Very anxious for this conference call. The call should start in an hour, I'll have a live blog set up in this space for then. Check back early and often!
You only need 1 QB on your roster. Mind boggling as to why they would leave this out. It is not difficult to implement random injuries. I wonder if it's so that they dont have to fully implement roster management?
I don't remember the last time a football SIMULATION was ever released that did not have injuries - probably some old atari game.
no hot routes, no injuries, and no fatigue combined is a pretty big deal imo...
Injuries I can see not having, but if you add no fatigue you might as well not have more than 24 players on the team. Plus no hot routes really eliminates the cat and mouse game that the QB had with the defense pre-snap.
A lot of stuff they kept out for this football game. They wanted to focus on game play, so, I see how that pans out, but no difference between pro and arcade except for the play art.
There are a few things I could live without, but not most of this list.
No fatigue in football is huge. If there is no fatigue then your big power back never gets tired, or you can't wear down a tough defense. How can you not have fatigue in a football game in this generation is beyond me. It totally eliminates substitution not that anyone would sub anyway. Still if they roll with tired players you could hurt them. Not so in this game.
If the lack of these features bothers some of you so much, just don't play the game, it's really that simple. Would I like to see injuries, fatigue and hot routes in the game? Sure, but my world will not end if they are not in. Personally I'm looking forward to playing this game because it's something new. If what they have done works, well then maybe we will see all the bells and whistles in the next installment of the game. $50.00 for something new that has the potential to be great is a small price to pay for me.
Everyone needs to go out and buy Backbreaker. Tell your friends, family, co- workers to go out and support this game, so that they will have enough money to make BACKBREAKER 2 ! This will be a great foundation game and if it is supported well by the community, there will be a sequel with everything that will be missing in this one (created plays,injuries,challenges,hot routes and stadium creation).
Support this game ! I want to see Backbreaker 2,3,4 ect...
i was really hoping for alot from BB and my expections where very high and after the GI preview i wasnt even worried but after this conference i am pissed. no routes ok i will live witout no online franchise oh well i didnt play it on madden anyway so i have no problem with it but no fatigue and no injuries thats just ********. for this game to be simulation football it needs to have fatigue that is a very important part of the game. so that mean if yu have a fast running back he will basically run as fast at the end of a 80 yd as he did in the beginning. thats not realistic at all.
Everyone needs to go out and buy Backbreaker. Tell your friends, family, co- workers to go out and support this game, so that they will have enough money to make BACKBREAKER 2 ! This will be a great foundation game and if it is supported well by the community, there will be a sequel with everything that will be missing in this one (created plays,injuries,challenges,hot routes and stadium creation).
Support this game ! I want to see Backbreaker 2,3,4 ect...
Enjoy one version... This will fail. They had three years of development and still they couldn't get the basic stuff in.........
agreed. i just hate how ppl are quick to write off these big things or tell ppl to go shove it if they dont like it. its not like we dont wanna play the game, just really wish these important things werent overlooked and included.
somebody was asking me if i played madden in the live blog and i guess the next move was going to be labeling me a fanboy of madden, just because i think fatigue, injuries, and challenges (least important to me) are important and necessary. i play all the football titles and have no allegiance to any title. im just a fan of football.
but in the end gameplay is whats most important. honestly, if it has A+ gameplay, alot can be overlooked on this first time out. however tho, round 2, there is absolutely no excuse then, if that installment ever sees the light of day.
i agree but i also feel like alot of ppl praying for simulation football are so pissed at the madden franchise they will let alot go in BB that are necessary in a football game. fatigue, injuries, and challenges are things that have no excuse not being in a next gen football game. the game might play great but witout these features many ppl will not buy or rent this game and the chances of them making another will be less unless they have already been giving the go to start making another installment.
Everyone needs to go out and buy Backbreaker. Tell your friends, family, co- workers to go out and support this game, so that they will have enough money to make BACKBREAKER 2 ! This will be a great foundation game and if it is supported well by the community, there will be a sequel with everything that will be missing in this one (created plays,injuries,challenges,hot routes and stadium creation).
Support this game ! I want to see Backbreaker 2,3,4 ect...
Not that I don't want a Backbreaker 2 (I heavily rely on them to come through with another installment after this one if possible), but why couldn't they have done this in Backbreaker 1? No one said when they had to release this game, let alone announce it. If it had to take them two more years for them to get everything in that they would have liked to, I would be all for it. The sad truth is, if people don't buy this game because of how limited it is, Backbreaker 2 won't ever see the light of day anyway. It's really a wash here.
Oh, and I'm buying this game on day one. Sorely disappointed, though...
no hot routes, no injuries, and no fatigue combined is a pretty big deal imo...
Injuries I can see not having, but if you add no fatigue you might as well not have more than 24 players on the team. Plus no hot routes really eliminates the cat and mouse game that the QB had with the defense pre-snap.
Big buzz kill for me
i understand how important them things is but they wanted to work on gameplay but dont forget that they can make patches to put in the game
Wow! People are complaining that BACKBREAKER was not able to get things in for their first installment and yet Madden has had 21 years and still cant do it? Come on! Give this company a break, if anyone should be criticized it should be Madden. This is like their 21st year and they still cant get it right. I will definitely support this game.
Not trying to hate but this game sounds like it's going to tank. Missing too much and if it they think this game will make enough dough to support a Backbreaker 2, I don't believe it will.
Like I've thought and it's been said, already, Nat. Mot. should have taken at least another year and a half to 2yrs of dev time to get this game improved to the point where injuries, challenges, hot routes, broadcast presentation, yada...but I understand about cost and they have a small dev team and all that yada, as well.
Again, it sounds like the biggest thing this game has going for it is the Euphoria engine and everything esle is far down the totem pole. It's going to be a question of how long will it be before people get bored of the hit animations before they decide they are tired of the game.
On that note, I have to be honest about how I never get tired of the Euphoria engine animations in the GTA games. Even in Liberty City Eps, I STILL just either hit people with the car I'm driving, run in front of moving cars and start fights just to marvel at the animations. Lol. I honestly don't get tired of seeing the Euphoria engine in action....but Backbreaker WILL just be a rental to see whussup, for me.