MLB 11 The Show News Post
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 2
Tommyklaid @ 02/18/11 09:25 PM

** The lighting looks AMAZING!
** The newer player models just seem MUCH more fluid and REAL looking.
** Yankee Stadium never looked better!
** I dunno how I feel about Karros - it's weird, maybe I'm just not used to him. Again, tho - it's commentary that needs's always Vasgersian, 1st color guy, 2nd color guy....or Vasgersian...pause...and then 1st color guy, pause, and then 2nd color guy.
YE the first basemen finally stops when he touches first instead of running through the bag also it looks they are able to turn on a dime, amazing!
# 4
Shakedowncapo @ 02/18/11 09:35 PM
Is the ball shadow back? It was missing in '10 so I hope so..Love doing it so I can turn off all indicators.
# 9
DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 02/18/11 09:50 PM
Just hearing Karros made it seem like a whole new game 
Next year hopefully Dave gets replaced

Next year hopefully Dave gets replaced

# 10
Foo4Everlong @ 02/18/11 09:54 PM
I can't take all this info all at once like this! It seems like videos, screenshots, devs interviews , and gameplay are now coming out at a fever pitch! lol, get it! Anyways, can't wait for the demo to at least pass some of the time between now and March 8th. It's really amazing, it seems that everyday I go to work and there's nothing, then I get home later in the day and there's a whole bunch of new info available. It's fantastic! That new camera editor video looks A-MAZING as well! Just a side note, Carl Crawford's new stance looks pretty dead on from the catcher view. Probably just as good from broadcast camera as well. Ugh, demo please get here next week! Ugh, March 8th please get here with the quickness! Later

Now this is what it means to blur the line between reality and videogames WOW.
I'm not too much of a Baseball fan but i think i'm gonna grab this just because I appreciate excellent sports games. Gotta rep those Red Sox
I'm not too much of a Baseball fan but i think i'm gonna grab this just because I appreciate excellent sports games. Gotta rep those Red Sox
# 13
slickkill77 @ 02/18/11 10:03 PM
Everything looks great but the commentary sounds so off. I like the new voice but everything is so disjointed.
New commentator is good, and it's nice that Dave had a new line in there, but Karros for some reason seems to come in a little unnaturally both times.
Looks good in general, but why is the guy using his highly exclusive limited playing time to use classic pitching and button fielding? Shouldn't he be using his opportunity more wisely and try the big new feature, the analogue controls? haha
# 19
RoyalBoyle78 @ 02/18/11 11:20 PM
wow, I can't believe the game looks that much better then last year. The game looks so life like its scary.
# 20
DavidPrice#14 @ 02/18/11 11:21 PM

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