Backbreaker News Post

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
Backbreaker Videos
Member Comments
# 21 ofdman @ 04/29/10 12:20 AM
Awesome. Simply awesome! I will buy even if it sucks simply to support a NEW football franchise!
# 22 SemperVictoria @ 04/29/10 12:36 AM
Are you kidding? This is insane!

WOW--it's been a looooooong time since I've been this excited for a game.

June 1st can't get here soon enough.
# 23 kjcheezhead @ 04/29/10 01:06 AM
That creator looks awesome. I'm def get my money's worth out of this game just creating the teams. I'll probably create my own league like others are doing as well.
# 24 Behindshadows @ 04/29/10 01:47 AM
Dude, I might actually buy this now and wait for someone to create all the NFL teams, like they customize those Winning Eleven games to make real teams....WOW!!!! I love this customization level. It's 100% Forza customization options in Football.....

They just got my money..Commentary or not...This is a great buy, if the gameplay owns up.
# 25 NoDakHusker @ 04/29/10 01:51 AM
Oh...my...god. This looks epic.
# 26 TreyIM2 @ 04/29/10 01:56 AM
I even had to say, "Wow" at the level of editing provided in this game and I'm not into that kinda thing. If someone recreates all the NFL teams and it can be uploaded/downloaded, I'll grab it.
# 27 sniperhare @ 04/29/10 02:11 AM
Look at the descriptions by the teams, punishing front 7, run stopping DB's. The teams have rankings, the game has stats and scouting, audibles.

I'm going to recreate the custom 32 teams I made for M10 and pick between those and the pregenerated ones for my franchise. Jacksonville Jackals or J'Ville Vipers or Duval Doom(sayers,bringers)...tough choices.
# 28 turftickler @ 04/29/10 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by granddogg
can somebody youtube this
Got it coming up in 720p soon. I will post the link ASAP.
# 29 mgoblue678 @ 04/29/10 03:16 AM
Anybody know if it is going to be possible to create helmets with things other than the logo on it? For instance if I wanted to create a Michigan winged helmet. In the other thread, with the screenshots from this video, it looks like you can add layers to the helmet just like with the logo unless I am mistaken.
# 30 turftickler @ 04/29/10 03:42 AM
Here's the vid on youtube in 720p.

# 31 mgoblue678 @ 04/29/10 03:44 AM
Any word on if we can create alternate uniforms for teams or just one home and away? It looks like it in the video they have 2 different home unis for the Maulers team, not sure if those are just two different primary home uni designs or one is an alt.
# 32 elgreazy1 @ 04/29/10 09:31 AM
WOWEE! As a graphic designer having logged hours upon hours on creative software I can tell you this has me quite excited. I hope the implementation is easy to use because it looks very deep and I can easily see people getting overwhelmed by it.

Another thing I'd love to add: I am loving the menus. Everything looks sleek, clean and has a completely different interface than what has become the norm in sports games. You can really start to see the outside influences the developers are pulling in.

Much like APF, I can see myself spending days on end in the team creation modes.
# 33 str8artist @ 04/29/10 09:32 AM
500 layers on logo and 1000 layers for the field. IM SOLD. I was not expecting this level of customization. WOW.
# 34 bigsmallwood @ 04/29/10 11:26 AM
This is a SUPER job by the devs for the level of customization offered! Should be fun creating All sorts of teams cough*NFL*cough*,cough* lol
# 35 Goffs @ 04/29/10 11:35 AM
sweet im going to make up my own league...
# 36 GIveMeR3alFooTball @ 04/29/10 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by o Mass Murda o
i cant believe i just got hyped watching a customization video...caught a few nuggets too:

1) liked how it was somewhat similar to apf2k8 with the picking of what kinda offense and defense you wanted(balanced, etc) and they also had a team bias ie agility, strength, etc

2) also caught how they had some simplistic but necessary descriptions of the teams in matchup screen so u know who ur up against...ie "punishing backfield", "smart db's" "smart runners" "run support db's" etc

3) menus look futuristic and BADAZZ

4) nice touch in the matchup screen where they had the 2 teams guys lined up and the one was taunting the other

i cant lie i was bummed with the no fatigue and no injuries, but this GAME LOOKS EPIC and nicely polished. it looks put together very well and the whole look and feel of it just screams amazing and looks like the game will have plenty of personality. i gotta support this just on the effort alone. OK backbreaker....im giving it up to ya please dont dissappoint
i totally agree i was upset when i found out they werent having injuries or fatigue but after listening to the 90 min interview i see why and i wud rather them get the gameplay right first then implement a fatigue system later on cuz if the gameplay is done right they can focus all on getting a fatigue/ injury system done properly and will 10 times better then the dice roll logic in other football games.

but this video on customization awe man i'm so hyped about this game now. who knew sumthing as simple as the menu that was so insufficient in other sport games wud have me so excited. i love the look of this game and will be create a fictional league with one or two customized teams and the rest being the best of backbreaker's default teams and also i will create a full NFL.
# 37 GIveMeR3alFooTball @ 04/29/10 01:03 PM
oh and can anyone explain why the video says training camp video#1? will there be another vid? is it out already or do anyone know when the next one will be viewable?
# 38 CreatineKasey @ 04/29/10 01:18 PM
A big selling point for me would be filesharing customization options. I know guys out there are going to do some wonderful recreations that I'm not talented enough to do myself. Hopefully it's possible to download someone else's files for this game... I still have my fingers crossed.
# 39 mgoblue678 @ 04/29/10 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by CreatineKasey
A big selling point for me would be filesharing customization options. I know guys out there are going to do some wonderful recreations that I'm not talented enough to do myself. Hopefully it's possible to download someone else's files for this game... I still have my fingers crossed.
Even if the game doesn't have a file sharing system built into the game which at this point looks like it won't , there will be other ways to download rosters. Somebody in another thread even posted how it could be done on both the PS3 or 360. And there are ways to get around some of the 360's restrictions in terms game saves having to be tied to a certain profile. For the PS3 it should just be as simple as using a USB since those restrictions don't exist. The only way these wouldn't work is if there was some restriction actually built directly into the game which I highly doubt would happen. They may not make it as easy and covenant as it could be by having a file share system built into the game, but that doesn't mean they don't want or would restrict sharing through other methods.

So I am not really worried about being able to get other people's roster/files because there are other methods/ways to do that. What I worry about is will the player editing and creation be too limited to actually replicate certain NFL players in terms of their abilities and tendencies. The indications so far is that individual player customization may be very limited compared to how deep the other customization options are.
# 40 CreatineKasey @ 04/29/10 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by mgoblue678
Even if the game doesn't have a file sharing system built into the game which at this point looks like it won't , there will be other ways to download rosters. Somebody in another thread even posted how it could be done on both the PS3 or 360. And there are ways to get around some of the 360's restrictions in terms game saves having to be tied to a certain profile. For the PS3 it should just be as simple as using a USB since those restrictions don't exist. The only way these wouldn't work is if there was some restriction actually built directly into the game which I highly doubt would happen. They may not make it as easy and covenant as it could be by having a file share system built into the game, but that doesn't mean they don't want or would restrict sharing through other methods.

So I am not really worried about being able to get other people's roster/files because there are other methods/ways to do that. What I worry about is will the player editing and creation be too limited to actually replicate certain NFL players in terms of their abilities and tendencies. The indications so far is that individual player customization may be very limited compared to how deep the other customization options are.
In that case I'll be looking forward to downloading rosters and logos for this game if I choose to buy it.

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