in motion.
# 3 Jd_Seven @ 04/28/11 07:15 AM
Interesting so far. They seem to be heading into the right direction with visuals and presentation. I like the fact that they had the camera guys work on the game the right way. I like the little details...finally dammit.
# 4 jmurphy31 @ 04/28/11 07:38 AM
Sounds good so far to me. Especially the football size and bringing in an NFL film crew.
# 5 chen_sc @ 04/28/11 07:47 AM
to be honestly that looks good...
but what about game wrap? commentary, stats, pregame-halftime-postgame shows...
# 6 MrSkagTrendy @ 04/28/11 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by chen_sc
to be honestly that looks good...
but what about game wrap? commentary, stats, pregame-halftime-postgame shows...
I'm sure news on that will come in time. After all, we're not even at the embargo lift yet.

Consider that last year it took us ages until we 'officially' found about about gus Johnson, so i'm sure there's a lot more to be discussed.
# 7 jmurphy31 @ 04/28/11 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by chen_sc
to be honestly that looks good...
but what about game wrap? commentary, stats, pregame-halftime-postgame shows...
I thought this would be included in presentation blog as well. When does the embargo lift?
# 8 MrSkagTrendy @ 04/28/11 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
I thought this would be included in presentation blog as well. When does the embargo lift?
9am Eastern
# 9 jmurphy31 @ 04/28/11 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by MrSkagTrendy
9am Eastern
Sweet. I hate waiting around all day
# 10 jbd345 @ 04/28/11 08:06 AM
wow this looks great. does anyone what type of video's they'll be releasing today or is it just blogs with photo's??
# 11 jmurphy31 @ 04/28/11 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by jbd345
wow this looks great. does anyone what type of video's they'll be releasing today or is it just blogs with photo's??
My guess is it will include videos like the NCAA video last week
# 12 brza37 @ 04/28/11 08:16 AM
"Another thing we added this year is the ability to adjust the shading of your defensive backs on receivers. Now you can play press on an individual receiver on a play as opposed to playing press on everybody. You can also have a defender shade inside or outside of the receiver depending on whether you press shade left or shade right. Or you can just back one guy off and give him extra space."

This is HUGE for the defense. I must admit I am getting excited. Now lets just hope they follow through with some big franchise improvements on May 16th.

400 Plays per custom playbook is a lot more than I was expecting too.
# 13 bonannogiovanni @ 04/28/11 08:19 AM
Are the broadcast cameras playable or it's only cut scenes?
# 14 RGiles36 @ 04/28/11 08:28 AM
This here presentation article is the most exciting thing I've read Madden-related in quite some time. If this article is any indication, M12 is going to be the business.

We're still a few months out and I'm excited ...

Originally Posted by brza37
"Another thing we added this year is the ability to adjust the shading of your defensive backs on receivers. Now you can play press on an individual receiver on a play as opposed to playing press on everybody. You can also have a defender shade inside or outside of the receiver depending on whether you press shade left or shade right. Or you can just back one guy off and give him extra space."
Curious to see KJcheezehead's reaction to this...
# 15 ch46647 @ 04/28/11 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by rgiles36
This here presentation article is the most exciting thing I've read Madden-related in quite some time. If this article is any indication, M12 is going to be the business.

We're still a few months out and I'm excited ...

Curious to see KJcheezehead's reaction to this...

I agree with presentation looking to make a huge jump this year FINALLY. What has me most excited is the new camera work. That could put the prsentation over the top.

Even with all this great news in presentation there are two areas that really concern me. Those area's are commentary, and a realistic crowd noise. (Dynamic crowd) IMO it is those two things that make previous Maddens incredibly boring to play. I am hoping for major upgrades in those two areas...
# 16 dirtdog371 @ 04/28/11 08:57 AM
This is sick!!!! I can't wait to pick up this game. I haven't been to a midnight release in a few years but you better believe I'll be doing it this year!
# 17 DGuinta1 @ 04/28/11 09:09 AM
Looks hot! With all the visual improvements, I wonder how much we will have to install locally when you first start the game. Isn't the show 10GB?
# 18 Only1LT @ 04/28/11 09:12 AM
Sounds good. As always though, I hope it turns out as well as it sounds.

I read the whole article, but I'm still not 100% clear how this will play out. Do they mean that the stuff that goes on between the plays have been filmed to look like broadcast, or everything has? If it's just the between play stuff, that's still a great improvement, but the during the play camera (all of them, not just broadcast) needs work too.

I see they are finally adding custom playbooks (I'm inclined to believe that their reasons why it wasn't in before are less than genuine) it would be nice if they finally added a custom camera.

Again though, everything that they have said to this point SOUNDS really good.
# 19 Azcardinal32 @ 04/28/11 09:19 AM
Everything looks good but i just wonder how this is going to backfire.. like this

"Then for the Rams, it's cool because Steve Spagnuolo leads his team onto the field. No matter who your favorite team is, we've captured everything just like you see it on Sunday."

now, if you change coaches in franchise will the coach change or will you still see Spagnuolo running onto the field?
# 20 roadman @ 04/28/11 09:25 AM
Kj and Bez0

Shading, pressing WR's is in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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