Madden NFL 11 News Post

Going backward to move forward. It's probably the best way to explain what leagueManager creator Derek Adams has done to help create a more in-depth Online Franchise mode experience for users in Madden 11.

A third-party tool created by an avid Madden fan, leagueManager is more like a next-gen League Daddy website tailored just for Madden 11. By using leagueManager, you enable your Madden Online Franchise to incorporate free agency, player contracts, a salary cap, holdouts and even Pro Bowl nominations. Simply put, an actual in-depth offseason comes into play with leagueManager in tow.

In fact, you can actually do even more than what has been listed, but the point is simple: leagueManager equals more depth for those gamers out there who expected more from the Online Franchise mode in Madden 11.

"Once I heard no updates were being made [to the Online Franchise mode], I decided to take a custom approach for myself," said Derek Adams. "I built a (primitive in comparison) tool for managing my league's salary cap and player contracts. After a few people approached me about getting it set up for their league, I expanded it and made it possible for anyone to create a league instance."

Read More - leagueManager Aims to Please Madden 11 Franchise Users

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 poloelite @ 11/04/10 03:42 PM
WOW, good work.. I may actually pick Madden back up now. It's been in the dog house since 2k11 and SVR11
# 2 thbends @ 11/04/10 05:45 PM
WOW. Great site! I set my league up with it already. Now how to I get my members to join and be able to manage their teams?
# 3 crabcola @ 11/04/10 05:49 PM
That is awesome. Well done! Props to you, Derek. Tools like this for Madden, and PocketScout for NCAA are what really makes me appreciate how lucky we have it here at OS. Not to mention the incredible work done on 2KShare for 2K11 and the slider work done for baseball and all the other sports titles we so enjoy!!!
# 4 jyoung @ 11/04/10 07:36 PM
Good tool.

We use it in our Madden league.

Embarrassing that EA Tiburon, with all of its manpower, tools and resources, is outdone by a single independent programmer.
# 5 ChaseB @ 11/04/10 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by thbends
WOW. Great site! I set my league up with it already. Now how to I get my members to join and be able to manage their teams?
I believe you have to send them invites.
# 6 Fiddy @ 11/05/10 12:47 PM
awesome work.. good to see stuff like this!!
# 7 Qb @ 11/05/10 01:57 PM
This is really cool and would add a lot to the OF experience.
# 8 drock450 @ 11/05/10 03:27 PM
Great article, Chase.
# 9 OutcastNeedhelp37 @ 11/05/10 06:05 PM
Can I use this league offline because my gold membership expired?
# 10 iLLosophy @ 11/05/10 06:27 PM
I was thinking of doing this for a few of the past 2k games. The problem is if they change or update their site, all your work is for nothing...
# 11 maddox @ 11/05/10 08:58 PM
We are starting our third sim league of the year this saturday. We are using league manager and also run a tight ship complete with our own website incl. chatbox. fmlhom.com teams still available. We progressed first year and starting with rookie draft this sat night.
# 12 ANDROMADA 1 @ 11/06/10 03:27 AM
It is a good site, however, i donated and still see ads. I'm just saying......
# 13 brza37 @ 11/06/10 10:52 AM
Thats awesome. I would have bought Madden this year if I had known about this before. But at least I'll have something to look forward to next year even if the Madden Devs still don't do anything to fix the site.
Its just ashame though that someone can do all thats been asked for of the OF site in his spare time when the guys that get paid for it haven't gotten it done in 2 years time. Its especially disappointing when we were being told that one of the great things with the server side structure is that they coulod easily update the site and give us new features. That never happened.
# 14 ssx95351 @ 11/06/10 04:00 PM
I can't even tell you guys how awesome that tool is. Derek has done an amazing job and what I also really appreciate is that he answers just about all questions asked and is always willing to help out. Thanks to him I was able to grab the stats and put them on my league site ( http://www.2kolf.com/Full_Stats_2011_Season3.html ) has full player stats and team stats, which makes my site truly complete! Thanks Derek!!! =)
# 15 sixzero @ 11/07/10 06:22 PM
I'm really interested in this... I just need to get more familiar with salary cap. I've never played with a salary cap in online franchise... Not sure how it would work if not everybody has a computer.
# 16 StormJH1 @ 11/07/10 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by sixzero
I'm really interested in this... I just need to get more familiar with salary cap. I've never played with a salary cap in online franchise... Not sure how it would work if not everybody has a computer.
My brother and I tried an Online Franchise in Madden 10, got about 8 weeks, and then abandoned it. Same thing happened in Madden 11, which makes sense, since it's the SAME online franchise. But having looked at this tool, both of us are now considering starting one up again.

I don't care how pretty the site is - I want it work smoothly and provide me with a lot of features, and Derek's site does both better than EA's. Okay, so the stat layouts could be a bit easier to sort and read, but I was AMAZED when I started playing with salary cap. Not only can you set the cap, but it has a universal editor that assigns a simple 1-36 value for everyone in the league, and even adjusts their value relative to position (for example, and 84 OVR QB has a higher salary than an 84 OVR RG). You can also manually edit all the salaries, and even have it recalculate each year!

What this site gets that EA totally missed is that there was no point to having something that was essentially a "hardcore" mode without any of the "hardcore" functionality. It isn't much fun stockpiling talent and beating up on the league if you're assembling superteams that couldn't exist in real life.

Don't know how well it synchs with everything I see in the game, but I'm interested to try it out.
# 17 pcs2112 @ 11/09/10 07:34 AM
If you're all about nice stats and reports, check this one out ..

click on any of the leagues.
# 18 Skittles6547 @ 11/11/10 12:17 PM
I think leagueManager was a total success. Madden 11 is not the greatest game by a long shot but I'm in a sim 32 man football league with a waiting list and it's nice to see all that stuff done for you. I do write -ups for each game and it's nice to see all that stats and to compare it to other players/teams. If there is a problem or glitch email the creator and he is usually very quick to respond. I love great service. Keep up the good work Derek Adams!!
# 19 Sausage @ 11/12/10 06:24 PM
Can I use this program playing an Offline Franchise? If not is it possible to do a 1 person online franchise?

# 20 poisedjase @ 11/13/10 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Sausage
Can I use this program playing an Offline Franchise? If not is it possible to do a 1 person online franchise?

no you cant use this offline u could but it pointless since stats wont be put in and u have to purge stats i guess

for online franchise yes you can start a online franchise up and just be u in it can be up to 1 person in a online franchise or 32 people in a online franchise

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