MLB 2K11 News Post

MLB 2K’s journey during this console generation has been a tumultuous one. Nonetheless, the folks working on MLB 2K did not try to start over and escape from a past defined by missteps and barrel rolls (NSFW). Instead, they have buckled down and tried to fix what was undone during the early part of the generation.

It has not been an easy fix, but the developers working on MLB 2K11 clearly feel like this is the year where they can finally start improving and adding to the game rather than just fixing it.

Read More - Major League Baseball 2K11 Hands-On Preview

Game: Major League Baseball 2K11Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 tmac55 @ 02/28/11 01:48 PM
Thanks for the good read Chase !! Excited for this demo to drop tomorrow
# 22 tistethebeast @ 02/28/11 01:53 PM
awesome preview chase. how did mccutchen look?
# 23 johnnyg713 @ 02/28/11 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
In the outfield you have to start moving immediately. In the infield, I guess the AI pushes you in the right direction at the start like other baseball games. But automated how? There are errors now so it's not like you can just push towards the base and have no fears.
That was what I was referring to. I remember 2k giving the explanation that they made the ball speed coming off the bat more realistic so it would be almost impossible for the player to react to the ball in time for the infield to make the play so they put in the "assist". I loved in 2k8 you can take the infield assist off and make the play yourself (mainly because the ball speed was much slower and you had time to react).

In 2k10 I felt playing the infield was mostly; YOU make the pitch, WATCH the ball get hit as your fielder makes the play and then YOU make the throw to first.
# 24 munky1307 @ 02/28/11 02:08 PM
Everything written about this game is sounding more and more positive. Thanks for a good write up Chase. The examples you use really help give a sense of a good game with the small details.

Have you seen a real time injury or error in the game yet that surprised you?
# 25 johnnyg713 @ 02/28/11 02:18 PM
Chase I also want to point out what was said about fielding last year in the OS Review on MLB 2k10.

No Field of Dreams

If there is an area of gameplay that is the weakest, it is the fielding. First, it seems like the infielders get to just about everything. Balls up the middle are about the only kind of grounder that gets through for a hit. Even when playing as the Phillies, my beloved "rock" Ryan Howard over at first base was making graceful and spectacular plays. There does not seem to be enough variety when it comes to fielding ratings/skill. Even lowly relief pitchers catch or field just about every come-backer with lighting-quick reflexes.

I know this has been addressed this year.

And, because the action in the infield happens so quickly, the computer assistance seems to handle the largest part of fielding. In most cases, you take control of the infielder just as the ball is getting to him -- just in time to throw and that is about it. The outfield is not quite as "automated" as the infield, which makes sense since you have a longer amount of time to make the play.

This is what I was referring to earlier.

On top of the super-human infielders, there is also the rocket arms of the outfielders. I think part of the arm issue might be field size -- the fields feel a little small (or the players a little too big). Regardless, while I have thrown a few batters out at first on what should have been singles, the AI has not yet rung me up in that way. I also have been able to score from second on a single so the outfielders do not always gun you down when going for an extra base. I do think some of the complaints by the masses may be a bit overstated, but outfielders' arms certainly are a issue that cannot be ignored.

Hoping this is addressed this year as well

This perception that arms and gloves are overpowered is also supported by the statistics. There simply are not enough errors in this game, an issue that is made more apparent by defensively inferior players making spectacular plays in the field.

We know this has been addressed as well
Not too sure if your writing the review on 2k11 but I hope you guys can refer back to these major concerns many of us had with 2k10s fielding.
# 26 BigBlue @ 02/28/11 02:25 PM

With respects to hitting, did you notice if check swings are in the game? :-)

I think the fact that there is no talk of a release day patch is very encouraging!

# 27 DJ @ 02/28/11 02:26 PM
This game sounds promising; I really hope it lives up to all the positive previews it has received. I'm looking forward to trying out the Demo tomorrow, that's for sure.
# 28 ChaseB @ 02/28/11 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by tistethebeast
awesome preview chase. how did mccutchen look?
He's got the dreads in the game this year, thought he looked good. Not sure if his batting stance is 100 percent accurate but he definitely got some love from 2K.

Originally Posted by johnnyg713
That was what I was referring to. I remember 2k giving the explanation that they made the ball speed coming off the bat more realistic so it would be almost impossible for the player to react to the ball in time for the infield to make the play so they put in the "assist". I loved in 2k8 you can take the infield assist off and make the play yourself (mainly because the ball speed was much slower and you had time to react).

In 2k10 I felt playing the infield was mostly; YOU make the pitch, WATCH the ball get hit as your fielder makes the play and then YOU make the throw to first.
Right, yeah I didn't feel like I was useless in the infield. Like I said in my example, I lunged towards a ball with Walker through the hole, and the appearance of bleeders and choppers led to more situations where the IFers had to make things happen on their own.

Originally Posted by munky1307
Everything written about this game is sounding more and more positive. Thanks for a good write up Chase. The examples you use really help give a sense of a good game with the small details.

Have you seen a real time injury or error in the game yet that surprised you?
Just saw one bobble error, otherwise no injuries etc.
# 29 ChaseB @ 02/28/11 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyg713
Not too sure if your writing the review on 2k11 but I hope you guys can refer back to these major concerns many of us had with 2k10s fielding.
As for cannon arms, hard to say at this point. However, there is arm strength slider at the very least.

Originally Posted by BigBlue

With respects to hitting, did you notice if check swings are in the game? :-)

I think the fact that there is no talk of a release day patch is very encouraging!

I did not check swing during my time (or try), and I've said before I'm awful at check swinging with analog controls (in both baseball games).
# 30 swaldo @ 02/28/11 02:33 PM
Nice preview, I'm really getting excited for this game. I can deal with funny looking player models because all the important areas got some major work. Well, I do hope they take a good look at the choppers from high swings and possible opp field power issues. Thank God we dont have to put ourselves in training to win a million bucks with a crappy game!
# 31 Marino @ 02/28/11 02:35 PM
Well, now I see why you have been neglecting us in KZ3. Good read though.
# 32 Ollienyy @ 02/28/11 03:16 PM
Can't wait, thanks for the great preview! It looks like it's going to be a fun time spinning the disc this year!
# 33 leafsfan17 @ 02/28/11 03:25 PM
Chase, has they fixed the glitch in Franchise where drafted rookies were placed on the MLB team immediately and caused the game to freeze in Franchise making the mode unplayable?
# 34 leafs nation @ 02/28/11 03:28 PM
do you guys know if there is dynamic attendance. I play with the Jays and don't really want to see a packed ballpark away from opening day unless i'm having an incredible season.
# 35 Money99 @ 02/28/11 03:30 PM
Great read Chase! Keep the info coming!
# 36 XBox_Roughneck @ 02/28/11 03:55 PM
Why doesn't anyone ever mention any commentary improvements? The announcing was one of the things 2K clearly had over it's competition. Listening to each game felt like a listening to a real ballgame.
# 37 therizing02 @ 02/28/11 03:55 PM
Thanks for the impressions Chase. Sounds like like some substantial improvements were made in this dev cycle.

I'd really like to get your thoughts on the CPU manager. How do they handle pitching changes? Did the use pinch hitters at the right time? Do they use the lefty/righty factor? Do they hit and run? Do they make late game defensive subs? Lastly, do a lot of the CPU hitters who have no business swinging at 3-0 pitches in the wrong situations still do it?

IMO, these are the things that are missing in video game baseball. The chess match that goes on in every game is the soul of baseball. With the exception of the majority of the text sims, I have yet to see this reproduced effectively in a video game. There is just way too much emphasis on graphics and animations

Lastly, do you think the Inside Edge part of the game has been improved on?

Thanks again.
# 38 TimeBombTown @ 02/28/11 04:22 PM
One thing I am incredibly curious to see if it has been fixed is pitcher substitutions. I think all 2k10 players know how ridiculously clunky the process was last year. For example, I would take Cain out of the game and sub in Nate Schierholtz to hit for him. Then, the next inning, there's Nate standing on the pitcher's mound with a prompt telling me to do something about it...which would never, ever happen in a real game. I'm sincerely hoping there is a way to pre-determine what pitcher will replace the hitter or if there will be a double switch and make things much more streamlined and realistic, because every time that happens in 2k10 it pulls me right out of the realism and is a hassle to boot.
# 39 ChaseB @ 02/28/11 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by XBox_Roughneck
Why doesn't anyone ever mention any commentary improvements? The announcing was one of the things 2K clearly had over it's competition. Listening to each game felt like a listening to a real ballgame.
Sound was rather low on the games I played. Generally speaking, you're talking to a developer while playing during most of these things so sound takes a backseat much of the time.

Originally Posted by therizing02
Thanks for the impressions Chase. Sounds like like some substantial improvements were made in this dev cycle.

I'd really like to get your thoughts on the CPU manager. How do they handle pitching changes? Did the use pinch hitters at the right time? Do they use the lefty/righty factor? Do they hit and run? Do they make late game defensive subs? Lastly, do a lot of the CPU hitters who have no business swinging at 3-0 pitches in the wrong situations still do it?

IMO, these are the things that are missing in video game baseball. The chess match that goes on in every game is the soul of baseball. With the exception of the majority of the text sims, I have yet to see this reproduced effectively in a video game. There is just way too much emphasis on graphics and animations

Lastly, do you think the Inside Edge part of the game has been improved on?

Thanks again.
I know nothing about any of that since just saw half of two games, no late-inning stuff.

As for Inside Edge, not sure what you want improved on. You can see hot and cold zones before each pitch if you want.
# 40 tvman @ 02/28/11 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Sound was rather low on the games I played. Generally speaking, you're talking to a developer while playing during most of these things so sound takes a backseat much of the time.

I know nothing about any of that since just saw half of two games, no late-inning stuff.

As for Inside Edge, not sure what you want improved on. You can see hot and cold zones before each pitch if you want.
I haven't played 2k ball game for a few years now so can you tell me if the hot cold zones change at all depending on the count? I really like that feature in PYS.

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