Backbreaker News Post
Backbreaker Videos
Member Comments
Nice, haven't watched it yet, but wanted the first post. Will edit soon...

Or will I? So many little details I noticed. Strap colors is one for example. This game looks way too good. I can't wait. Once the awesomeness wares down I'll be able to post a better review of the video lol.
There were so many nice additions that are genius. Like the outline options, the ability to make something invisible, etc.
The one thing I didn't like was the lack of what could be customized. It was still very detailed, but when it came to the torso, it looked like we'll be stuck with the sides being one color and the sleeves having 2 colors.
There were so many nice additions that are genius. Like the outline options, the ability to make something invisible, etc.
The one thing I didn't like was the lack of what could be customized. It was still very detailed, but when it came to the torso, it looked like we'll be stuck with the sides being one color and the sleeves having 2 colors.
Why cant all sports games go this far with editing
This is like some photoshop stuff
This is like some photoshop stuff
This will keep people busy for a very long time. Making end zones will be fun also
# 5
radatdude2 @ 04/28/10 10:06 PM
thanks for the post that is so sick how much you can customize !!! the overall look of the game is great and if the game play performs up to par it will be great times. I can tell i will be spending a lot of time creating teams looks fun. I just hope they have the option to share. I have both xbox and ps3 so im sure if its possible we're more likely to see it on the ps3.
# 7
Bellsprout @ 04/28/10 10:07 PM
Okay, that's pretty badass.
Looks like a ****load of work to recreate the NFL, though.
Looks like a ****load of work to recreate the NFL, though.

# 9
radatdude2 @ 04/28/10 10:12 PM
the depth of the editor tool kit is worth the price of admission alone. For 44.99 how can one resist this game.
Still, someone will probably have made it within a month and by then we'll have the ability to share 360 files through a program on the PC, like the transfer kit or something.
This game looks so close to All Pro 2K8 in alot of ways and that in my opinion is a very good thing
# 14
radatdude2 @ 04/28/10 10:44 PM
Its does but 2k8 was limited in the creation department with creating logos, end zone designs, and editing players but very similar and much improved. Out right impressive.
# 16
Perfect Zero @ 04/28/10 10:46 PM
Still, this is groundbreaking for a sports game (and really is like Forza on the customization of the logo). I've been on the fence about this one, but now I might just think about it.
# 17
radatdude2 @ 04/28/10 11:02 PM
at the end the video when the team is entering the stadium looks like we have camera options to view the entrance from different camera angles using the LT button! that should be cool
This is just amazing. No football game has ever had this level of customization. The menus look great. Even the interaction between players in the game menu is awesome.
# 20
mgoblue678 @ 04/28/10 11:16 PM
Leaning towards buying it day one after that video. Backbreaker and NCAA look like they might both turn out to very good, that would great to have two quality football games to play. The only problem would be finding enough time to play both, can't say that is a bad thing though.
Looks like this may be a great year for football video games fans.
Looks like this may be a great year for football video games fans.
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