NCAA Football 11 News Post

Chris Gunter will be doing the E3 impressions and answering questions for OS on this front. He had some good conversations with Russ Kiniry from the NCAA team today, and will be able to speak more in-depth with the team in the next two days. Here is what he found out today:

-CPU Recruiting has been tweaked and updated. Not completely sure if they will specifically draft to their team strategy as I didn't get too involved in dynasty yet, but I was told that it will not be possible for a 1-2 star school to just sign everyone like it was in years part.

-No conference realignments this year, as it wil not be hapenning until next year. They will look into this as a possibility for 12.

-No changes to the camera options. Still has the reverse lock cam on defense.

-The window of time for the hand off on the option has been slightly widened due to the reanimating of the hand off.

-Speaking of the option, the CPU seems to run it much better. Played some extended time with Navy versus Army, and the Army QB was pretty good about when to pitch, when to keep, and turning the ball up field.

-The CPU will cut the ball upfield on a much more consistent basis with the running backs. Gone are the days last year of the a CPU RB cutting the ball outside and losing his blockers. From what I have seen, it seems like the CPU run game will be something to keep qqqq

-No major updates to Road To Glory outside of the gameplay changes already known.

-The Speed Bust is now an option to turn on or off. You can change this from the menu system.

-Line play is still up for judgment. I saw some very good things, and a couple of iffy things. The offensive line seems to pick up blitzed well, but I did see some missed assignments on sweeps and such.

The playbook now allows you to scroll up and down between formations while looking at the list of available defensive formations.

That's it for now. Please leave any new questions, or something you may have not gotten answered, as I will be seeing more NCAA tomorrow.

Game: NCAA Football 11Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 83 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 SHO @ 06/19/10 05:04 PM
Is there a shovel pass in the Run-N-Shoot playbooks (SMU, Hawaii)?

Have you noticed a lot of option routes in those PBs?

Can you expand on how the underneath zones can be fixed with gameplan?
# 122 YungPat97 @ 06/19/10 06:05 PM
dangit nothing new about road to glory they really need to fix that its so boring after like 3 years they need to make it like the ncaa 07 campus legend that wus the best one but it wus on xbox if they could jus make that oin 360 it would be perfect cuz i dont like how you can only be as good as the runningback starting ahead of you you should be able to earn points and put them where you want and do drills and stuff instead of just practice over and over and over
# 123 moylan1234 @ 06/19/10 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Millennium
Yes, you can. Matter of fact, with the online dynasty interface on the website, there is no real need to do an offline dynasty anymore.
what about coaching contracts and conference invites? if those aren't available for online dynasty I won't be playing that mode.
# 124 Millennium @ 06/19/10 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by moylan
what about coaching contracts and conference invites? if those aren't available for online dynasty I won't be playing that mode.
It is my understanding that everything in offline dynasty is on online. I will try to make sure that is true.
# 125 Millennium @ 06/19/10 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Mallow
It appears that there will only be the one basic playable camera angle in the game this year, but the information was rather vague. So is that true? And has anyone asked the developers what the potential is for either a patch or different camera angles down the road (i.e. like Madden)?
There is one camera, outside of defensive player lock.
# 126 moylan1234 @ 06/19/10 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Millennium
It is my understanding that everything in offline dynasty is on online. I will try to make sure that is true.
oh yeah that'd be huge I would switch over to online for sure. thanks for the response.
# 127 lilcoo3 @ 06/19/10 10:24 PM
How is the CPU qb and play call logic in the final build? Thanks
# 128 Millennium @ 06/19/10 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by lilcoo3
How is the CPU qb and play call logic in the final build? Thanks

I didn't see anything crazy, but to be honest my comments on this would not be fair to judge as I only played one half at a time.
# 129 BroMontana82 @ 06/19/10 11:05 PM
Does you know if we will be able to use player lock on defense while keeping the default camera view instead of the behind view?
# 130 Potatoes002 @ 06/19/10 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Millennium
It is my understanding that everything in offline dynasty is on online. I will try to make sure that is true.
On TraditionalFootball they confirmed no conference invites in Online Dynasty.
# 131 BroMontana82 @ 06/20/10 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by BamaBruce
well okay if you want to do that, why don't you just, ya know, not switch players, and it will be the same! lol unless, of course, you mean for the achivement. Oh and to answer your qquestion- not I don't think it is, but don't quote me on that....
haha yeah i meant that and also more for coop. play when you're switched off automatically.
# 132 Quint75 @ 06/20/10 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Millennium
Yes, you can. Matter of fact, with the online dynasty interface on the website, there is no real need to do an offline dynasty anymore.
Forgive my ignorance: what is the advantage of recruiting online in a single player dynasty?
# 133 Icebergz @ 06/20/10 02:40 AM
Are stadium entrance and post game editable options for stadium sounds?
# 134 moylan1234 @ 06/20/10 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by BamaBruce
only one I can see is not having to be playing the game, you could do it from a laptop, say, at McDonalds, assuming they have free Wifi, lol
that and all the dynasty wire stuff: http://ncaafootball.easports.com/blo...Id=DynastyWire
# 135 Quint75 @ 06/20/10 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by BamaBruce
only one I can see is not having to be playing the game, you could do it from a laptop, say, at McDonalds, assuming they have free Wifi, lol
So theoretically would I be able to do my recruiting via my iPhone as long as I can connect to the Dynasty site? Now that would kick butt.
# 136 YungPat97 @ 06/20/10 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Quint75
So theoretically would I be able to do my recruiting via my iPhone as long as I can connect to the Dynasty site? Now that would kick butt.
not only would it kick butt it would kick *** xD haha
# 137 rudyjuly2 @ 06/20/10 10:00 AM
Fumbles, particularly for running QBs, seems excessive in the demo. Is there a fumble slider in the game to help correct this? How about sliders for injuries or fatigue? Madden 10 had those. I'd love to see them in NCAA 11.
# 138 Earl1963 @ 06/20/10 10:40 AM
I'm yet to fumble with my QB, but I always slide.
# 139 Dr Death @ 06/20/10 11:19 AM
Forgive this if it has already been addressed, I am not going to read through 16 + pages to see if it has... playing Oklahoma vs Texas and Oklahoma {CPU} QB throws a pass to TE in corner of end zone. He makes the catch but was clearly 2-3 feet out of bounds.

They go to review it, the first replay looks like you're underground... I kid you not... like you're under the turf looking up... second replay does show he was way out of bounds. Official determines that play should stand as called: TD.

I know refs screw up sometimes, but I hope this isn't a sign of things to come in the game.
# 140 BenGerman @ 06/20/10 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dr Death
Forgive this if it has already been addressed, I am not going to read through 16 + pages to see if it has... playing Oklahoma vs Texas and Oklahoma {CPU} QB throws a pass to TE in corner of end zone. He makes the catch but was clearly 2-3 feet out of bounds.

They go to review it, the first replay looks like you're underground... I kid you not... like you're under the turf looking up... second replay does show he was way out of bounds. Official determines that play should stand as called: TD.

I know refs screw up sometimes, but I hope this isn't a sign of things to come in the game.
I've had this happen. I assume its a tweak that would make it into the final game. As with the squib kick, and a couple of other glitches if we dont see a fix at release, I expect one in a patch.

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