MLB 11 The Show News Post

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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# 1 Jgainsey @ 01/13/11 08:18 PM
Can you do a bunt for me??

Why would someone watching a HR derby ask that?

Lol. I can just see someone from SCEA going, "No.. no bunting in the HR derby this year... maybe next year..."
# 2 sydrogerdavid @ 01/13/11 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jgainsey
Can you do a bunt for me??

Why would someone watching a HR derby ask that?

Lol. I can just see someone from SCEA going, "No.. no bunting in the HR derby this year... maybe next year..."

Well maybe he got The Show confused with Triple Play Baseball.

Maybe he thought that the guy that was using the Move was also using the guy from the Triple Play All-Stars with the gynormous bat. So if he bunted in Homerun Derby, he could automaticaly hit a homerun.
# 3 vln13 @ 01/13/11 09:44 PM
Looks intriguing. If Move is in the entire game for MLB 12 then I would definitely get Move. However, at this stage, HRD isn't enough for a purchase.
# 4 Blzer @ 01/13/11 09:52 PM
Holy input lag Batman!

I'll probably blame the TV for that one, but I don't really like motion control things anyway. You can tell it might get a bit wonky. Looks interesting though.
# 5 Skyboxer @ 01/13/11 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Holy input lag Batman!

I'll probably blame the TV for that one, but I don't really like motion control things anyway. You can tell it might get a bit wonky. Looks interesting though.
Got to be the game or tv as the Move has been great so far for me. Dead on 1 to 1 motion.
# 6 CubFan23 @ 01/14/11 12:07 AM
Garbage. adds absolutely nothing to the game for me. I hope they don't waste time trying to get this in the regular game in 2012
# 7 JoeCoolMan24 @ 01/14/11 02:41 AM
Invisible players? Well, that's disappointing....
# 8 Pared @ 01/14/11 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
I wish devs would leave gimmicks like Move support and 3D alone, they add nothing to the game for sim players.
You're being extremely closed-minded.

There needs to be a balance. You want this series to do well and expand its consumer base so it continues to make money and can afford to innovate in other areas.

Asking to cater to simply the "sim players" would be foolish of them.

They do a nice job of catering to all groups, even if the game does have a "sim" slant. That doesn't mean they should close off any chance of making the game accessible and fun to those that are "casual" buyers.
# 9 pdawg17 @ 01/14/11 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by FreezeTime
Russell confirmed to me that will never happen.
What are you saying? That Move will NEVER be part of the core game?
# 10 pdawg17 @ 01/14/11 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by FreezeTime
As of right now and according to Russell, Move will never be apart of the core game.
Very interesting...I personally think it would be fun to use the Move for the core gameplay but to me in order to make it "good enough" it would take up a ton of resources/time to do so...I would not want the rest of the game weakened because of it...
# 11 YanksFan4Life @ 01/14/11 02:04 PM
in all honesty i thought it looked wonky and out of place (the move support) But i guess if its another way to enjoy the game so be it...
# 12 Blzer @ 01/14/11 02:21 PM
So the only argument I could make is if there was much time spent on Move support (just for HRD and forever in the future, mind you) and if last year there was such a toss-up about how important HRD was to the actual game, one might argue it really isn't worth their time. I on the other hand love HRD and hope they keep expanding on the features in it. But please remove those reaction cut scenes or give us an option to lol.
# 13 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/14/11 02:46 PM
Blzer, the argument is Sony ultimately pays the bills, and if they want Move in the flagship baseball game, Move is going in. Jack Tretton was adamant about this in his speeches.

I think they chose a great way to implement it without messing with the core game however.
# 14 jpup @ 01/14/11 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Blzer, the argument is Sony ultimately pays the bills, and if they want Move in the flagship baseball game, Move is going in. Jack Tretton was adamant about this in his speeches.

I think they chose a great way to implement it without messing with the core game however.
It would be even better if you could actually play a game or RTTS with it. I don't really like how they don't have the actually guy on the screen. Like someone else said, make it first person if you are going to do that.

I love the Move and I love the Show. I just think only playing HRD with it will get old quick.
# 15 Blzer @ 01/14/11 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Blzer, the argument is Sony ultimately pays the bills, and if they want Move in the flagship baseball game, Move is going in. Jack Tretton was adamant about this in his speeches.

I think they chose a great way to implement it without messing with the core game however.
Oh I know, I'm just saying I hope this means they want HRD to be more important than they initially intended last year when they pretty much ported the mode over from the PS2 version (with the new camera). I hope it gets more care because it has an integral piece that was included into this year's game, something which people will utilize just because they have the accessory.

All I meant was I find it funny that this mode suddenly needs more looking after, despite their previous intentions with it. I see it as a good thing, especially since I like HRD so much.
# 16 Shakedowncapo @ 01/14/11 03:36 PM
Invisible player is probably for the best. You want it to be you batting anyway and there was probably animation and clipping problems galore with their models on screen. I'm not sure it would be pretty if I decided to bat like Juan Gonzalez
# 17 redsrule2500 @ 01/14/11 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Invisible player is probably for the best. You want it to be you batting anyway and there was probably animation and clipping problems galore with their models on screen. I'm not sure it would be pretty if I decided to bat like Juan Gonzalez
Yes, true, but I'd either prefer a first-person type view or a dummy player standing there.

Floating bat is weird.
# 18 atlbravesws05 @ 01/14/11 03:42 PM
Man, i hope this will be fun. I don't have move, but if the derby gets good reviews relative to its use of the move functionality, i will defin consider buying it.
# 19 Shakedowncapo @ 01/14/11 03:50 PM
Next year, they should try for the PS-Eye being able to snap a picture before it starts.

A. Snapping two pictures of:
1. Body position
2. Arm position

Then instead of a player model, just use a silhoutte and gradually build from there if they continue it in later versions.
# 20 JoeCoolMan24 @ 01/14/11 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Next year, they should try for the PS-Eye being able to snap a picture before it starts.

A. Snapping two pictures of:
1. Body position
2. Arm position

Then instead of a player model, just use a silhoutte and gradually build from there if they continue it in later versions.
Also, I am pretty sure that in some MOVE games that they actually project your body on to the screen, like as if you are in the game. Would be nice if they just showed the person with the controller on the screen, and the controller was replaced by the baseball bat. Only problem is you would have to stand like 8-10 feet away from the camera to get your whole body in frame though.

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