NHL 11 News Post

Hey everyone, thank you for reading another edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles).

This article has been on my mind for a long time now so I'm excited to dive into it headfirst, not only see what I come up with, but also to see what the community has to say. So, of course, your comments are always appreciated, welcomed and encouraged.

So far the NHL 11 season is off to a good start. The EA Canada team has done well to deliver yet another solid title with enough additions to not only justify throwing down 60 bucks, but also enough to keep most of us happy until the next release. That said, of course there is always room for improvement, and I'm sure we all have ideas for future versions of the game.

Personally, I'm ready to see the EA developers match the work they have done on the gameplay side of the NHL series by focusing with the same intensity and fervor on the presentation element in this series. Don't get me wrong, EA's NHL series does have decent presentation. Hell, I'd even say it's good presentation. However, in essence, there's a lot missing.

Read More - Pucking Ridiculous: Desination Presentation

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 rudeworld @ 10/11/10 11:02 AM
presentation = 2ksports.... they have done a tremendous job in that department, all sports games need to copy NBA & MLB today
# 2 qpc123 @ 10/11/10 12:18 PM
next desTination=spell check
# 3 onlybygrace @ 10/11/10 01:05 PM
Yeah, that wasn't my doing...I'll be sure to pass it on to Chris. He or whoever posted the article mispelled the title.

But thanks for pointing it out as though it weren't obvious to everyone.
# 4 ChaseB @ 10/11/10 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by onlybygrace
Yeah, that wasn't my doing...I'll be sure to pass it on to Chris. He or whoever posted the article mispelled the title.

But thanks for pointing it out as though it weren't obvious to everyone.
Chris might be out so I fixed it for you slugger.
# 5 PhillsPhan26 @ 10/11/10 01:52 PM
They need to have the winter classic. I was so disappointed it wasnt in this years game but it's a must for next season. And the ability to put facial hair on players would be cool too.
# 6 Dazraz @ 10/11/10 02:00 PM
The lack of presentation features was the first thing that struck me with NHL 11. Although the game is certainly a worthy upgrade from NHL 10 the lack of attention to this area is certainly evident. With 2K's awesome presentation on both their NBA & MLB games & the likelihood that they will release a NHL game next year it is important for EA that they address this part of their game.
# 7 buzzguy @ 10/11/10 02:09 PM
I dunno, although NHL 11's presentation is "lacking", the general art design, font choices, and overall graphics package seems more contemporary compared to 2K Sports.
Just my observation, and since I work in graphic design, I probably focus on stuff you guys wouldn't notice as much.
# 8 Tommy Boy @ 10/11/10 02:25 PM
Personally I want them to finally flesh out and implment a Online dynasty/League setup its been far too long that there hasn't been a worthy league mode in the NHL series. Think NHL 2K series the leagues in that game are great
# 9 statum71 @ 10/11/10 02:46 PM
This is just how EA is. Let's look at it....

NHL Series.............no Intermission Reports (only unnarrated highlights)
Madden 11..............no Halftime Report (only unnarrated highlights)
NCAA Football........shows the score and then pause menu
FIFA Series..............no Halftime Report
Live Series...............pause menu
Fight Night series...nothing post-fight. Only quick shot of referee declaring winner

For SOME strange reason, it seems like they feel many of us ONLY care about gameplay. Gameplay is only PART of what makes a sports game as real as TV.

In fairnesss, Madden 10 HAD a Halftime Report. But it was very generic and didn't really break down what was happening in THIS game.
# 10 Trevelyan @ 10/11/10 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by buzzguy
I dunno, although NHL 11's presentation is "lacking", the general art design, font choices, and overall graphics package seems more contemporary compared to 2K Sports.
Just my observation, and since I work in graphic design, I probably focus on stuff you guys wouldn't notice as much.
This is what I was thinking of as well. Compared to other sports games, NHL destroys them in this department.
# 11 statum71 @ 10/11/10 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Trevelyan
This is what I was thinking of as well. Compared to other sports games, NHL destroys them in this department.
This is true. But that doesn't mean ignore such a major area when it comes to realism. I mean these games ARE aiming for a TV-like feel right?

Bottom line...the game can be beautiful but the lack of a realistic "FEEL" can still diminish the overall value.
# 12 bluemax @ 10/11/10 03:17 PM
Good article, and I agree we need a presentation overhaul, for nhl12 (for all easports games actually).

I enjoy nhl 11 greatly it is fantastic, and while the presentation is improved it has a long way to go.
Imo you have to get the feeling that you play in a league where stuff happens around you. What I want to see:

- better ingame commentary, so for example if I play with the Wings and I`m only 10th in the conference midseason they should talk about how badly I underachieve, thats only one example, they shuld talk about streaks, player stats etc.

-intermision reports, I want out of town scores

-i want a weekly wrap-up a la nhl on the fly, if they cant do that at least something like nhl.com were you have news around the league were you get scores, rumors about trades, injuries, suprise teams etc.

-better draft presentation

-season preview show, weekly power rankings

-better presentation of be a gm, I think it looks boring and is akward to navigate, I don`t understand why they can`t give every team a different be a gm surrounding, maybe the arena as background or skyline of the city? And instead of the boring "what is new" before every game why not a picture with the arena and the starting lineups.

The NHL Team has only to look at nba 2k11 to get inspiration and do the same, that would go a long way. I`m not a huge bball fan but i will buy this game for presentation alone.

Hopefully they will deliver next year in the presentation department, then this game will be even better.
# 13 statum71 @ 10/11/10 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Trevelyan
This is what I was thinking of as well. Compared to other sports games, NHL destroys them in this department.
And also....this is 2010. Nice graphics have come to be expected.

So why can't we pettition for a good looking game WITH great presentation? If Sony can do it with MLB The Show and 2K can do it with NBA 2K11....then Ea can do it too.

And both those games look really good.
# 14 voodoo_magic @ 10/11/10 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by statum71
This is just how EA is. Let's look at it....

NHL Series.............no Intermission Reports (only unnarrated highlights)
Madden 11..............no Halftime Report (only unnarrated highlights)
NCAA Football........shows the score and then pause menu
FIFA Series..............no Halftime Report
Live Series...............pause menu
Fight Night series...nothing post-fight. Only quick shot of referee declaring winner

For SOME strange reason, it seems like they feel many of us ONLY care about gameplay. Gameplay is only PART of what makes a sports game as real as TV.

In fairnesss, Madden 10 HAD a Halftime Report. But it was very generic and didn't really break down what was happening in THIS game.
EA is like an underachieving kid.
They do some things well but since other companies have shown what can be done they're response to why they don't have better presentation is probably "because"
I understand in the first year of next gen but by now there really is no excuse for not having at least what 2k has.
# 15 bighurt27 @ 10/11/10 04:21 PM
Don't get me wrong, I really like EA's NHL games but if 2K implements an "NHL Today" presentation style in 2K12, that's where my money's going next year.
# 16 HeroWorship @ 10/11/10 04:48 PM
Remember in the old 16-bit era NHL games, they had intermission highlights and out of town box scores? Or how in NHL 95, they had an Award show?

Sure, it looked like crap and such, but it was still fun and cool (and to note, innovative) at the time. Hell, in NHL 97 on the 16-bit era, we saw skills competition, something we haven't seen in a EA game since.

My point is, we were able to see all this almost fifteen years ago, but in the current editions of the game, we don't even see the little things being implemented.

Imagine in a intermission of a playoffs game, and it cuts to highlights from a Game 7 of another series, and shows you the winner before you're game ends? Hell, even a bottom line on the bottom would be pretty cool during intermission.

I don't need all the stat overlays like in MLB, but even addressing the little nooks and crannies of the presentation would be a fine start.
# 17 statum71 @ 10/11/10 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by HeroWorship
Remember in the old 16-bit era NHL games, they had intermission highlights and out of town box scores? Or how in NHL 95, they had an Award show?

Sure, it looked like crap and such, but it was still fun and cool (and to note, innovative) at the time. Hell, in NHL 97 on the 16-bit era, we saw skills competition, something we haven't seen in a EA game since.

My point is, we were able to see all this almost fifteen years ago, but in the current editions of the game, we don't even see the little things being implemented.

Imagine in a intermission of a playoffs game, and it cuts to highlights from a Game 7 of another series, and shows you the winner before you're game ends? Hell, even a bottom line on the bottom would be pretty cool during intermission.

I don't need all the stat overlays like in MLB, but even addressing the little nooks and crannies of the presentation would be a fine start.
I was in total agreement right up to that last line. I think the stat overlays is a huge part of what makes the game feel "alive."

When I'm playing season mode in NBA 2K11...it feels like I'm really a part of a "league." Why? Because the commentators talk like they know whats going on OUTSIDE of just my current game.
# 18 kazjason @ 10/11/10 05:08 PM
In my opinion the missing peice of most EA games is the "immersive" experience. It just isn't there, at least as franchises go. 2K gives that to me, I love feeling like my franchise is "alive", like it's my own little world. I just don't get that with the EA games yet. I've gone back to playing NHL 2K10 surprisingly, and it's not that I think NHL11 is bad, 2K just pulls me back in with a more "immersive" franchise.
# 19 CodeBr8k3r @ 10/11/10 06:39 PM
When I have Gary Throne still calling Pittsburgh's arena the Mellon Arena even though on the ice it says differently AND their arena is the same copy & paste from the past THREE YEARS....there is a bit of a problem. I like the goal review addition and it does need to get expanded to goals that could have gone in (I have ran into a few "goals" that never got reviewed). The crowd needs to be as loud and crazy as it is in NBA Live 10, an NHL today type feature NEEDS to be implemented and for the love of god...a new announce team. While the gameplay feels like NHL 11, I still feel like am playing NHL 10 and 09 because I have heard all of their lines already.

Woo Rant! But yes..Presentation seriously needs an overhaul period.
# 20 onlybygrace @ 10/11/10 08:53 PM
Not that many of you probably noticed, but my name is Stephen Holley. I have no idea who Andrew Kennedy is. He must have been that strange guy who came over to my house to help me write the article.

I guess I should have asked his name, eh? Live and learn.

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