Fight Night Champion News Post

Fight Night Champion title update #2 is coming soon. A new tuner will be released early next week to address the jab spamming issues.

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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# 61 threattonature @ 04/24/11 10:04 PM
The fight I just had was flat out embarrassing. He was a 91 and I was an 82. He spent the whole match jabbing the body and running. Not even a hit and run style but flat running. I'd cut off the ring and when I finally got close enough to him he would throw 4 or 5 body jabs which would prevent me from throwing any punches, and then immediately go back on the run. This went on for 9 rounds until round 10 where he finally decided to trade with me at which point I ended up knocking him down but lost a wide decision.
# 62 DaveDQ @ 04/24/11 11:14 PM
Fighting online is pretty bad right now. i'd say 90% of my fights are against guys that are willing to go 10 rounds jabbing the body. How they deal with this will be interesting. Overall I think the best way is to leave the fighter vulnerable because his head is sticking out there to be popped, but I have a feeling they will lower the speed of the jab.
# 63 acts238shaun @ 04/24/11 11:30 PM
Something interesting I noticed was the tuner caused the ability to spam the jab, not the patch. I deleted my options and settings, where the tuner is saved, while PSN was down because it became corrupted. The tuner removed the PB counter AND the anaerobic stamina on the jab. Without the tuner I have no 1pko's, PB counter windows and after 4 or five jabs I love about 50% stamina remaining per punch thrown. If they would have just deleted the tuner from the system it would have fixed the issue, minus the lack of 1pko's.

Saying that, as soon as I can re-DL the tuner I will because the PB counters vs the CPU on GOAT are a mother to deal with.
# 64 acts238shaun @ 04/25/11 09:14 AM
Per EA FNC mod Indigo72, very possible tuner hits today, though not 100% certain. This is info he received from devs. If so, for you 360 guys. PS3's gonna be down a little while.
# 65 DaveDQ @ 04/25/11 10:09 AM
Random, I think you are right about the patch and tuner doing what we see now. I don't remember which came first, but they definitely play off each other. I would like to see the one punch ko back and of course the jab dealt with. I just hope it doesn't take too big a hit on its effectiveness.
# 66 Build_Destroy @ 04/25/11 02:05 PM
Just spoke to a DEV and here's how they decided to fix the body spamming issue...If your boxer throws more than 5 body jabs in a row your fighters head will instantly grow 4x its normal size which in turn will make it very easy for you to be KOd and will stay like this for your next 20 fights letting others know your a spammer...almost like a badge of shame...also lipstick longhair and boobies will be applied to your fighter for fighting like a girl...
# 67 acts238shaun @ 04/25/11 09:01 PM
Guys, remember that EA Canada is in Vancouver - Pacific time. 12 in NYC is 9am there, or prolly the time they get to work, or get started good.
# 68 foo55 @ 04/26/11 03:02 PM
from the EA forums

Tuner Set - April 27 (2AM PST)

Thanks to the community for their patience as the development team looks to launch another Tuner Set overnight tonight. With all the feedback we've received, the team hopes that this latest TS will help improve the gameplay experience. Please use this thread to provide any feedback after you have given the TS a full test drive both online and offline. And when providing your feedback, we appreciate you stating if your experience is in the online environment or offline. Thank you in advance for staying on topic in this thread and avoiding any non-constructive comments.

Tuner Set Details:

1. Changed the speed at which boxers can throw multiple jabs.
2. Slightly reduced the power of the light jab.
3. Slightly increased the stamina loss when repeating punches with the same hand.
4. Increased the base Chin rating for created boxers – so new boxers are less susceptible to being stunned.
5. Adjustment to Boxer Toughness and Boxer Power at when Stamina is low: tired fighters are more susceptible to punch damage and able to do less damage.

The team continues to work on the second Title Update, so please continue to provide your feedback in the official thread here: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/5557268.page

this will be interesting to see since the body spamming can be done with the double jab over and over again, so lets see how much of a difference the lower speed actually makes.
# 69 fistofrage @ 04/26/11 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by foo55
from the EA forums


this will be interesting to see since the body spamming can be done with the double jab over and over again, so lets see how much of a difference the lower speed actually makes.
I am sure another exploit will just surface. You can't keep patching to try to stop the exploiters. This tuner does nothing to address the damage they have done to single player mode. Pretty disappointed. Hopefully a full patch is around the corner.
# 70 nyj721 @ 04/26/11 03:40 PM
Did they forget to put the cuts and 1punch KOs back?
# 71 fistofrage @ 04/26/11 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by nyj721
Did they forget to put the cuts and 1punch KOs back?
They didn't forget.........They just didn't seem to address it.
# 72 foo55 @ 04/26/11 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
They didn't forget.........They just didn't seem to address it.

lets not judge too hastily, that might be something that can only be changed with a title update.
# 73 fistofrage @ 04/26/11 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by foo55
lets not judge too hastily, that might be something that can only be changed with a title update.

Maybe, but EA needs to provide a list of what weas effected by the patch and what was effected by the 1st tuner.

My prediction is that people are going to start crying about the old 1-2. That seems to be the most logical thing to do now. But even then the judging was all out of whack after the last tuner/patch. I lost a round to a guy who just stood there and blocked and landed 13/39 punches to my 29/42. And lost many other rounds similar to that.

Anyway, I hope the tuner does wonders, we'll know soon enough.

I have heard conflicting reports of what effected what.

They listed what was done with the second tuner so at least it can be tested, but it doesn't seem to do a whole lot except put a bandaid on the body jab spamming issue.
# 74 acts238shaun @ 04/26/11 04:28 PM
Patch nerfed 1pko's. I know this because I have a PS3, and PSN is down. I deleted the my options file, which deleted the tuner. I can't spam the body jab (I tested when I realized I had no tuner), but I can PB counter. I have no 1pko's. To test I loaded a CAB with more 20's than Exibit on Pimp my Ride. Patch nerfed 1pko's and damage, trust me.
# 75 foo55 @ 04/26/11 04:39 PM
i know plenty of people have been complaining about offline being ruined, but id rather play offline in its current state with PB gone than going back and playing the counter machine that the GOAT AI was. i know theres no 1pko or damage, but the boxing strategy couldnt be much more on point IMO
# 76 fistofrage @ 04/26/11 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by foo55
i know plenty of people have been complaining about offline being ruined, but id rather play offline in its current state with PB gone than going back and playing the counter machine that the GOAT AI was. i know theres no 1pko or damage, but the boxing strategy couldnt be much more on point IMO
Seriously? Its a race to 5 knockdowns....No 1 punch KO's, no TKO's.....The AI was nerfed too, its literally impossible to lose on GOAT now.

It was much better before the patch, just reduce the Counter Punch window.
# 77 foo55 @ 04/26/11 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Seriously? Its a race to 5 knockdowns....No 1 punch KO's, no TKO's.....The AI was nerfed too, its literally impossible to lose on GOAT now.

It was much better before the patch, just reduce the Counter Punch window.
I routinely have fights end after the 2nd ko but have experienced my fair share of fights where it's taken more than three to finish a guy.

I just had a great fight against mora as j. Taylor and he ended up winning the decision after flooring me in 9th.

I used to never play offline cause the robo counter isn't a very good representation of what you'd see in a ranked match. Now I don't have to worry about that and can work on parts of my game in a decently realistic scenario.

I've definitely been able to add stuff to my game through fight now that I can use online. Something that I can't say about rd4 or this game prior to the patch
# 78 acts238shaun @ 04/26/11 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by foo55
I routinely have fights end after the 2nd ko but have experienced my fair share of fights where it's taken more than three to finish a guy.

I just had a great fight against mora as j. Taylor and he ended up winning the decision after flooring me in 9th.

I used to never play offline cause the robo counter isn't a very good representation of what you'd see in a ranked match. Now I don't have to worry about that and can work on parts of my game in a decently realistic scenario.

I've definitely been able to add stuff to my game through fight now that I can use online. Something that I can't say about rd4 or this game prior to the patch
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Seriously? Its a race to 5 knockdowns....No 1 punch KO's, no TKO's.....The AI was nerfed too, its literally impossible to lose on GOAT now.

It was much better before the patch, just reduce the Counter Punch window.
I hate to disagree with you fist, as I often am on your side of things, but the counters by the cpu on goat pre patch was ridiculous. It was always a PB followed by a counter with the jab. I lose on GOAT, especially in legacy, but I have to limit myself. I don't max out my athletics as the other fighters, realistically, don't either. I do understand you don't have working sliders, so I can see where that would be an issue.

I have a lot of fights, even with toughness maxed out, over after two or three knockdowns. The only issue for me besides the lack of 1pko's and the online jab spamming is the ability of stomach punches to break the guard more easily. This is a one of the symptoms of what makes body jab spamming work. With the proposed fixes listed, if they add the return of 1pko's in the patch and fix the freezes this game will be gold.
# 79 fistofrage @ 04/26/11 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by acts238shaun
I hate to disagree with you fist, as I often am on your side of things, but the counters by the cpu on goat pre patch was ridiculous. It was always a PB followed by a counter with the jab. I lose on GOAT, especially in legacy, but I have to limit myself. I don't max out my athletics as the other fighters, realistically, don't either. I do understand you don't have working sliders, so I can see where that would be an issue.

I have a lot of fights, even with toughness maxed out, over after two or three knockdowns. The only issue for me besides the lack of 1pko's and the online jab spamming is the ability of stomach punches to break the guard more easily. This is a one of the symptoms of what makes body jab spamming work. With the proposed fixes listed, if they add the return of 1pko's in the patch and fix the freezes this game will be gold.
So you are saying, the human player, with your sliders sometimes cannot get up after the 2nd knockdown? Must be a PS3 thing.

I find GOAT incredibly easy now. Pre patch I had great battles, now its just too easy. I know that I can get up 4 times. I won the HW title on GOAT in under 15 fights. Pre-patch was getting all I could handle by the fighters ranked in the teens and twenties.
# 80 acts238shaun @ 04/26/11 10:34 PM
No the CPU gets up only twice.

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