Madden NFL 11 News Post

Pastapadre has posted some Madden NFL 11 videos. I'll embed video #1 here, but check the link to see the others.

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
Madden NFL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 rooney8 @ 06/17/10 04:56 PM
The last play on the first vid really disappoints me. Manning is on the 23 and has to drop back all the way to the 9 so he isn't sacked by 3 Chargers players the O-Line let through. Pass protection is still terrible from what I've seen so far.
# 2 roadman @ 06/17/10 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by rooney8
The last play on the first vid really disappoints me. Manning is on the 23 and has to drop back all the way to the 9 so he isn't sacked by 3 Chargers players the O-Line let through. Pass protection is still terrible from what I've seen so far.
If Manning was in shotgun, like he normally is, that probably wouldn't have happened.

Whoever was playing the Colts, obviously doesn't watch them enough.
# 3 Valdarez @ 06/17/10 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by rooney8
The last play on the first vid really disappoints me. Manning is on the 23 and has to drop back all the way to the 9 so he isn't sacked by 3 Chargers players the O-Line let through. Pass protection is still terrible from what I've seen so far.
I was about to post the exact same thing. Nearly a 20 yard drop back there. So much for a pocket.
# 4 at23steelers @ 06/17/10 05:20 PM
Gus Johnson seems to sound better and better after each video I watch. I am impressed!

Around 1:30 of the last video, where the fan is hoping the Chargers win is a nice touch of realism.
# 5 SteelerSpartan @ 06/17/10 05:23 PM
I hate the silence before snaps.....Gus should be calling out the formations at least
# 6 boooey @ 06/17/10 05:25 PM
it is hard to tell if the crowd is correctly reacting to the action on the field.
and it looks like still only one guy can impact a tackle.. everyone else just falls away from the invisible force field.
that pretty much takes away any kind of momentum. You could have 3 guys dive into a player, but if he is already engaged, they will have no effect..
# 7 at23steelers @ 06/17/10 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
I hate the silence before snaps.....Gus should be calling out the formations at least
I agree 100% with this, but what he does say doesn't sound choppy like prior videos but very fluid.
# 8 cowboyscowboys @ 06/17/10 05:28 PM
So far I see Madden 10 featuring Gus Johnson
# 9 Nev @ 06/17/10 05:30 PM
Some nice vids.

I like how the LBs are no longer able to cover WR's like a corner could when in man.

The double team blocking seems to be like the WR's 'Toe Tapping' in Madden 10. Rare.... lol
In nearly all the vids you see blockers just standing around waiting for somebody to get beat in the 1on1 battles.
# 10 boooey @ 06/17/10 05:35 PM
at the very end of the 1st video, it looks like they go to challenge the catch, but then the video stops..
i don't think i saw the option to challenge a play there even.. or is it under the coaching options sub menu?
# 11 WDOgF0reL1fe @ 06/17/10 05:38 PM
Those Colts vs Chargers videos looked fantastic. The one play where Gates caught it heading towards the sideline, stopped, turned upfield while spinning and getting speared looked very fluid.

All the new cutscenes looked great.
I cant wait for this
# 12 roadman @ 06/17/10 05:43 PM
A cutscene of the replay booth looked new and cool.
# 13 Xeper84 @ 06/17/10 05:46 PM
1st video 1.25 wayne is doing the hated 360 catch, that was out of madden 10
# 14 RayAllen20 @ 06/17/10 05:52 PM
I liked Madden 10, and my main problems with the game was locomotion, catching, presentation, and sim stats/franchise mode. They fixed all of those except for franchise mode. So I'll guess they'll get my $60. Plus I want to post a simulation dynasty of Madden and NCAA combined. However, I feel like we need another feature here. I mean, we really haven't gotten that much.

BTW I loved the scene of the fans at the end of the game getting all nervous in the stands.
# 15 lint @ 06/17/10 05:57 PM
I could have sworn I saw DE getting up field... but 0 interior penetration.

sigh oh well.
# 16 ckarlic @ 06/17/10 05:57 PM
I honestly think this game looks good. Granted I haven't played Madden 10 in about 7 months now but Im liking the way this game is shaping up. Looking forward to playing this game.
# 17 Senator Palmer @ 06/17/10 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by lint
I could have sworn I saw DE getting up field... but 0 interior penetration.

sigh oh well.
Haven't seen all the vids yet, but if you're referring to the Colts that's probably because they don't have a big-time interior presence. Their strength is on the edges, always has been. I see it as a good thing, because last year, the pressure and sacks came from interior guys and the pocket was really lacking.

I don't know if you've had a chance, but there's a great thread going on with curvise who was actually at E3 and got some hands on time with the game. On page 2 he goes through how big matchups are and highly rated interior guys like Jamal Williams were able to collapse the pocket.

# 18 fitz2k2 @ 06/17/10 06:25 PM
all they did is grabbed madden 10 and added game flow crap,but they better fix the bloody flats!!!!! and add some new plays in the freaking game
# 19 guaps @ 06/17/10 06:37 PM
Does anyone know what the difficulty level was? It looked way too easy to move upfield. In the last video - the end of the 4th quarter, when the game is Colts 29 - Chargers 28 - there is a banner, which shows that the Chargers are 2 for 3 on 3rd downs! No team should be able to score 28 points and only have 3 3rd downs.
# 20 Xeper84 @ 06/17/10 06:44 PM
what i could see out of those few videos:

The good:
-CB backpeddling seems to be improved
-commentary not a huge jump but better
-some routes like out routes were possible to hit
-the Praying fans ^^

The Bad
-Still too many tackle animations that allow a RB to fall forward
-Player height completely off in Cutscenes.. RBs as big as QBs ...
-Every Receiver is getting open (i hope they played on pro^^)
-Players are sliding over the field especially the real fast ones (Sanders is making one step but moves as if he has made 2.)
-All players have the same leg movement frequence no matter how fast they are^^ (3rd video @ 0:46 look @ sanders and the other defenders)

The Worst
-360 catch is back:
- a Power pass over the middle is catched with a 360 catch that should be uncatchable without lobbing it
-1st video 1:25

My conclusion so far:the 360 is back a catch i hated that was in 09 and should never return. they just can't get over the point that you have to use different pass types for different situations not everything can be catched . Passing still overpowered no need to run the ball thats a no buy so far for me

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