NCAA Football 11 News Post

I will come right out and say it: The NCAA Football series has been a disaster on this generation of consoles. However, I am happy to say that after a long wait, and after playing my copy of NCAA Football 11 for several weeks now, not only is the franchise back in a very big way, but this is also the best football game I have played this generation.

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Game: NCAA Football 11Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 83 - View All
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# 21 TheGamingChef @ 07/09/10 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by dfoz3
Great review! One thing I haven't been able to clearly understand from any reviews or previews though. Is the dynasty anywhere feature for offline dynasties too? I would love to be able to manage my personal dynasty online while at work or away from my console so when I am playing the game I can focus on PLAYING the game! Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this!
It is not for offline dynasty, but many people (myself included) plan to have a 1-user Online Dynasty for their personal dynasty so they can utilize the Dynasty Anywhere features.
# 22 NoDakHusker @ 07/09/10 02:55 PM
I was skeptical about Gameinformer giving this a 9, but now that I see Chris giving it a 9...wow. This has me extremely excited for Tuesday. Sounds like this is the next gen football game we've been waiting for!!
# 23 dfoz3 @ 07/09/10 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by TheGamingChef
It is not for offline dynasty, but many people (myself included) plan to have a 1-user Online Dynasty for their personal dynasty so they can utilize the Dynasty Anywhere features.
That sounds like the way to go if it has the same features as the offline dynasty. Thanks for the tip!
# 24 rudyjuly2 @ 07/09/10 03:19 PM
Great review! Has me excited for this Tuesday.
# 25 mjarz02 @ 07/09/10 03:21 PM
I'm VERY happy to hear that the gameplay is slower on the retail version vs demo! That was my only complaint with the demo, was that it still felt like you were skating on ice. Its also nice that EA gives you the choice to speed it up or slow it down to your prefrence.

Great Article! I am one of many who did NOT enjoy '10, it was a terrible game IMO. I will be trading in UFC 10' to buy NCAA. UFC 10' is a terrible arcade version of MMA fighting for those of you who are thinking of buying it.

Anyways, I can't wait for tuesday and will most likely start a franchise with VTech. I will be running ALL day on every team!
# 26 thaima1shu @ 07/09/10 03:23 PM
Nice, detailed review. Really has me very excited for this game to drop. Can't wait!
# 27 TheGamingChef @ 07/09/10 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by dfoz3
That sounds like the way to go if it has the same features as the offline dynasty. Thanks for the tip!
No problem man, it sounds like Online will have all the same features as offline except for conference invites. So if that's a gamebreaker you might want to think about it.
# 28 DJ @ 07/09/10 03:23 PM
Very solid review, Christian. I love reading about how effective the CPU is at running the ball this year. And, to hear Navy only threw the ball 8 times against you brought a smile to my face.

I am very much looking forward to the 13th. I plan on being at my GS right when it opens. I've already told the wife (she's a teacher and on break) that I have the television reserved for a 4-hour block so I can get some quality time in with this game.
# 29 Bumble14 @ 07/09/10 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by ndhusker90
I was skeptical about Gameinformer giving this a 9, but now that I see Chris giving it a 9...wow. This has me extremely excited for Tuesday. Sounds like this is the next gen football game we've been waiting for!!
Chris posted the review to the site, I wrote it (Christian McLeod). Hope that doesn't put a damper on your excitement
# 30 c_law23 @ 07/09/10 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
Chris posted the review to the site, I wrote it (Christian McLeod). Hope that doesn't put a damper on your excitement
Doesn't for me. Incredible review! The navy bit also made me very happy. The online coach contacts made me very very happy. If only there were online conference invites! Awesome review, thanks!
# 31 NoDakHusker @ 07/09/10 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
Chris posted the review to the site, I wrote it (Christian McLeod). Hope that doesn't put a damper on your excitement
Ohh I see. Well whoever wrote it, I'm still excited Great review!
# 32 Cusefan @ 07/09/10 04:11 PM
Wow, Operation Sports gave a game a better Review than IGN, The world may end soon...

As others have mentioned, I cannot wait to play.
# 33 Cito2009 @ 07/09/10 04:14 PM
Does the demo have dual stick ability? He said that you juke with the left stick and lean the torso with the right stick... I dont think the demo has that working as it does in the retail?
# 34 c_law23 @ 07/09/10 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by c_law23
Doesn't for me. Incredible review! The navy bit also made me very happy. The online coach contacts made me very very happy. If only there were online conference invites! Awesome review, thanks!
Ok reading another thread has confused me. You said contacts were in online meaning you can get job offers on OD?
# 35 swaldo @ 07/09/10 04:25 PM
Good, well written review and nice rundown of all the new features. And thanks for giving an honest take of the pass rush issue, that was my main gripe from the demo. I do wish you would've talked about how the different levels play out and how easy it is to beat certain teams or the AI in general. If you play a good team against a poor team (let's say in real life they'd be a 30 point underdog) how will this play out? Are you always going to destroy them 70-3, or will they at times be scrappy and put up a fight? I mean I heard some people were racking up high scores in the demo, and that was against good teams so I am concerned once you play awhile there will be no challenge.

Also, when you opened up the review with...

"I will come right out and say it: The NCAA Football series has been a disaster on this generation of consoles. With each successive release on the 360 and PS3, the series began to sink deeper and deeper into a vortex of mediocrity."

I found that kinda funny because the OS scores for NCAA 2008 and 2010 were 8 (very good), and NCAA 2009 it was 8.5 (very good to exceptional.) Anyway, you didn't write those reviews so I guess they felt alot better about them than you did. Just saying because just by looking at scores you'd think there was little improvement.
# 36 PVarck31 @ 07/09/10 04:32 PM
One of the best written reviews I have ever read.
# 37 Buckeye @ 07/09/10 04:35 PM
Can't wait for the game. Great review Chris
# 38 NoDakHusker @ 07/09/10 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cito2009
Does the demo have dual stick ability? He said that you juke with the left stick and lean the torso with the right stick... I dont think the demo has that working as it does in the retail?
Dual stick controls are disabled in the demo.
# 39 Bumble14 @ 07/09/10 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by swaldo
Good, well written review and nice rundown of all the new features. And thanks for giving an honest take of the pass rush issue, that was my main gripe from the demo. I do wish you would've talked about how the different levels play out and how easy it is to beat certain teams or the AI in general. If you play a good team against a poor team (let's say in real life they'd be a 30 point underdog) how will this play out? Are you always going to destroy them 70-3, or will they at times be scrappy and put up a fight? I mean I heard some people were racking up high scores in the demo, and that was against good teams so I am concerned once you play awhile there will be no challenge.

Also, when you opened up the review with...

"I will come right out and say it: The NCAA Football series has been a disaster on this generation of consoles. With each successive release on the 360 and PS3, the series began to sink deeper and deeper into a vortex of mediocrity."

I found that kinda funny because the OS scores for NCAA 2008 and 2010 were 8 (very good), and NCAA 2009 it was 8.5 (very good to exceptional.) Anyway, you didn't write those reviews so I guess they felt alot better about them than you did. Just saying because just by looking at scores you'd think there was little improvement.
I'll be 100% honest with you- the CPU this year is no joke. Now having said this, the majority of the challenge at the higher difficulties is going to come from how much experience you have with the game. As someone who has been an NCAA junkie for 10+ years, I can usually find a way to beat the an "A" rated team on AA even when playing with a lesser ranked squad. As I mentioned in the review, teams will stick to their offense, and I found myself losing some games that I typically would have never dropped (the game I mentioned against Navy for one).

The best part is even if you are a skilled vet of the series you still will be surprised every now and then by some schools, and playing juggernauts is a good challenge. Heisman is brutally cheap as always, so if you are finding the game too easy the sliders will be your friend.

With regards to scoring I have had some very realistic games that are all over the place . 17-13 with a good team vs. average team, 35-3 with a great team vs. weak team, 28-24 two great teams, 7-3 two great teams. Scoring differential will have a lot to do with your skills this year, so the games are really going to be about how well you execute and pay attention to your opponents offensive/defensive sets.

I did not review those past NCAA games and I would have scored them much lower. I'm pretty tough on my sports titles (take a look at some past reviews), so I did not hand this 9.0 out lightly.
# 40 Gusto1 @ 07/09/10 04:47 PM
Does the game have broadcast camera view?

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