Backbreaker News Post

Check out the official Backbreaker TV commercial spot.

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 CreatineKasey @ 05/01/10 09:57 AM
I'd be very impressed if this game has good OL/DL play. That's one of those "litmus tests" for a truly deep and realistic football game, IMO. The average dude won't know how a DL or OL is supposed to act, but we sure will. If they nail little things like that, it actually ends up giving a big result.

Only time will tell... I just got information that I'll be relocated for work soon so I'll have to get this (and every) football game to keep me busy. I'm gonna truck some fools!
# 102 turftickler @ 05/01/10 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by metallicatz
Exclusivity doesn't have anything to do with the BB devs' ability to program a football game with regard to how it plays on the field. Nor have these devs "had one hand tied behind their backs" with regard to dev cycle time. This game has been in the works for quite a while and they've not been handcuffed to a hard release date or dev cycle.
Yeah, and not to mention that there are only about 6 people working on this game vs. EA Sport's massive teams for NCAA and the Madden NFL series. I think you should cut them a little slack. Have you ever developed a video game before, one that you designed the software for that is being implemented into your game by you personally? I am a programmer. Are you? I'm not calling you out here. I just want to know where you stand on your side of the ball from a professional stand point.
# 103 JayBee74 @ 05/01/10 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by turftickler
Yeah, and not to mention that there are only about 6 people working on this game vs. EA Sport's massive teams for NCAA and the Madden NFL series. I think you should cut them a little slack. Have you ever developed a video game before, one that you designed the software for that is being implemented into your game by you personally? I am a programmer. Are you? I'm not calling you out here. I just want to know where you stand on your side of the ball from a professional stand point.
I'm not going to cut them any slack if they don't produce. Some who have read my posts in this forum might accuse me of being a Backbreaker Cheerleader, but if the yet to be fully tested AI sucks, I'll diss them quicker than you can say "Madden Sucks"-I'm very optimistic though.
# 104 CreatineKasey @ 05/01/10 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by JayBee74
I'm not going to cut them any slack if they don't produce. Some who have read my posts in this forum might accuse me of being a Backbreaker Cheerleader, but if the yet to be fully tested AI sucks, I'll diss them quicker than you can say "Madden Sucks"-I'm very optimistic though.
Good answer. I'm hoping for the best, too, but I won't lie if the game isn't as good as people are saying it is.
# 105 TIm @ 05/01/10 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by JayBee74
I'm not going to cut them any slack if they don't produce. Some who have read my posts in this forum might accuse me of being a Backbreaker Cheerleader, but if the yet to be fully tested AI sucks, I'll diss them quicker than you can say "Madden Sucks"-I'm very optimistic though.
A small development team of 6 people came up with a idea of a football game to show off their product.. Going into it they were happy just to get their product out and hoping that it will catch on... So they worked very hard on this game and I'm sure they had tons of other work going on. I think they have done a tremendous job on what they had showed us so far.. Someone said earlier that they had been working on 4 years and it should be basically a perfect game... BS on that... Other developers have been working on their game for 20 years and they still can't get basics in the game as they say " didn't have time to get that in there maybe next year".. Other developers try to lure you in with gimmicks and change the outside of the product we see.. However, They are just giving a nice coat of candy, but this inside is still the same.. Take 2k football for instance. NFL 2k came out with the Dreamcast in 99 I Believe.. A few years later they had 2k5... 2k5 was a amazing game. sure it had it's issues but the game WAS FOOTBALL, They had running b acks turning their torsos to get through a line.. They had lineman and others making blocks when they should've, They had the presentation that was truly ahead of it's time, They had graphics that would hold out today, They had a bunch of little things that made that game great.. Like cloud shadows floating across the field.. Ai had some issues of coarse but overall is was very good... I tell ya, To this day I believe if EA didn't get the license one of two things would've happened.. The game would've improved every year so much that 1. We wouldn't have Madden anymore or 2 we would have two truly amazing games because Ea's version wouldn't have a choice but to advance and change things..

To say you wouldn't give them any slack is totally lame... I listened to the backbreaker conference call.. I came away very impressed with what I heard.. They didn't throw injuries in there because it's supposed to be there. They didn't throw it in there because if they couldn't perfect it at that time, They aren't comfortable with it being in their game.. They took a different approach... They want to put you on the field.. What a FOOTBALL player see's, You can see... What a football player hears, You can hear..

The first game ever of madden or any other company first game, Do you think they said "I'll think I'll develop a football game and 3 months later had the game out??

That's all I got... If the game sucks then it sucks.. But if the game has potential in the future I sure will give them slack to give us a good product.. The hypnosis game works on alot of people but it sure won't work on me... Other games have gimmicks.. because they tell us gimmicks in blogs, commercials, and radio ads, It doesn't mean I'm biting!
# 106 JayBee74 @ 05/01/10 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by TIm
To say you wouldn't give them any slack is totally lame... I listened to the backbreaker conference call.. I came away very impressed with what I heard.. They didn't throw injuries in there because it's supposed to be there. They didn't throw it in there because if they couldn't perfect it at that time, They aren't comfortable with it being in their game.. They took a different approach... They want to put you on the field.. What a FOOTBALL player see's, You can see... What a football player hears, You can hear..
I said I wouldn't give them any slack if the AI sucked. If you think that's totally lame then answer me this- How many hours are you going to play BB if the AI sucks? I have ZERO problems with no injuries and NO fatigue, and I really like what I'm seeing. I was also impressed with the conference call and the DEV Diaries. I must say your characterization of my statement being totally lame is ridiculous.
# 107 TIm @ 05/01/10 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by JayBee74
I said I wouldn't give them any slack if the AI sucked. If you think that's totally lame then answer me this- How many hours are you going to play BB if the AI sucks? I have ZERO problems with no injuries and NO fatigue, and I really like what I'm seeing. I was also impressed with the conference call and the DEV Diaries. I must say your characterization of my statement being totally lame is ridiculous.
No pun inteded here.. I guess what I should've brought up was "Give me a list of games with Terrible AI that millions upon millions swarm to" I'm sorry but the AI in the competition is very lackluster yet people still play.. This is the first game.. There should be a little slack here.. As i said above about 2k5, The Ai had issues but it represented football and was a fun game.. I still played.. But other games it's the same year after year with not a whole lot of change.. Just a bunch of empty promises
# 108 JayBee74 @ 05/01/10 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by TIm
No pun inteded here.. I guess what I should've brought up was "Give me a list of games with Terrible AI that millions upon millions swarm to" I'm sorry but the AI in the competition is very lackluster yet people still play.. This is the first game.. There should be a little slack here.. As i said above about 2k5, The Ai had issues but it represented football and was a fun game.. I still played.. But other games it's the same year after year with not a whole lot of change.. Just a bunch of empty promises
I see what you are saying, but the Madden atrocity has taught me to be more selective. BB's AI doesn't have to perfect, but it would be nice-LOL. There's about a 1% chance I won't get this game. I'm confident in their product.
# 109 spankdatazz22 @ 05/04/10 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by metallicatz
Exclusivity doesn't have anything to do with the BB devs' ability to program a football game with regard to how it plays on the field. Nor have these devs "had one hand tied behind their backs" with regard to dev cycle time. This game has been in the works for quite a while and they've not been handcuffed to a hard release date or dev cycle.
The lack of an official license would affect everything, starting at what the game is perceived to be conceptually. I'm sure the BB devs main concern is that the game is profitable - it's debateable what the best method is for them to achieve that. It's silly to think that they weren't developing a game hamstrung because much like 2K with APF, they had to essentially come up with a new football concept that they thought people would accept. And the jury's still out on whether their approach will be accepted. They don't have a blueprint to follow, which is what Tiburon has with the NFL & NCAA. If they were able to make the perfect high school football game would that guarantee success? A near-perfect Canadian League game? Arena league (well, EA snatched that license up too)? Pretty ridiculous of you to insinuate they weren't faced with unique challenges in trying to make a football game from scratch, challenges that Team Tiburon doesn't have to worry about since they have a blueprint to follow. And years later are incompetent enough to make a non-licensed football game somewhat viable.

Five years ago people wouldn't even bother to to take notice if it was announced that someone was making a non-licensed football game. Now people are crossing their fingers and toes hoping *someone* would just make an enjoyable football game. To me that speaks more to what Tiburon hasn't done with Madden/NCAA than it speaks to what the BB devs [may] have done with Backbreaker. And for the record, I think it's unrealistic to expect much from this game. I think it'll offer something innovative/unique in terms of player interaction and physics, but I don't think it's a realistic to expect this small team to nail the intracacies of OL play, or the concept of how Cover 3 is really played. To that end I really don't think it'll be a better game than APF2K8 was. I just don't see how they could be given their lack of experience and the lack of user feedback. For example, when Tiburon touted Pro-Tak last year it seemed Tiburon was most proud of seeing 4+defenders getting into rugby scrum-like interactions and watching a back like Willie Parker inexplicably break out for a long run. After they got clowned about it, the whole "we can get 9 people in an interaction" selling point was toned down to something more appropriate. Given that it's BB's first year w/o the benefit of any real user feedback, I think people should mind their expectations.
# 110 Bash @ 05/04/10 06:28 PM
Rag doll physics FTW!

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