09:10 PM - December 30, 2010 by Steve_OS
In this weeks' OS Roundtable, some members of the staff discuss what they think of
The Show's move to analog controls.
What are your thoughts?
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"Dustin Toms: Personally I'm not too fond of the move. I think it is a step in the right direction for SCEA, but I have never been a big fan of analog sticks controlling most of the actions in sports games. I will admit that I love the shot stick in NBA 2K11, but other than that I like to keep it old school with the buttons. Last year's game was a great game, but it was still a disappointment to me. I was expecting something great, something fantastic, but instead I got a lot of the same. Hopefully the new analog controls it will kick out the staleness that The Show had last year and give it some new life.
Steve Noah: I think it is a welcome addition, and one that is long overdue. It gives us another option, and I mention "option" only because if it is something I don't like, I'll just use the old control system. I know it will take some time to get used to, but I think it's great that the team is giving us something different. A check swing will be a lot easier to execute using the sticks, as opposed to a button press. (I've always had a check-swing issue with The Show series. Maybe it's my strong thumb.)" |
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OS Roundtable: What Do You Think of The Show's Move to Analog Controls?