Gran Turismo 5 News Post

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Game: Gran Turismo 5Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 16 - View All
Gran Turismo 5 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 rynecandy @ 07/04/10 03:11 PM
Exactly what I was thinking....no car damage. I heard there is supposed to be car damage but so far none of the videos have shown it. I read that the E3 demo had it turned off. I understand the F1 video game isn't going to have car damage because the car companies won't allow it...but what's up with GT5?
# 2 Blzer @ 07/04/10 03:20 PM
LOL at "It only does 950+ cars."

I love Sony's new ad campaign.
# 3 Bahnzo @ 07/04/10 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by rynecandy
I understand the F1 video game isn't going to have car damage because the car companies won't allow it...
Not true.
# 4 rspencer86 @ 07/04/10 04:10 PM
Holy mother of Mary those graphics are insane!

Still disappointed by the absence of damage though.
# 5 JimmyDeicide @ 07/04/10 05:43 PM
There is damage in both games do the research before complaining.
# 6 eddiing @ 07/05/10 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
Holy mother of Mary those graphics are insane!

Still disappointed by the absence of damage though.
no need to be disappointed because damage is in the game.. look closely

@ :38, driver side door = Damaged
@ :43, RX7 driver side door + Z passenger side door = Damaged

here is link to GT site regarding damage

here is a picture of a Z with damaged front:
# 7 Jessep07 @ 07/05/10 01:35 AM
wow....just wow
# 8 42 @ 07/05/10 03:02 AM
So pumped for this damn game!
# 9 rspencer86 @ 07/05/10 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by eddiing
no need to be disappointed because damage is in the game.. look closely

@ :38, driver side door = Damaged
@ :43, RX7 driver side door + Z passenger side door = Damaged

here is link to GT site regarding damage

here is a picture of a Z with damaged front:
Good stuff, thanks for the info. I guess I was looking for more pronounced damage in the video since those collisions were rather violent.

Does this drop in November?
# 10 42 @ 07/05/10 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by rspencer86

Does this drop in November?

November 2nd
# 11 Buckeye @ 07/05/10 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Brett_OS
November 2nd
Just for PS3 or PS2 also?
# 12 Whitesox @ 07/05/10 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Codyjohnpaul
Just for PS3 or PS2 also?
I don't think so.

So pumped for this game. I might even have to buy a wheel!
# 13 Buckeye @ 07/05/10 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by whitesox
I don't think so.

So pumped for this game. I might even have to buy a wheel!
Migh go out and buy a PS3 just for the show and this
# 14 Whitesox @ 07/05/10 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by eddiing
Great article. Unfortunately those *'s make me a little uneasy. Not interior view for 800 of the 1,000 cars? What does damage isn't necessarily applied to all races mean?
# 15 Bahnzo @ 07/05/10 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by whitesox
Great article. Unfortunately those *'s make me a little uneasy. Not interior view for 800 of the 1,000 cars? What does damage isn't necessarily applied to all races mean?
It does seem like there are still some unanswered questions about this game. I watched the Inside Sim Racing (or whatever it's called) show on the game and the dev they interviewed was pretty tight lipped on these things...which usually isn't good news in the end.

As for the interior views...I think you can still race with a cockpit view, just that only some cars will have highly detailed cockpits while the rest will be generic.

Not sure about damage, but it does seem to be minimal compared to what we've come to expect in other games. I think they walk a fine line between licensing and companies not wanting their cars to shatter into a 1000 pieces and realistic damage models.

I have to say the thing that worries me most about GT5 is that it might be spreading itself too thin. It looks like it's trying to capture a little of all the racing genres (ie: Nascar, F1, Rally, Road, Street) instead of just focusing on something and doing it really well. For instance, it looks like there will be only one oval track in the game (indy), so why bother with Nascar? That's a lot of time, money and licensing spent on something that would be better left to someone else to do fully.
# 16 Aggies7 @ 07/06/10 12:24 AM
Wish we could see more Nascar videos and information
# 17 TracerBullet @ 07/06/10 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by whitesox
Great article. Unfortunately those *'s make me a little uneasy. Not interior view for 800 of the 1,000 cars? What does damage isn't necessarily applied to all races mean?
I'm going to guess that damage is in races like Nascar and Rally. But its probably not as pronounced or even there in some of the other race types.
# 18 BatsareBugs @ 07/07/10 04:35 AM
I'm not exactly sure, but I think that for some car types, they were only allowed to do cosmetic and mechanical damages (things not too drastic) but for other types, they were allowed to to do whatever they want and completely wreck the thing, including also flipping the car over.

I think they had two damage models and those were the two, but I can't remember the details. It was brought up months ago.
# 19 Whitesox @ 07/07/10 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Rag3vsW0rld
I'm not exactly sure, but I think that for some car types, they were only allowed to do cosmetic and mechanical damages (things not too drastic) but for other types, they were allowed to to do whatever they want and completely wreck the thing, including also flipping the car over.

I think they had two damage models and those were the two, but I can't remember the details. It was brought up months ago.
I thought I read that rollover physics are applied to all models.
# 20 LucianoJJ @ 07/07/10 01:58 PM
This looks worth the wait.

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