MLB 11 The Show News Post

Now this is not widely tested... but everyone who has done this, seems to have fixed the in game stuttering and intro stutter.

And also would explain why those who did HDD upgrades, had their PS3 for a while have more of an issue than those who have brand new slims. (database is more garbled)

The HDD is constantly access by today's games, and while it is not a Windows style OS the PS3 uses (it is supposed to restructure every boot up and shut down, thus no defrag utility) it can sometimes get a little clustered, especially if you do a lot of gaming, and PSN demo downloading, etc.

These two links walk you through how to rebuild your PS3's database.


http://www.ps3blog.net/2011/01/28/ti...recovery-menu/ (with pictures)

Those of us who have done this, eliminated the intro stutter, and in game stuttering all together.

It is fast, and simple, and all you will lose is the custom folders, messages, and playlists made (in which you can back them up ahead of time), and have to reapply proper audio/video settings.

Hope this helps clear this up for everyone.

NOTE: This is good to do once a month if you game and PSN heavy, or once every couple of months casually. Think of it like de-fragging your computer. So even if you don't get the stutter, it is good to maintain the HDD and have a happy running PS3. It will perform better across the board in all areas.

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 NAFBUC @ 04/21/11 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Probably depending on how bad it is, took me no more than a minute though. But I also have a 7200 RPM drive in there now.

Erases only messages, and the "custom folders" and "playlists". Not the contents within them. Either back up the playlists and folders... or recreate them.

Option 4 "Rebuild Database"


Option 1 just restarts the PS3 like restart on a PC.
Thanks a ton EnigmaNemesis!! Works perfectly, the rebuild took about 5 minutes tops.
# 62 Bulls321974 @ 04/21/11 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Yes, but if you rebuild the database, it wont stutter ONLINE or OFF.
Hmmm, i did everything you suggested, but i still have the same problem like before. Stutter during the intro and the same (annoying) stutters during the game.
# 63 EnigmaNemesis @ 04/21/11 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bulls321974
Hmmm, i did everything you suggested, but i still have the same problem like before. Stutter during the intro and the same (annoying) stutters during the game.
Reinstall game data (but if you have sounds of the show you will lose it all).
# 64 LastActionHero @ 04/22/11 04:14 AM
Fixed it!
# 65 merchant1874 @ 04/22/11 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLord
Most of the results in the thread don't really demonstrate if this works or not because I'm sure most, if not all, people did this today and PSN has been down all afternoon as far as I know, and you don't get the stutter when not signed in. So wait until starting up the game while signed in to see if the stutter is gone.
I agree this is inconclusive while the network is down.

Enigma did you do this before it went down?

Thanks though for the tip about this. I have done it anyway as cleaning it up can't be a bad thing!
# 66 RNunez187 @ 04/22/11 09:35 AM
I did it back on the 13th and PSN was still up then. Haven't had any issues since.
# 67 EnigmaNemesis @ 04/22/11 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
I agree this is inconclusive while the network is down.

Enigma did you do this before it went down?

Thanks though for the tip about this. I have done it anyway as cleaning it up can't be a bad thing!
I did this last week, and yes it worked while signed into PSN, as most others who have done it as well.
# 68 slickdtc @ 04/22/11 10:43 AM
My fatty 80GB '09 PS3 gets pretty loud during games too. The end may be near, it may not be near, I can't do much about it until it actually happens.

Though if there was a safe way to clean it out of the dust, I'd be down for that. I'm not taking the thing apart, though. I remember seeing a YouTube video where the thing like self-cleaned itself but I don't know if it's recommended or not.
# 69 Bulls321974 @ 04/22/11 01:07 PM
I still got the stutters during intro and games despite PSN being down. I also restored my data base as well as the file system before. I also cleaned my lens, but still no difference. Bottom line: i don't believe one can get rid of the stutters because it's simply a game issue. The game stuttered way less before i downloaded the first patch. Before that, the only stutter during gameplay was the one during the catcher's throw back to the mound. I hope the second patch will solute that very annoying problem.
# 70 EnigmaNemesis @ 04/22/11 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Bulls321974
I still got the stutters during intro and games despite PSN being down. I also restored my data base as well as the file system before. I also cleaned my lens, but still no difference. Bottom line: i don't believe one can get rid of the stutters because it's simply a game issue. The game stuttered way less before i downloaded the first patch. Before that, the only stutter during gameplay was the one during the catcher's throw back to the mound. I hope the second patch will solute that very annoying problem.
Sorry it did not work for you... but it worked for myself, as well as countless others.
# 71 DieHardYankee26 @ 04/22/11 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Sorry it did not work for you... but it worked for myself, as well as countless others.
I just ordered a new hard drive off of amazon because it didn't fix mine either, and like I said, my original hard drive that came with the PS3 hasn't had either of these stutters, so I've chalked it up to my old drive. Hopefully the new one fixes it.
# 72 USC-Trojans @ 04/23/11 02:19 AM
Did this but game stutters between the 3rd and 4th inning when the grounds crew are doing there job
# 73 aktransplant007 @ 04/23/11 04:34 AM
Is there a reason why my profile was deleted when I did this the other day? I had to re-create as well as setup profile options/settings for the game.

Thanks in advance for any help.
# 74 DieHardYankee26 @ 04/23/11 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by DieHardYankee26
I just ordered a new hard drive off of amazon because it didn't fix mine either, and like I said, my original hard drive that came with the PS3 hasn't had either of these stutters, so I've chalked it up to my old drive. Hopefully the new one fixes it.
New hard drive seems to have done the trick. I got the WD Scorpio Black 500 gigger in there and I've had no problems since. And this is off topic, but wow this thing is absolutely silent. If I walked into a room with my PS3 on I wouldn't even notice!
# 75 spitoon @ 04/23/11 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by DieHardYankee26
New hard drive seems to have done the trick. I got the WD Scorpio Black 500 gigger in there and I've had no problems since. And this is off topic, but wow this thing is absolutely silent. If I walked into a room with my PS3 on I wouldn't even notice!
Don't forget that nobody is currently signed into PSN...that may be skewing the results.
# 76 DieHardYankee26 @ 04/23/11 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by spitoon
Don't forget that nobody is currently signed into PSN...that may be skewing the results.
I was having the problem even after PSN went down.
# 77 loogs @ 04/23/11 01:41 PM
I've had my PS3 since '06 and have never tried this. It worked perfectly for me. It did not erase my game saves thankfully. Thanks for this info.
# 78 EnigmaNemesis @ 04/23/11 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by spitoon
Don't forget that nobody is currently signed into PSN...that may be skewing the results.
A ton of us had tried last week before PSN went down... and it worked for us signed in or not.

# 79 brewersfan84 @ 04/23/11 04:18 PM
Thanks for the info, I did this and now my system runs smoother, and loads games, almost twice as fast no joke!!!
# 80 spitoon @ 04/23/11 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
A ton of us had tried last week before PSN went down... and it worked for us signed in or not.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my "Database Rebuild" fixed the opening stutter BEFORE the PSN went down...I think?

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