NBA Elite 11 News Post

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Game: NBA Elite 11Reader Score: 2/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 5 - View All
NBA Elite 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 coolcras7 @ 08/09/10 01:19 PM
where do I start with the recent video, I really hope that was not the CPU on defense, the screen is established he sees it and still runs into the guy, second after the screen the point guard runs into the center and the center skates backwards.
# 2 bls @ 08/09/10 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by UnusualMattyB
Looks exactly like 10. And when they say user controlled what exactly do they mean? Wasn't pick n rolls user controlled last year as well? Where you could have them either roll to the basket or pick and pop for a jump shot?????????
# 3 bls @ 08/09/10 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
where do I start with the recent video, I really hope that was no the CPU on defense, the screen is established he sees it and still runs into the guy, second after the screen the point guard runs into the center and the center skates backwards.
Yeah man I think they should have just stuck with Live 09 and built off of that, they had a great foundation with that game especially with the foot planting. Could have been close to catching up with 2k by now.
# 4 P21J @ 08/09/10 01:22 PM
The player models look really good IMO....but the main thing I noticed was that Okafor wasn't impacted by Calderon bumping into him. Hopefully one of the devs read this post and can verify if the screener will be effected depending on weight, momentum, etc.
# 5 mario_2324 @ 08/09/10 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by bls
Looks exactly like 10. And when they say user controlled what exactly do they mean? Wasn't pick n rolls user controlled last year as well? Where you could have them either roll to the basket or pick and pop for a jump shot?????????
It was different in live 10......this yr u hit A to call for one then A again 2 have them roll......i think bcuz it was off screen, it looks like live 10.....
# 6 YoungG @ 08/09/10 01:24 PM
yessssssss...i am liking the way this game is shaping up. Finally some raptors in the videos.

I really like the way the game is looking right now...so polished, still some sliding though but i hope that's still being tweaked. As for the other video on ratings, its good to see the two ends of the spectrum, this game will be something special.
# 7 DR Russell @ 08/09/10 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by UnusualMattyB
Thank you for posting!!! Looks great!
# 8 UnusualMattyB @ 08/09/10 01:27 PM

Pretty cool info, they should have just put them at their normal weight and strength as well though, so we could see what the actual game play would be like in some way.
# 9 mario_2324 @ 08/09/10 01:27 PM
Lol i dont get y u guys are complaining so much.....should be grateful that we get anything at all.....im not tryna start nothin but the critiquing gets kind of annoying even though it helps the devs somewhat. I believe the reason he didnt bulge was because of a weight difference.....Omeka is a center and calderon is a pg...
# 10 mario_2324 @ 08/09/10 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by UnusualMattyB

I made another Thread, but I guess I shouldn't have, but here is a link to the next video...pretty cool actually.
I agree
# 11 renewill27 @ 08/09/10 01:30 PM
we have a right to express our like r dislike of something.
# 12 Da-Man @ 08/09/10 01:30 PM
Can someone please post the vids on youtube?... Thanks.
# 13 mario_2324 @ 08/09/10 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by renewill27
we have a right to express our like r dislike of something.
obviously....lmao...i cant stop u....its just the things that get nit-picked about....Are they gonna be a game killer? probably not
# 14 coolcras7 @ 08/09/10 01:38 PM
The second video showing collision is stupid because it is unrealistic you purposely put in wrong data to get a desired result, why don't you actually put in there real stats and let us see the results.
# 15 renewill27 @ 08/09/10 01:39 PM
this is what u signed up for lol. Im not hating but its a gamefly rent for me. Still dnt like the movements of the players, its still to fast.
# 16 YoungG @ 08/09/10 01:42 PM
it's exciting to see the process, we just have to wait until the demo drops next month (hopefully), and really judge from there. The game is still being worked on and tweaked so things that we're seeing now and are having a problem with, more than likely won't be in the demo or final build.
# 17 Live_4real @ 08/09/10 01:44 PM
Did someone said that Okafor was skating backwards??? WOW, just look it better please

There where 2 less great aspect on that play.... Even if Okafor didnīt move is feet after the contact, because we was already set for a long time for the screen, the impact of Calderon should do something to Okafor`s body, he didnīt even shake, he looked like nothing touched him.....

Bargnani slided just a little, when I saw the video for the 1st time it looked really bad, but he actually has at least one foot off the ground in that sequence when the created player comes to him, and the foot planted on the floor just slided a bit, not as much as it appeared on the first time....

2 not as great aspects of the play, other then that, SPOT ON

(constructive criticism)

# 18 dexvex @ 08/09/10 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
The second video showing collision is stupid because it is unrealistic you purposely put in wrong data to get a desired result, why don't you actually put in there real stats and let us see the results.
Lol calm down man. He was obviously just showing the differences the ratings could mean in the game, nothing stupid about it at all.....
# 19 renewill27 @ 08/09/10 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Live_4real
Did someone said that Okafor was skating backwards??? WOW, just look it better please

There where 2 less great aspect on that play.... Even if Okafor didnīt move is feet after the contact, because we was already set for a long time for the screen, the impact of Calderon should do something to Okafor`s body, he didnīt even shake, he looked like nothing touched him.....

Bargnani slided just a little, when I saw the video for the 1st time it looked really bad, but he actually has at least one foot off the ground in that sequence when the created player comes to him, and the foot planted on the floor just slided a bit, not as much as it appeared on the first time....
Dude stfu and get off they damn nuts already. You been riding them since you joined here. People have a right to say what they want. Its seems like you dont see anything wrong when it comes to this game. Get your damn blinders of for a sec.
2 not as great aspects of the play, other then that, SPOT ON

(constructive criticism or GTFO)

Dude stfu and get off they damn nuts already. You been riding them since you joined here. People have a right to say what they want. Its seems like you dont see anything wrong when it comes to this game. Get your damn blinders of for a sec.
# 20 coolcras7 @ 08/09/10 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by dexvex
Lol calm down man. He was obviously just showing the differences the ratings could mean in the game, nothing stupid about it at all.....
I will not calm down, the video just does a disservice to the game, EA keeps putting out videos of an unfinished product then says oo we did not do this and this so that why it looks like that, you dont make one player 300 pounds any another player 150 pound then say see this is how collusion will look especially when the actually players are not that weight in real life, if they want us to see how they game will look show us when they have the real player properties in the game.

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