MLB 2K11 News Post

Jon Robinson has just posted an article on the My Player and Franchise Mode improvements for MLB 2K11.

"Another change is the fact that when you pause the game, it doesn't show you a pitcher's energy or stamina meter. Now, everything is tracked using actual pitch count data. So if Tim Lincecum is on the mound, there will be a box that tells you how the manager wants to keep him in the 80-110 pitch count range for the game. Keep him in too long throughout the season, and you're going to wear him down. Take him out too early too often, and you'll wear out your bullpen."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K11Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 41 Soulrak @ 02/13/11 05:24 PM
I'm a huge fan of baseball & being an owner of all 3 NG systems I always swayed towards MLB The Show. But I no longer have the PS3 due to lack of use so I sold it. I've been sour over the 2K series for years. But 2k11 sounds like they're finally giving us a solid game. I admit it sounds really, really good. And seeing as I no longer have my PS3 I hope this game won't make me miss The Show too much. 2k10 was an OK game but it had it's problems. I even thought the "My Player" feature in the 2K game had more potential to be better than The Show's. 2K has done a good job this year of giving us more information as well prior to the game's release. With every detail revealed the excitement grows. It can't get here fast enough.
# 42 elimack @ 03/05/11 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jayhawker
That actually kind of confused me, because I don't think that is how the DL works. You put the guy on the 15-day DL, and then you can activate him anytime after that. You don't have to put him on another 15 days.

Maybe I am confused.
I think he's saying, if you have a player get injured. Place him on the 15-day DL given him a chance to heal. Only to find out after 15-days he's still not healthy enough to play, you can then place him back on the DL for another 15-days, still giving you the ability to activate him whenever he's ready
# 43 metal134 @ 03/06/11 01:59 AM
My one concern with the pitch counts is just how strictly managers will adhere to them, especially in My Player mode. Let's say I'm on a 90-100 pitch limit. And let's say that it's the 9th inning and I'm pitching a shutout, but I've reached 100 pitches. Will he pull me?
# 44 HHHBigFan @ 03/06/11 03:15 AM
I'm really worried about the Pitch Count thing..I don't think I've ever had a pitch count higher than 70 in a game.
# 45 elimack @ 03/06/11 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by ryan36
So my concern is that with pitch count being the only indicator, the ai better take pitches, and we better be able to walk people...

otherwise starters will never get tired.
so far walks work in the demo, I don't see why this would change in the full version
# 46 JBH3 @ 03/07/11 09:14 PM
Just got to reading this article the other day...

So other than the injuries it would seem there were no other significant franchise mode improvements.

Injuries are great, so long as the volativity of pitching is translated in franchise. Things like fielding, which was much talked about, are not franchise mode improvements. While they do add a wrinkle to the mode, it's nothing like adding the ability to scout prospects, and/or develop prospects/players a la NBA 2K11.

NBA 2K11 gives you the ability to split the MLE, sign players to 10 day contracts, and other detailed aspects of player acquisition.

I hoping we get there at some point w/ this title...
# 47 mrclutch @ 03/07/11 11:17 PM
Just read the article and it all sounds good. Of course I've never read a developer article where they don't make a game sound good before release.

I didn't play last years game(not enough time for everything) but it's time for a baseball fix. Trying to decide between picking this up or going cheap with last years game. Starting to be a tough call.

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