Madden NFL 11 News Post

Madden NFL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
AmericasTeam @ 07/14/10 09:56 AM
I am loving these vids of the outdoor stadiums. The lighting looks fantastic! Thanks Steve!
Did that announcer really say "Ted Ginn was the intended receiver on the play" at 1:44? I believe that guy's on the 49ers lol
# 3
RayAllen20 @ 07/14/10 11:41 AM
Anyway, I love to see that Elvis Dumervil was a force in this game with already 2 sacks! That's great, since I felt in Madden 10 dominant pass rushers never really made their presence felt. Also, I like how he went untouched and it wasn't because of blocking assignments. That hopefully means my Jets will pull of stunts and get untouched sacks too. This game is starting to look better and better each video too me, especially after I didn't like it very much at the beginning.
Does this mean we have the Broncos throwbacks in the game on release? If so that's awesome. Would love to see more unis
# 5
packers718 @ 07/14/10 05:12 PM
# 7
PantherBeast_OS @ 07/15/10 02:22 AM
Man the LBer who got the sack on Jason Campball came off the edge might fast. But good video. Thanks steveo.
# 8
PantherBeast_OS @ 07/15/10 02:24 AM

# 10
raiderfan81 @ 07/21/10 11:04 AM
those aint the throwbacks atleast not for the raiders there's are white jerseys with silver numbers and black outline...those bronco jerseys where on last years game i believe?
And whats up with campbell looking like a white guy,i know he's lite skin but geez that is a lil too lite.
And whats up with campbell looking like a white guy,i know he's lite skin but geez that is a lil too lite.
# 11
blklightning @ 07/22/10 08:01 AM
what's with the insta-stop tackles? as soon as the guy comes into contact with the defender, he immediately stops all forward progress. and this particular defender came in from the side. that is just not possible. play starts at 0:50.
in all the vids i've watched of this game, this is definitely the standout negative. it gets more ridiculous the more i watch it. it's like the ball carrier just ran into an invisible brick wall.
in all the vids i've watched of this game, this is definitely the standout negative. it gets more ridiculous the more i watch it. it's like the ball carrier just ran into an invisible brick wall.
# 12
blklightning @ 07/22/10 08:05 AM
# 13
Blitzburgh @ 07/22/10 08:25 AM
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