Very anxious for this conference call. The call should start in an hour, I'll have a live blog set up in this space for then. Check back early and often!
Really sucks they couldn't get injuries, even fatigue, or height in the game. If they'd got a competent publisher instead of 505 they might have had a great game.
No fatigue in football is huge. If there is no fatigue then your big power back never gets tired, or you can't wear down a tough defense. How can you not have fatigue in a football game in this generation is beyond me. It totally eliminates substitution not that anyone would sub anyway. Still if they roll with tired players you could hurt them. Not so in this game.
Agreed. Injuries and Fatigue is a hugh part of football. I understand they wanted to focus mainly on gameplay. The way I see it. They delayed the game this long. Why not give the fans a good demo that they can chew on for a few months are so. Then take and delay BB until maybe november and work on adding Injuries and Fatigue into the game. I don't mind been without TV broadcasting. But injuries and fatigue is a hugh downside. Even though I will still get it no matter what. But without injuries and Fatigue I still feel BB is just another Blitz type game with a new tackling engine in it. But I'm sure it is going to be good game still.
I'm disappointed in those things just like everyone else. I already have the game paid for in the hopes of a Backbreaker 2 and the chance at showing 2k and others there is a market for non-licensed football games.
I can live without those things if it's because of the reasons they posted. No injuries and no snow because they want those things affected by physics and not dice rolls. Man I hope we get a sequel with stuff like this.
people will be playing Backbreaker far longer than they will be playing Madden 11, simply for the fact of the animation technology and that tackling and animations wil never become old. Also offline customization is limitless
Everyone needs to go out and buy Backbreaker. Tell your friends, family, co- workers to go out and support this game, so that they will have enough money to make BACKBREAKER 2 ! This will be a great foundation game and if it is supported well by the community, there will be a sequel with everything that will be missing in this one (created plays,injuries,challenges,hot routes and stadium creation).
Support this game ! I want to see Backbreaker 2,3,4 ect...
I don't feel that it is my place to advertise for them. I'm willing to buy the game. But beyond that it is their job to get people buy it. I went into my local gamestop to pay on my reserved copy of BB. I asked my Store manger and she said she didn't know nothing about BB. She said no one has reserved one except me. So the lack of advertising is going to kill their chance of getting big sales when it comes out.
What a colossal disappointment this generation of video football gaming has been.
First EA, which has put out pretty much garbage for five years plus. Then AP2k8, a game I enjoyed, but was too limited in its single player mode to last. And now BB leaves out basic fundamentals to football gaming.
I give up. By the time someone puts out an all around “good” football game, I’ll be in a nursing home.
people will be playing Backbreaker far longer than they will be playing Madden 11, simply for the fact of the animation technology and that tackling and animations wil never become old. Also offline customization is limitless
Well maybe are maybe not. It all depends on the person who is playing. I will play it for a while until NCAA comes out and then I will play it and then madden 11. At the end of the day I will own all 3 of them.
Well at least they admit there is no fatigue or injuries instead of implementing what amounts to a fatigue gauge that means nothing and pop ups that tell me my player has a major injury but comes back in 2 plays later. I'm glad they focused on gameplay for the first iteration, it reminds me of the first 2k, it was limited but each year it got better and better. Still a first day purchase for me in hopes there are others down the line with realistic fatigue, real time injuries, customizable playbooks, tons of player variation and possibly an NFL license.
Wow! People are complaining that BACKBREAKER was not able to get things in for their first installment and yet Madden has had 21 years and still cant do it? Come on! Give this company a break, if anyone should be criticized it should be Madden. This is like their 21st year and they still cant get it right. I will definitely support this game.
This first sentence will be my new signature on OS.
Wow! People are complaining that BACKBREAKER was not able to get things in for their first installment and yet Madden has had 21 years and still cant do it? Come on! Give this company a break, if anyone should be criticized it should be Madden. This is like their 21st year and they still cant get it right. I will definitely support this game.
i wont give madden a pass either. madden's gameplay mechanics and animations clash together in vehicular homicide. its just terrible and they know its terrible and they dont care they just want ppl money and i wud bash them but this is a bb forum not madden. bb IMO is honest in their attempt to make a football and i wud love to support them but i hate wasting $50 more. bb had me in their pocket i was gonna ride n die for them bcuz i love football and i hate the way madden has ruin football gamin but i can not give bb have a free just bcuz of that alone
I'm curious to how stats are going to look in franchise mode without fatigue or injuries? It will be really weird to see just 1 player from each team in the stat categories.
If gameplay is truly what they were concentrating on for 3 years then for me no injuries and no fatigue won't matter THAT much. Of course it's a disappointed but if gameplay is above average AT LEAST and the crowd reacts realistically and is loud I'm going to be perfectly content with Backbreaker. The tackling is so dynamic and I can't imagine playing defense or running the football will be anything less than fun.
I'm curious to how stats are going to look in franchise mode without fatigue or injuries? It will be really weird to see just 1 player from each team in the stat categories.
If gameplay is truly what they were concentrating on for 3 years then for me no injuries and no fatigue won't matter THAT much. Of course it's a disappointed but if gameplay is above average AT LEAST and the crowd reacts realistically and is loud I'm going to be perfectly content with Backbreaker. The tackling is so dynamic and I can't imagine playing defense or running the football will be anything less than fun.
I don't think it will change too much. There are still as many as 5 different wrs, teams still can and will have a big power back for short yardage and fast receiving backs to change up the defense. Even at qb you can have a Michael Vick/Pat White come in a throw a couple passes a game.
Your right about the tackling, not to mention the camera and controls should make playing defense and running the ball alot of fun. Total customization to recreate the NFL offline as well.
I am still very interested in the game. If the teams have character and truly play different, then I am good. Fatigue, injuries and hot routes sound great, but have been implemented poorly in other games. (something is usually broken)
Too much focus on poorly implemented details and not enough on X's and O's is why we are in this situation in the first place, in my opinion. I think this may be good in the long run if the game's core is great.
I don't think it will change too much. There are still as many as 5 different wrs, teams still can and will have a big power back for short yardage and fast receiving backs to change up the defense. Even at qb you can have a Michael Vick/Pat White come in a throw a couple passes a game.
Yeah I agree the receiving stats will probably be fine. I also know myself while playing I'm going to employ a power back and a speed back but I'm not so sure the computer will do this in games. I hope I'm wrong but without the fatigue or injuries I'm not holding my breath the computer AI will do this also. Don't get me wrong I'm still buying this as this isn't a gamekiller for me either way I was just curious. Can't wait for a demo, June 1st seems light years away.
BB is all about the gameplay, at least the first time around. I will probably spend more time creating teams than I do playing it.
Same here. However I'll wait till it gets to the bargain bin. No way I pay full price for a game "supposedly" in developement for a good while and yet.. no fatigue, no injuries etc...
Also I don't buy the "They worked on gameplay first" stuff. I've seen the vids and so far it doesn't even look all that great in that area.
Wow! People are complaining that BACKBREAKER was not able to get things in for their first installment and yet Madden has had 21 years and still cant do it? Come on! Give this company a break, if anyone should be criticized it should be Madden. This is like their 21st year and they still cant get it right. I will definitely support this game.
Madden laid down the groundwork years ago though, so that argument is completely invalid.
I'd compare it to a new car company coming out and not having power steering, anti-lock breaks, or power windows. It may be the nicest car in the world with a beautiful body, sick wheels, and a terrific transmission, but no one wants to drive a car today without power steering or anti-lock breaks. And people would expect power windows in a car that nice. Would you give the excuse then that Ford has had over 100 years and still has recalls and some poor products and that we should give this new car company some time? Sure, that may be the case that Ford doesn't make a tremendous product, but it still does certain things right that you expect other companies to do as well.