NHL 11 News Post

  • Five-man celebration seen there right at the beginning of the video
  • Intermissions still have the replay reel/scouting report
  • New faceoff presentation looks great
  • "User Celebrations" and "Custom Camera" options on the pause menu
  • Scoreboard now lists goal scorers and assistees after the play

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
NHL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Weapon X @ 06/17/10 09:58 PM
"Fist bump with the bench" cutscene for the win!

# 2 onlybygrace @ 06/17/10 10:09 PM
Come cool things happened in that clip...

but once again we are forced to watch people use something other than my sliders. lol
# 3 onlybygrace @ 06/17/10 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I hope we can turn down the physics. Some of those hits were unreal with all that torquing.
What about 'its been amped up for effect' do you NOT understand???

You know I love ya man.
# 4 onlybygrace @ 06/17/10 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
The physics have? I know the hits have, but all that torquing, that can be tone down? Because that is new to me. Never heard that. that is good news. But if you can't tone it down, then maybe you should figure out a new routine of attacking posters with concerns of the game.

Ahhh...I see what you are saying now...and well played, my friend.

My problem is that particular video didn't play to smoothly for me...sorta obstructed some of the smoothness.

I must agree there is some strange torquing though...maybe its still being tuned. I do tend to believe however that lowering the hitting (as is a custom to nearly any good slider set) will do a great service in toning this down.

But then, there I go assuming again.

Bad habit.
# 5 Vikes1 @ 06/17/10 11:22 PM
I too am patiently waiting to hear about how the AI has been improved.

I understand though, that the more flashy stuff has to be shown first. And I'm ok with what we've seen outta the hitting. But man...if the overall AI gets upped, NHL '11' for me, will never leave my 360. Good Lord...either AJ is very short, or Rammer is a monster!
# 6 plaidchuck @ 06/18/10 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by RealmK
The rapid fire passing or "berserk" mode as some refer to it as is preventable, it comes down to changing strats up depending on the situation and playing an active but positionally sound defense. Easier said than done of course but plenty doable. I'm sure if I can hold 4 goal leads playing on Superstar and I really don't think I have the greatest of stick skills, anyone can.
That's still just a work around and not an excuse for a lack of fixing it... I don't remember NHL 09 having the crazy cycle passing madness (i.e. where they pass it to someone open in the slot and he passes it back)
# 7 UwantRadie @ 06/18/10 04:39 AM
GRRRRR!!! It's still the same menu!

Please give us a better looking front end!!!
# 8 JezFranco @ 06/18/10 05:07 AM
Ooooh, like it.

At 0:40 in that video you can really see the new faceoff. The camera comes in from above the players, and when the ref releases the puck it changes to the normal view, the players are tied up, and in comes the winger and snatches the puck. Great!
# 9 TheSilentDude @ 06/18/10 05:36 AM
Yeah, the new faceoff and the user-celebrations look awesome. I like the subtle changes on the scoreboard. Was about time.

Another thing I noticed are the goalies. I like how he went down BEFORE the player took the shot, whereas in NHL 10 the goalie had this insane "reflexes". Could have been because of the cross cease pass I dunno. I definitely liked it. It looks like Goalies actively follow the puck now which means they finally get out of position.
Goalies where too strong in NHL 10. Clean wrist shots almost never got in.
Generally, I'm hoping for a bigger variation in goalscoring.

What I didn't like tho is that the player bench is still static and emotionless.
# 10 Qb @ 06/18/10 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
The physics have? I know the hits have, but all that torquing, that can be tone down?
I'm not a Russian with a PhD in physics -- the guy who built the physics system is -- but the way I understood it was that hitting power was increased to show off the results of big collisions. So if hits were delivering more force, it would stand to reason that the players would react more violently to the hit (ie, more torque & stuff). If the power of hits was tuned normally, the force imparted on the recipient would be less. Right?

We were able to change the settings somewhat and play with ones closer to what we'll likely see in September. I didn't see the kind of collisions the hype footage is showing with any regularity and when you did plaster someone it felt very rewarding.

Originally Posted by RealmK
The CPU AI tries to make the safe play 9 out of 10 times... I wouldn't mind seeing the cpu take a few more chances and stand up more at the blue line on defense but I've a feeling it has to be pretty difficult to code to make a non human AI play like a human would.
That's a very astute observation and something Redshirt and I talked about for a good while. Jim Playfair talked about "the house" during the on-ice activity -- the area from the goal to the top of the circles -- as being the area you want to get to on offense and want to protect on defense.

Too often the AI is reluctant to "try to get the house" or move the puck into that area. We agreed that the AI needs to put more of an emphasis on the house and be willing to make a risky pass or move to get there. And maybe more importantly, he seemed to have an idea of how to tackle the problem...
# 11 Money99 @ 06/18/10 06:46 PM
Off topic, but just how freakin' tall is Rammer and how short is that interviewer?
Was Rammer in North Carolina recently? Dude's the size of a Bigfoot!
# 12 BlueNGold @ 06/18/10 06:57 PM
*Looks at calendar and sees there is still 3 months until September*

# 13 green94 @ 06/18/10 08:04 PM
Christ, I can't wait until Sept 7th.

5 man celebration was the nuts!
# 14 crobert0247 @ 06/18/10 08:18 PM
The five man celebration + Modin gloving the guys on the bench sent me into a frenzy of excitement. That is superb production value right there. That's enough to buy the game for me. The physics system is looking great too. It looks like another fantastic year of NHL!
# 15 plaidchuck @ 06/18/10 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
I wasn't at all trying to say it was an excuse, or that I wouldn't like to see it addressed, as QB pointed out, the team is aware its an issue that needs work. I was more quashing one of those "comeback logic" thread derailments before it got started. I think we had enough of that last year, what with baa having the gall to essentially try to convince an actual dev of the game that he was wrong and he knew for a fact that there was comeback this, and cheating ai that after repetedly being told there is no such code in the game.
Right, and I agree- the endless cycling never caused me to lose a game or anything- it's just I find it unrealistic and stupid looking. I felt like a fan at a game yelling "SHOOT!" In fact, I want the AI to punish me for leaving someone open in the slot (well the defensive AI is a whole other can of worms) rather than have ovechkin having the puck 10 ft away from the goalie and passing it back to some winger outside of the play.
# 16 Qb @ 06/21/10 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Money99
Off topic, but just how freakin' tall is Rammer and how short is that interviewer?
Was Rammer in North Carolina recently? Dude's the size of a Bigfoot!
Rammer is tall... 6'9" or 6'10" maybe? You should've seen him on skates. I tried to stickhandle around him once during our on-ice scrimmage... didn't go too well.
# 17 UwantRadie @ 06/21/10 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by BlueNGold
*Looks at calendar and sees there is still 3 months until September*

Way to blow my day... First the disappointment of the "new" NCAA TeamBuilder, then this reminder...

Where's my bowl?
# 18 UwantRadie @ 06/21/10 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
Rammer is tall... 6'9" or 6'10" maybe? You should've seen him on skates. I tried to stickhandle around him once during our on-ice scrimmage... didn't go too well.
Yeah, that is tall... I am 6'4" and play forward my whole life, but was asked to fall back and play defense in my senior year because of my size.

Between the height, the long arms (I have long arms even for my height) and the longer stick I used for defesne, I cut off a lot of ice...

I cant even imagine how it must be trying to go around a guy with a reach like Rammer... gosh! It'd be easier to hail a cab and have it drive you around him.

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