Fight Night Champion News Post

Fight Night Champion Blog #1 - Community Day

First, a huge thank you goes out to the EA team. Alain, Brizzo, Mike, Jazz, Freddy, and the rest of the EA dev team. They treated us wonderfully and really showcased what a great group of guys they have at EA Vancouver.

Now on to the community event. To be expected I can't go into specifics on the game. But what I will share with you is the plan on how things will work over the next couple weeks/months and what the event itself was like.

I will be releasing several blogs along the way pertaining to the game, the changes, and the new additions. I am very excited about what we saw and got to put our hands on. I think many people will be really surprised. I went into community day with a print out list of dozens and dozens of issues the community wanted to see fixed or included. It was real nice to see that the EA dev team had already had that same list covered. I am not saying they fixed or included everything you guys asked for. But I will say they have read just about every complaint and "want". Whether it got included or not was based off many different aspects. Time, resources, balance, need, and if it was even possible from a tech stand point.

After getting off the flight I made my way to the Sky train to head to down town Vancouver. Right before getting on the train I ran into Rob "Wepeeler" and Q "reignmaka". After the three of us arrived at the hotel we walked down to a bar for some drinks. At this point all the guys started showing up and we discussed our wants and what we hope to see out the game. We were all pretty much on the same page with what we wanted to see and the changes to be made.

We had a group of 6 guys. It pretty much covered the spectrum and showed why this group was a great group to have testing the game.

Sports Gamer/Huge Sim fans
Derek "Phobia" & Rob "Wepeeler(Rob's a huge boxing fan)"

Top Tournament players
Terminald & C45h

Boxing Guru's
Anthony & Q "reignmaka"

Over the course of two days we went in with both the developers and the game itself. Basically they wanted us to break the game down and look over the changes to see if it meets the standards of what the community is after. So me & wepeeler went in looking for the sim aspects to be met, while Anthony & Q went in looking to make sure boxing was represented correctly, then we had Terminald & Cash trying to "break" the game and make sure all exploits were found. We spent literally 14 to 15 hours a day testing. Working till close to midnight each night. It was early mornings, long days, and long nights. Waking up at 5am, getting to the studio by 7am, Not leaving the studio till 11pm each night, and then spending time partying afterwords. Then doing it all again the next morning.

We had a great group to basically cover all aspects of the game and I think the community will be happy with the end result. I know every single one of us walked away impressed and sad to not be able to play it again for a long time.

On our last day in Vancouver after we left the studio. We all went and did some last night partying. It was the day before Halloween so the women were out in full force and the costumes were everywhere. The whole crew had a blast, drinking, cutting up, and kicking it with each other one last time before we all headed back home.

I was the unlucky one to have my flight leaving at 7am the next morning. So I needed to be to the airport by 4am to get through customs and all that. Like in true cajun coonass fashion. I went for the redbull & vodka's and spent the last night staying up all night partying with the guys, walking the streets, and just having a blast. You only live once right? Why not make the most of it and have the time of your life. Then I went caught a taxi at 3:30am straight from the streets and head off to the airport for my long journey home. I arrived home Saturday at 9pm, running on 40 hours of no sleep. Needless to say I spent yesterday recovering from lack of sleep. But I am fresh this morning and itching to get my hands back on Fight Night Champion.

Fight Night Champion really impressed me and left me wanting more. Not being able to play the game for many months will be tough. I think Brizzo & Mike have great direction in the path they want to take the series and I think many fans of the series will come away impressed with what the team has planned.

I will be impatiently waiting to tell all you guys about the new features and improvements they have in store for us. As soon as EA releases the "cuffs" off me in the coming months. I will be releasing blogs covering each area that I can speak on at those times. So get ready guys, "disclosure" will be here before you know it.

Here is a few pictures from the event. Nothing real special but just wanted to share them with everyone.

EA Entrance

Model of Complex

Real Complex

Walking in EA Vancouver

EA Soccer field (AKA football)

Skyline from Roof

Skate showcase

Q(aka Reignmaka) with a Storm Trooper day before Halloween

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 allBthere @ 11/03/10 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by II Reignmaka II
You're both being very pessimistic which is saddening considering both myself and phobia expressing just the opposite. Its like you dont trust us.
he was at last year's community event.

imo, it puts you in a different frame of mind being flown out somewhere, given a good time etc.

In fact I recall money99 being there too and also being very impressed - and if I recall he felt as though they ruined at lot of what was great about the game from that time until release.

If it feels similar to fn4, I'm flat out...errr...out!

I demand snap in punches, effective jab use to be rewarded and realistic/spontanious situational cause/effect. Kind of like the odd knockdown in ufc '09 .... oh yeah...which is directly related to the biggest flaws of all - INTENTIONALLY ADDING CRAP LIKE COUNTERWINDOW'S! Time the punch, don't make people freeze like they just saw a ghost. Game's ridiculous in it's current state. No more 'game mechanics' just make it natural.
# 22 Phobia @ 11/03/10 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by allBthere
he was at last year's community event.

imo, it puts you in a different frame of mind being flown out somewhere, given a good time etc.

In fact I recall money99 being there too and also being very impressed - and if I recall he felt as though they ruined at lot of what was great about the game from that time until release.

If it feels similar to fn4, I'm flat out...errr...out!

I demand snap in punches, effective jab use to be rewarded and realistic/spontanious situational cause/effect. Kind of like the odd knockdown in ufc '09 .... oh yeah...which is directly related to the biggest flaws of all - INTENTIONALLY ADDING CRAP LIKE COUNTERWINDOW'S! Time the punch, don't make people freeze like they just saw a ghost. Game's ridiculous in it's current state. No more 'game mechanics' just make it natural.
Allb you know how I feel about sim in my MMA. I wish I could tell you what I got to play. You will be happy about plenty on your list here
# 23 Vast @ 11/04/10 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Allb you know how I feel about sim in my MMA. I wish I could tell you what I got to play. You will be happy about plenty on your list here
I'm very glad to hear this Phobia. Hopefully you're right and they don't end up making it less sim by the time it is released.

Developers should be aiming to please the hardcore sim crowd and sprinkle in some arcade modes in the game and the casuals will be there too.
Making the game a hybrid where its right between sim and arcade is just not satisfying as many consumers imo.
# 24 koolbubbaice @ 11/05/10 02:56 PM
It's hard to totally believe anyone that goes to these things.. I heard the same praise about FN4.. In a way, I think EA is looking for yes men, & don't want the game heavily criticized in certain area's.. I think more out spoken & direct to the fact people should attend these community sessions.. Lets be honest.. EA sees this as good publicity, as I bet no one will slam the game who went.. Wouldn't surpise me, if they can't & made to sign a contract about criticism or negativity.

There are more deserving members here IMO that should have gone, but EA might have seen then as a liability
# 25 Money99 @ 11/05/10 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by koolbubbaice
It's hard to totally believe anyone that goes to these things.. I heard the same praise about FN4.. In a way, I think EA is looking for yes men, & don't want the game heavily criticized in certain area's.. I think more out spoken & direct to the fact people should attend these community sessions.. Lets be honest.. EA sees this as good publicity, as I bet no one will slam the game who went.. Wouldn't surpise me, if they can't & made to sign a contract about criticism or negativity.

There are more deserving members here IMO that should have gone, but EA might have seen then as a liability
I'll take this one.

When I went out two years ago I gave the game a lot of praise after spending time with it.
But there's 2 things you should be aware of:

1. We had a very limited time with the game. I'm going to estimate 3-4 hours.
2. The game played differently at the Event than the retail version. As an example, I recall the right-cross having more weight to it.

Now how many times have you seen members here get their hands on a game and praise it for 24-48 hours. Then, after 3 or 4 days in, they come back and start flaming on all the flaws.
Why is that? Because they had more than 3 hours of playtime with it before they discovered all the bugs.

Also, everyone that makes a complaint like you about community members being soft, or 'yes men' has never been in their shoes. You want us to blast these developers for every little error or mistake, or for something we don't like.
When you meet these people you see the genuine love they have for their product. It takes a cold hearted S.O.B. to get in their face and say "This sucks! That sucks! What have you been working on!".

Saying that, when I was out there, we had multiple people give constructive criticism to many aspects of the game. Off the top of my head, I remember more than one person saying they made Ali too powerful. Getting off the canvas was too hard (it should be attribute based at the very least). They made a big mistake taking a button scheme out of the game entirely.
If can remember right, one person made a complaint about the responsiveness about the controls and Brizzo walked over and tinkled with the code right then and there and corrected it.

When I went, we spent most of our time doing fun gags like working out at a gym, getting a tour of their facilities and then getting a long video presentation of the product, followed up with a Q&A presentation with Mosely and Mora.
By the time we got our hands on the game, we didn't have a whole lot of time.

Now with Phobia, if I understand correctly, he basically played the game for 16 hours a day, two-days in a row. They were there to really beta test and hammer out bugs.
Our experience seemed to be more of 'do you like what we have' more than 'drill this baby for glitches'.

Saying that, I felt we all had a handle on what we could expect from the final product. And even though FNRd4 has flaws, it's still the best North American boxing game that's been released in a long, long time.

I trust Phobia. I've read his takes on UFC and MMA and he seems to be a sim MMA/boxing guy. If he liked it, most will too.
In the end, what do you care? The game will come out, you can rent it and if you don't like, don't buy it.
No need to slam people for something you've never experienced yourself.
# 26 SHAKYR @ 11/05/10 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
I'll take this one.

When I went out two years ago I gave the game a lot of praise after spending time with it.
But there's 2 things you should be aware of:

1. We had a very limited time with the game. I'm going to estimate 3-4 hours.
2. The game played differently at the Event than the retail version. As an example, I recall the right-cross having more weight to it.

Now how many times have you seen members here get their hands on a game and praise it for 24-48 hours. Then, after 3 or 4 days in, they come back and start flaming on all the flaws.
Why is that? Because they had more than 3 hours of playtime with it before they discovered all the bugs.

Also, everyone that makes a complaint like you about community members being soft, or 'yes men' has never been in their shoes. You want us to blast these developers for every little error or mistake, or for something we don't like.
When you meet these people you see the genuine love they have for their product. It takes a cold hearted S.O.B. to get in their face and say "This sucks! That sucks! What have you been working on!".

Saying that, when I was out there, we had multiple people give constructive criticism to many aspects of the game. Off the top of my head, I remember more than one person saying they made Ali too powerful. Getting off the canvas was too hard (it should be attribute based at the very least). They made a big mistake taking a button scheme out of the game entirely.
If can remember right, one person made a complaint about the responsiveness about the controls and Brizzo walked over and tinkled with the code right then and there and corrected it.

When I went, we spent most of our time doing fun gags like working out at a gym, getting a tour of their facilities and then getting a long video presentation of the product, followed up with a Q&A presentation with Mosely and Mora.
By the time we got our hands on the game, we didn't have a whole lot of time.

Now with Phobia, if I understand correctly, he basically played the game for 16 hours a day, two-days in a row. They were there to really beta test and hammer out bugs.
Our experience seemed to be more of 'do you like what we have' more than 'drill this baby for glitches'.

Saying that, I felt we all had a handle on what we could expect from the final product. And even though FNRd4 has flaws, it's still the best North American boxing game that's been released in a long, long time.

I trust Phobia. I've read his takes on UFC and MMA and he seems to be a sim MMA/boxing guy. If he liked it, most will too.
In the end, what do you care? The game will come out, you can rent it and if you don't like, don't buy it.
No need to slam people for something you've never experienced yourself.
This is all true. You forgot to say we had a pre-beta/alpha version of the game. We had a bare boned compared to the version of what this group had in their hands this year; two boxers and a generic looking ring.

The group that went to this Community event had a fully functional game that was I think 75% done with full gameplay intact.

@koolbubbaice, I was very vocal and remained vocal even when I came back as a Moderator on the EA Fight Night Forums. I was even asked to step down as a Moderator because I was so vocal because it wasn't in the company best interest for one of it's Senior Moderators being so opinionated about their product.

I'm a boxing fan and sim fan first. I have always reached out to EA Fight Night producers/Developers because of something I didn't like or brought a fans complaint or concern to them.

I know for a fact 2 of the guys who went up to EA had the fans interest in mind. They are avid boxing fans and they want boxing represented realistically.
# 27 Phobia @ 11/05/10 04:41 PM
To further comment on Money and Shakyr

@Kool, I don't like the jumping to conclusions of your posts. Not to "toot" my own horn, but I like to think I was a excellent choice for the job. I represent the community fully for "sim" games in all forms of sports. I also have plenty of people on OS that respect my view point on games. Plus I like to think I know sports gaming to the T, and have been apart of this "job" for sometime now. Since 01, I have been apart of the online community with sliders, rosters, and leagues. While I might not be the most "hardcore" boxing fan. I know the fight game and know how to translate that into a "sim" boxing game. So I think I did a excellent job representing OS.
Ok, I have always been a 2k fan and their great presentation and franchises. I have always had issues with EA and the lack of presentation. I went into the event with that same mindset and the other community members that went can back me up on this.

The very first day we walked in the room, I made my point by saying we want "NBA2k11" presentation. I also stated how all "sim" games such as NBA2k11 & NFL2k5 have received massive praise from gamers. They are also looked at as the example other sports games should be live up to.

I made SEVERAL comments about making FNC the NBA2k of boxing. Saying that gameplay is of course #1, with presentation following in a close second. Now I can't go into how these turned out in the game we played. But be well aware I am no "yes" man and I also brought the communities wants greatly to the event.

Through out testing the product I brought Mike over on many occasions with his pen and paper. We went over several areas I wanted to see adjusted. Anything and everything that I felt was "wrong" or "needed looking into". Be aware I made sure Mike, Brizzo, Jazz, or Freddy was known.

To get one thing straight. We the community were all 100% on pace with one another. We wanted sim boxing to be represented. We all expressed our changes we wanted to be seen and areas we wanted to see worked on.
So while I can't comment on any of this until given permission. Follow my blogs and you will see my true "impression" of our time there as time goes on. This community blog was just that, to share our community day experience with the "community". It sheds very little into the game other than the fact we all left impressed.

Like Money mentioned we spent a LARGE amount of time with the game for such a short time there. From 7am till 11PM or 12 we spent playing the game. Even getting to try out the adjustments on the second day after they made our recommended adjustments from the following day of testing.

Just come away knowing full well, I have the communities best interest in mind without a doubt.
# 28 SHAKYR @ 11/05/10 04:52 PM
reading your posts reassures what reignmaka and Anthony have been saying and posting since they have been back. I can't wait until you guys are able to talk more about what you have experience and saw.
# 29 Phobia @ 11/05/10 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
reading your posts reassures what reignmaka and Anthony have been saying and posting since they have been back. I can't wait until you guys are able to talk more about what you have experience and saw.
Reignmaka and Ant were the heart and soul of boxing "tech". Where I stood looking at the game from a simulation "gameplay" stand point. I am a fight fan across the board and know my share of boxing, but I lean heavier on the MMA side of things. Even with that said, I reiterated many times over what EA MMA has done "correct" in their game and how it should also be brought over to the Fight Night series.

While Terminald and Cash "broke" the game. They went in trying to remove anything and everything related to being used "cheesy". They found a number of exploits that were being corrected. I think they were a crucial part of the team outside of the "sim" guys. Because playing how I play does not mean that is how everyone online will play. So their role in showing how the tournament players will approach the game was amazing to see. Term is a excellent fight night player and showed me a few things I did not know about.

I think the team they brought in this year was geared very heavy in all forms of the genre, from tournament players, to real boxing, to sim gameplay. It really help all of us stick to what we know and are good at. So we were able to focus on our strong areas and translate that to the developers.

As soon as we get to start talking about the game itself I will be happy. There are many areas I want to speak about. Hopefully that comes sooner than later
# 30 II Reignmaka II @ 11/05/10 05:34 PM
This needs to be posted on the EA forums as well. Granted there are people there with substandard comprehension skills. Man is that frustrating...
# 31 Phobia @ 11/05/10 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by II Reignmaka II
This needs to be posted on the EA forums as well. Granted there are people there with substandard comprehension skills. Man is that frustrating...
If you can't tell I gave up over there. To many "immature kids". Nothing against everyone over there but couple bad people make it un-enjoyable over there.
# 32 Bamtino @ 11/06/10 09:16 PM
Is stun blocking still in? Don't have to elaborate, just a simple yes or no question...
# 33 RumbleCard @ 11/06/10 09:36 PM
As mentioned earlier there has to be more to the career mode beyond a CAP and a single road to title holder and subsequent defends. I made a post a long time ago outlining how much more immersed you would be if you played the part of (for lack of a better term) commish or promoter where you could guide a stable of fighters throughout the years or at the very least be able to fight all the fight cards top to bottom or cherry pick the ones you want to participate in. This allows you to experience the entire scope of all that boxing has to offer vs. a narrow scope of a single fighter journey. Having the ability to match up and create cards or progress a multitude of fighters over the years would be a breathe of fresh air. Obviously this would still allow you to stick with one fighter if you were to choose to do so.

It seems that nearly every game has the same or similar career mode plus or minus tidbits here and there. There really needs to be a new and fresh landscape to the career mode.
# 34 SHAKYR @ 11/06/10 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bamtino
Is stun blocking still in? Don't have to elaborate, just a simple yes or no question...

He's a quote from someone who has a EGM issue 242 magazine with a 4 page Fight Night Champion layout.
Originally Posted by cem_ea_id.ModernAutomatic
Here's some things I found in the article. I won't copy what they said in the article, but instead provide bullet points of what they revealed.

- game looks smoother with light motion blur, improved physics and lighting effects
- Tale of the tape screens
- more dynamic default camera
- numerous control alterations and gameplay tweaks
- 6 control schemes, default includes punching with the stick AND buttons (?)
- "Full Spectrum Punch Control" lets you throw double the variation of punches from round 4
- Overhands, flair straights and hookercuts are examples of new punches in addition to our old repertoire
- One button blocking allowing you to tap for a single punch or hold for lasting coverage
- punching out of the block
- Haymakers are gone, replaced with a power modifier for all punches
- New stun states, including a "rung bell" that can last minutes, and even carry round to round
- TWO stamina bars, aerobic and anaerobic. One for punching one for movement
- Much closer inside fighting, including moving the opponent chest to chest
- In ring referee
- Automated between round corner game. Balanced and no more "points"
- Fighters move different over the course of a lengthy fight
- In addition to Legacy mode (which is returning) there is a new "Champion" mode that is yet to be revealed
- Legacy upgrades like money which can be used to hire managers and other staff
- Also in Legacy, international gym travel for advanced training
- 10 training minigames
- Legacy starts with lenghier amateur career with olympic scoring and equipment
- 55-60 licensed fighters along with yet-to-be-revealed new faces
- First EA sports title to be rated M for blood and language. Speculation that some trainers in legacy have potty mouths
- There's a screenshot of two fighters fighting with no gloves, just handwraps duking it out

So that's a breakdown of the info, but you should still check the magazine out! Great photos and well written article.
...and people said they were not going to read the wishlist we sent them last October.
# 35 Bamtino @ 11/07/10 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR

He's a quote from someone who has a EGM issue 242 magazine with a 4 page Fight Night Champion layout.

...and people said they were not going to read the wishlist we sent them last October.
We finally got a ref in the ring and TOT...It only took EA 6 years to fulfill those wishes...Better late than never i guess... Anyways my question wasn't answered by your post...I want to know if stunning your opponent with a defensive maneuver is still in the game... I don't need any details just a simple yes or no...
# 36 Kanobi @ 11/07/10 11:37 AM
If the beans were spilled to EGM about a month or so ago, why are the community guys under gag order?
# 37 Phobia @ 11/08/10 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Kanobi
If the beans were spilled to EGM about a month or so ago, why are the community guys under gag order?
We(the community day guys) are not sure either. Now I know for a fact it has to do with the EA Marketing department. I am sure they have a outline of how material is supposed to be "released".

What I can say, is I got a e-mail from EA and we will be allowed to go into gameplay and legacy mode pretty soon. So it should not be to much longer guys.
# 38 Kanobi @ 11/08/10 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
We(the community day guys) are not sure either. Now I know for a fact it has to do with the EA Marketing department. I am sure they have a outline of how material is supposed to be "released".

What I can say, is I got a e-mail from EA and we will be allowed to go into gameplay and legacy mode pretty soon. So it should not be to much longer guys.
Awesome! I'd rather get you guys' opinions on the new features and changes than the mags'.
# 39 Money99 @ 11/08/10 10:59 AM
Legacy upgrades like money which can be used to hire managers and other staff
- Also in Legacy, international gym travel for advanced training

I also love hearing that there's more punches. I really hope that means there's different ratings for each punch.

I want to be able to scout my future opponents and know if I have to watch out for a particular shot.
Someone might reconsider circling to their right if they're facing Razor Ruddock and his daunted "Smash" punch.
# 40 Phobia @ 11/08/10 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Money99

I also love hearing that there's more punches. I really hope that means there's different ratings for each punch.

I want to be able to scout my future opponents and know if I have to watch out for a particular shot.
Someone might reconsider circling to their right if they're facing Razor Ruddock and his daunted "Smash" punch.

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