NHL 11 News Post

The NHL 11 title update and tuner v2.0 is available now for the PS3 and 360. Please post your impressions here.

Want to know what's in the patch? Click here.

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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# 1 Al_Tito13 @ 11/12/10 11:00 AM
I will re-post here. I downloaded the patch and tuner 2.00 on Xbox 360. I had time to play 3 games before going to work and here are my impressions...

The AI defenders are definitely more agressive than before, which is good. I took a hitting from behind penalty that I don't think I would have taken before, so this also works. I also noticed a bit of a change on hitting, liked it. My human goalie seemed to move and react faster, a bit too fast to my liking since this change will affect human versus, but I will have to play more to have a precise opinion on it. For other changes, I will probably notice it playing more games.

When playing with All-Star/Normal original sliders, I thought that the game was better than it was before with the original sliders, so another good point. However, when I tried with my sliders, there's something I really didn't like and I will explain it. I'm one of the few playing with the puck control slider at 0 to have a more loose and bouncy puck, which I find give a realistic feeling to the game. After the patch, even when I put the puck control to 0, the puck seems almost magnetic to the players sticks, just feels the same as I was letting it at 2. With puck control at 0 before, it didn't only affect the player with the puck who could loose it easily just by a contact on a skate or on a stick, it also affected pass receptions and also pass interceptions. On a pass before, the puck could hit a stick and just bounce away, now it seems to glue on the stick, just like with puck control at 1 or 2. I don't know if the puck control slider doesn't work properly at 0 anymore or something has changed in this area?

Like I said, I only had the time to play three games and I can't wait to play more, but these are my early feelings on the changes.
# 2 BaylorBearBryant @ 11/12/10 11:10 AM
-Increase the effect of high defensive awareness on ability to intercept passes.

I want to know if this affects Humans or just CPU's.
# 3 Qb @ 11/12/10 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by BaylorBearBryant
-Increase the effect of high defensive awareness on ability to intercept passes.

I want to know if this affects Humans or just CPU's.
I would assume both human and CPU-controlled players are affected by the change.
# 4 qroach @ 11/12/10 11:38 AM
Guys is anyone having a problem where their wins online are not being recorded? I updated this morning and have played 4 games winning all of them and not one game was recorded.
# 5 qroach @ 11/12/10 11:44 AM
It's almost like ranked games on the 360 are not being recorded, however when i check the people I beat, they did receive the loss. EA people please look into this for me? I can send you my gamer tag if you like.
# 6 DJ @ 11/12/10 11:52 AM
Played a couple of games this morning and I'm definitely with how the game plays with the latest patch/tuner. CPU does make it tougher to just skate into the offensive zone. CPU also displays the right amount of aggressiveness in its own offensive zone; pre-patch I was starting to see the CPU pass the puck around too much instead of shooting when they had a good look. Now, they will shoot if they are open.

Looking forward to starting my BAG now. Quick question, why is the roster update still not in the 'Download Roster' section of Online?

Thanks for all the hard work, EA NHL team!
# 7 Fiddy @ 11/12/10 12:12 PM
ok, i have been a huge critic for NHL 11..

i downloaded the patch and tuner update..

i played quick game on all-star (hardcore), cpu difficulty at zero, cpu strat adjustment maxed, 7 min periods, and the usual stuff lowered to zero, puck control, pass reception etc.

i honestly can say for the first time this year that the game felt solid. sure, still some issues etc. but the gameplay just felt good IMO. more loose pucks, esp down low, made for some nice scrums in front and behind the net.

here is the game i just played..

Bolts 2 @ Pens 6 Final

Shots 36 to 25 in favor of me
Hits 20 to 16 in favor of cpu
TOA 7:14 to 7:07 in favor of cpu
PP Bolts 1/4 Pens 3/4
PPM Bolts 8 Pens 21 (had a game misconduct on Orpik in first 5 mins of the 1st, bah)

not bad at all, i had a variety of scoring as well.. Cooke, Kennedy, Dupius (PP), Crosby 2 (both PPG), and Mike Rupp.. all scored in the order above. Bolts goal scorers, Lecavalier (PP), and Hall (SH)..

i will bump up the cpu difficulty to the max next game and see how it plays.

but gotta say, since i hammered these guys a lot this year, that this patch and tuner made the game feel a lot better and more like hockey.

oh, and the diving friction seemed to be solid. guys werent gliding all over the place after a dive. should be interesting how this plays out online. i also got an interference call bc of the adjustment in time they made, it never would have been called before the patch/tuner update. finally..
# 8 Gangrel @ 11/12/10 12:33 PM
I've only played two games on the 360 so far, and like what I see.

Most of my sliders are AS, hardcore defaults except some penalty ones, fatigue effect on the CPU, and I lowered the CPU goalie reaction one click down.

The CPU bobbled more passes then I remember seeing before. I also noticed a few times where they CPU outright missed a pass, usually under pressure, that probably wouldn't have happened before.

I like the speed on the push puck now, I can get separation again... which leads to......

with the tuner they finally fixed the diving poke check! I had a breakaway and the CPU dove at me from behind, but must have not connected as i kept going with the puck! Now, it remains to be seen if it still works in a "proper" time or not, we'll see.

Stick lifts seem to be better, I noticed a few "failed" attempts, tho there are times wehre the CPU can do it the same time I get a pass, but maybe it's just my slow reflexes.

I *think* I saw a CPU guy blow a tire and fall on his own, but he may have been tripped, I'm not sure.

Auto skate stays off, yay! And I can change lines after a fight again without locking up.

All in all, nice improvements, and looking forward to playing some more later on today.
# 9 Steven547 @ 11/12/10 12:40 PM
Played my first game post patch on the PS3. Did I read the patch notes wrong about the TOA? Did they say it's supposed to be more "even" now? If so, I know I only played one game so far, but I DOUBLED the CPU on TOA.

And for the shots, the CPU had only 13 shots going into the 3rd period. End of the game, they had 28 total shots to my 31. It seemed odd because the whole game, I swear I hardly saw them shoot the puck. And when I saw the shot total, it amazed me because I didn't think they even took that many shots.

Game does feel "looser" and the CPU actually misses passes now. I might have to increase their pass accuracy now a click.

Not sure what some are saying about lack of penalties, because I had quite a few in this game per team.

Anyway, just my thoughts for now after ONE game.
# 10 mkharsh33 @ 11/12/10 12:57 PM
My human controlled players now feel like they are skating in slush... I can't get any speed up to get separation. I don't know...feels like EA is spinning in circles with all these updates, plugging one hole only to create another. The only thing I really noticed is how the game feels like it has slowed down...
# 11 DJ @ 11/12/10 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by mkharsh33
My human controlled players now feel like they are skating in slush... I can't get any speed up to get separation. I don't know...feels like EA is spinning in circles with all these updates, plugging one hole only to create another. The only thing I really noticed is how the game feels like it has slowed down...
What's your Game Speed set at? I can't say I noticed a difference at all in terms of HUM skating and I play with GS @ 2.

Oh, and check your PMs, will ya?
# 12 HawkeyMediaPlus @ 11/12/10 01:30 PM
1st game with tuner vs computer goalie in otp...I like how the goalies are playing! shooting seems more realistic as I think there is more variety (only 1 game tho) The hitting is so much better! Makes it feel much more realistic

So far the goals that have been scored have been:

1 five hole goal
3 breakaways
1 slot wrister (on a normal shot, blew it by G)
can't remember other one...
# 13 Fiddy @ 11/12/10 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by mkharsh33
My human controlled players now feel like they are skating in slush... I can't get any speed up to get separation. I don't know...feels like EA is spinning in circles with all these updates, plugging one hole only to create another. The only thing I really noticed is how the game feels like it has slowed down...
i felt the game being a bit slower as well. the speed and everything is the same as i used before. i bet it has to do with the ice friction and the diving poke check. i bet it had some effect on skating.
# 14 Al_Tito13 @ 11/12/10 01:54 PM
I didn't really notice a change regarding the speed, I play with game speed and player acceleration both at 2. I read in the tuning update notes that fatigue effects are more significant, so it may hypothetically be a reason why you feel that players are slower. If you have it high, maybe try to lower your fatigue effect slider and see if it's better.
# 15 bradigor @ 11/12/10 03:13 PM
Game now feels like it is between 1.01 and 1.02 for me. Very happy, despite a 5-3 loss in my first game (Empty net goal, so only a one goal game)
# 16 Redshirt_EA @ 11/12/10 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by BaylorBearBryant
-Increase the effect of high defensive awareness on ability to intercept passes.

I want to know if this affects Humans or just CPU's.

It affects both.
# 17 Millennium @ 11/12/10 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Redshirt_EA
It affects both.
And a welcome change it is. I feel like my 97 Defensive Awareness as a Defensive Defenseman means a lot more in intercepting passes now. I don't feel scared to jump a pass once in a while, now.
# 18 Al_Tito13 @ 11/12/10 04:24 PM
I would have 2 question for Redshirt concerning goalies...

1- If I play a regular game alone in my team, is my goalie related to the human goalie reaction speed slider even if he is controled by the CPU? I think so, but only to be sure.

2- Is the increase to human goalie acceleration in the last tuner also affects my team's goalie in a regular game even if he is controled by the CPU?

Thanks you once again for taking the time to answer our questions!
# 19 cake612 @ 11/12/10 05:15 PM
Just downloaded the patch, played and won two online game and neither counted toward my overall record although their still in the recent games played. Really like how it plays but since I mostly play online may not be playing this as much as I wanted if this is a long term issue.
# 20 ManiacMatt1782 @ 11/12/10 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by cake612
Just downloaded the patch, played and won two online game and neither counted toward my overall record although their still in the recent games played. Really like how it plays but since I mostly play online may not be playing this as much as I wanted if this is a long term issue.
confirming this online vs games arent counting but showing up in recent games

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