Probably the closest we've come to a Broadcast Playoffs Graphic for a long time.
For some reason I thought the Rally Towels were just WS but thats just me. Might not have been the best game to have shown or the best time. I would have liked a few innings of a regular season, doesn't matter which teams as thats what we would be playing mostly. I do think the crowd noise was MUCH better then last year. I miss 2K9's cutaways to different camera angles when the batter steps out though. Loved that touch.
Haven't really paid much attention to 2k baseball. I've played the "other" game since the 09 versions came out. Nothing here to really change my mind, but I would be remiss if I didn't say that the game looks pretty good. I think the commentary here is better than the other game. I thought the Win Probability was a nice little addition something I've never seen before. While I saw nothing in there to change my mind on which game to purchase. I will defiantly check out the 2K11 demo when it is up. Again, from what I saw about 5 minutes of the vid, game looks good.
Sound, commentary and presentation are awesome, way better than The Show imo. That crack of the bat - priceless. But graphics and animations are still ... average. This game has great potential, I hope it'll reach it someday.
Gimme the gameplay and realism of PYS, the graphics, animations, controls of The Show and the sound, commentary, presentation of 2K and I'll be the happiest baseball gamer out there.
From what these comments sound like...commentary and overlays are what make a game good? The graphics look like PS2 and the baserunning animations and gameplay overall looks unimpressive, if not out dated. That's my opinion though so who knows? I've loved 2k games ever since I picked up nba 2k7, but I am def staying with SCEA when it comes to baseball.
One Word ..... HATS!!
Anyone else notice Ty Wigginton was wearing a **gasp** Colorado Hat instead of a Baltimore one.
This has been on of the smaller things that I have had a problem with. I got tired of seeing Matt Holliday wearing a Oakland A's Hat!!
This video was definitely a little disappointing/underwhelming. Aside from the different camera angle and the ball looking slightly better off the bat, the game seemed relatively the same.
I'll still get it but stuff in the video definitely just reminded me of 2k10. After Gonzalez scored it still had the really awkward walk back to the dug out, and even on the first ball hit out to the outfield you can see the outfielder pick up the ball slowly and whatnot. That kinda stuff just ruins it a little for me imo.
Things I never understood about this forum, despite how great it is for news;
Since 2K10 has been released, all I've been hearing on this board is how posters expect 2K11 will be just 2K10 but with improvements and thats the game we wanted. This video drops and people are complaining about how much it looks like 2K10.
Same with graphics, people say graphics do not a good game make, but this video comes out and all I hear about are complaints about the graphics.
Look, I know the reality, the 2K series has disappointed all of us over the years but in many ways, 2K11, from the brief 10 mins of the game we have seen, is on the most part what I expected to see from what we have been told about. Yes, I don't think it was the best representation of what we've been promised but it showed a bit.
It's irks me no end to hear people seem to copy what others say on the internet and post it with the appearance of an angry 12 year old child (aka 99% of the Youtube comments on the 2K and OS channels) and because THEY think that, IT HAS TO BE Correct. And people wonder why we can't do comparisons on this board anymore...
I like how the hitting camera flows seamlessly to the fielding cam. However gameplay improvements seem minor. My major concern is the lack of foul balls once again, there's none except one instance where there are three consecutive, like if the user is using defensive swing to trigger them. Manuel's face gave me the creeps.....
You'll have to put me in the underwhelmed/disappointed party. I was expecting much more. But who knows more to be coming. The biggest thing to me is there is still something cartoony-looking about it.
A little underwhelmed myself. I didn't play 2K10 because I didn't like the demo or reviews. I'm getting the same feeling after watching this video which is disappointing because I was hoping this would be the breakout year.
I hope that was a humanoid pitching and not the CPU. The score is 3-3 in the 8th inning and you have the bases loaded with one out. You NEED a double play, so get someone in there who can keep the ball low in order to force a grounder - someone with a good sinking pitch or whatever. So what does the pitcher do? Throws a high fastball and the batter is like "Hey thanks for the free sac fly!" Instead it was an opp field homer which is suspect because Smith is a 62 power hitter (79 vs RHP's.) Sure it could happen but maybe they need to install opp field power ratings?
And what AEron said - that very high pitch grounded to 2nd is a little funny. I hope that doesn't happen often.
+ I liked the batting cam after hitting the ball.
+ I liked the location of the changeups, and the announcer said why that particular location is the best place to throw it - and it made sense. I was playing MVP 07 last night and the CPU pitcher was throwing high forkballs - uggh! It's nice to see the devs pay notice to where pitches should be thrown, while educating the user as well.
+ I like how balls on the corner are not guaranteed strikes. Nice idea and I'd like to see it taken further with umpires having their own zones so you have to research and adjust to them.
+/- Props for having a "Hitters Eye" but I think they can do better than flashing text like "FASTBALL" - it's a little cheesy. In Pro Yakyuu you can see the spin of the ball in their Hitters Eye, and that's how it should be.
good to see some full gameplay videos...I took a pass on 2k10 but am wanting to get back into the series if it can turn things around.
Pros and cons...
• 2k's commentary is simply great. done.
• Love the ads around the stadiums, very realistic
• Lighting in the park is good
• crowd seems good, though for a playoff atmosphere its lacking
• some nice broadcast presentation
• the graphics to me seem like they could be from 5 years ago. Faces are pretty bad, and the details in the hats, helmets, shoes, gloves is rough. They seem like inflatable toys to me.
• The game in the last few years has had this very herky-jerky quality to the animations and transitions...people running back to place, snapping in and out of an animation. Its hard to watch at times.
• Seth Smith running in slow motion out of the box after the homerun.
• The pitcher overlays that didnt match up with who was on the mound. I can see that they were referring to who was coming in...but it didnt connect.
• Someone already commented on Fowler somehow making a groundball out of a pitch at the brim of his hat...but I also noticed Utley never got his glove to the ground to field it, he all of a sudden just had the ball.
Things I never understood about this forum, despite how great it is for news;
Since 2K10 has been released, all I've been hearing on this board is how posters expect 2K11 will be just 2K10 but with improvements and thats the game we wanted. This video drops and people are complaining about how much it looks like 2K10.
Same with graphics, people say graphics do not a good game make, but this video comes out and all I hear about are complaints about the graphics.
Look, I know the reality, the 2K series has disappointed all of us over the years but in many ways, 2K11, from the brief 10 mins of the game we have seen, is on the most part what I expected to see from what we have been told about. Yes, I don't think it was the best representation of what we've been promised but it showed a bit.
It's irks me no end to hear people seem to copy what others say on the internet and post it with the appearance of an angry 12 year old child (aka 99% of the Youtube comments on the 2K and OS channels) and because THEY think that, IT HAS TO BE Correct. And people wonder why we can't do comparisons on this board anymore...
Some of you people amaze me on here. How can you expect them to show you everything they have talked about in a ten minute video of actual game footage? Think about your complaints for a second before you type them in this box...
I would say this video fits the description from several of the gaming sites and their previews. Basically 2k10, with some improved models, lighting, cameras, etc.
I am realistic and realize that what I saw isn't the complete product and in all honesty i liked what I saw so far. Let's wait for some more videos and a demo before you bring out the comments to the level of this improvement or not.
Some of you people amaze me on here. How can you expect them to show you everything they have talked about in a ten minute video of actual game footage? Think about your complaints for a second before you type them in this box...
I would say this video fits the description from several of the gaming sites and their previews. Basically 2k10, with some improved models, lighting, cameras, etc.
I am realistic and realize that what I saw isn't the complete product and in all honesty i liked what I saw so far. Let's wait for some more videos and a demo before you bring out the comments to the level of this improvement or not.
The problem is that they released a first gameplay vid that doesn't highlight any of the improvements. No new hit types, the one homerun they show had a "tell" by going slow motion during a grand slam...that's more annoying than the arrow to me.
They released a vid that IMO showed nothing about what they were talking about...improved pitch AI , new hit types, etc. It was more bad marketing