NCAA Football 11 News Post

EA has just posted another NCAA Football 11 blog. Jean Adams, the Art Director talks about a couple of graphic improvements; the first being linear lighting.

"Without getting too much into the art/technical details, we wanted to talk about a couple of graphic improvements; the first being linear lighting. This lighting technique allows us to more accurately control the material properties of everything that makes up the player. To put it in basic terms, we now have control over how bright or dark things get without losing detail. It also helps us get the authentic color on the uniforms.

Linear lighting also allows us to tune helmets, jerseys, and other player gear in a much more realistic way. For example; you’ll notice the skin looks more lifelike and less like plastic. Helmets and jerseys reflect the right amount of light. Colors are less saturated and react to lighting in a more realistic way. You might remember looking at previous versions of NCAA Football and feeling like things were too saturated and flat. We think we’ve addressed these issues thanks to this new level of control."

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Member Comments
# 81 St3fN_sTrApS @ 03/26/10 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
*edit* i just noticed in this pic the Florida guy has blue on his gloves, i thought NCAA rules say gloves must be gray with no team color?
I was wondering the same thing last year when I seen Brandon Spikes wearing blue and gray or orange and gray gloves?
# 82 moylan1234 @ 03/26/10 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
*edit* i just noticed in this pic the Florida guy has blue on his gloves, i thought NCAA rules say gloves must be gray with no team color?
they absolutely do say that. I'm guessing at some point an official told him to take those off or maybe the SEC is just crooked.
# 83 gator3guy @ 03/26/10 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
actually its not a standard 3 bar. You can see the bar thats on a angle from the top bar to the side bar. It looks like this one maybe without just one of those angle bars.

*edit* i just noticed in this pic the Florida guy has blue on his gloves, i thought NCAA rules say gloves must be gray with no team color?
That's this one:

That isn't the one on the Gator player.
# 84 Amoo316 @ 03/26/10 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by drlw322

Am I the only one that noticed the blocking animation on the right of this screenie? Don't remember seeing this before. Kind of wish I could see the rest of the shot. I also like the whites looking white. When I created a set of MSU unis with the new Bulldog logo on the helmets I had the color spot on on my CPU screen. When I loaded it onto my game on my plasma screen TV the colors were just too dark.

I always felt that the field looked well lit from the sunshine but the players weren't getting that same sunshine (lighting) on their unis. Looks like they cleared this up and it is going to make for some good customization options. I'm also a game play first guy so I'm hoping to get some info on blocking being fixed, but I can't really complain about what we have seen up to this point. Glad they added some of the little things others on here have been asking for.
# 85 LionsFanNJ @ 03/26/10 02:07 AM
I just hope they get the right lighting/shadow angles based on the stadium layout and city location. I think it was this way before they redid the lighting last year.
# 86 Meast21Forever @ 03/26/10 02:26 AM
no one else feels like player arms are still enormous? i love the lighting and whatnot, but the roided out arm look on #84 in that pic make me cringe.
# 87 Madwolf @ 03/26/10 02:34 AM
It definitely looks better, but shiny graphics don't make me buy NCAA Football. Improvements in gameplay, and the accurate depiction of my Louisville Cardinals does.
# 88 Solidice @ 03/26/10 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by LionsFanNJ
I just hope they get the right lighting/shadow angles based on the stadium layout and city location. I think it was this way before they redid the lighting last year.
yup, NCAA '07(360) and '08 had the shadows move based on real life sun position for that stadium and time period. the progressive lighting was much better then as well if I remember correctly. I think it updated throughout the game instead of after every quarter like 10. for '09, they changed the lighting system and progressive lighting was gone and was brought back for 10, although it only changed after every quarter.
# 89 mgoblue678 @ 03/26/10 03:49 AM
Those screens are defiantly an improvement and they look great ,but as others have said I will wait until they announce some significant changes regarding game play before I get too excited. The graphics could look photo realistic but if the gameplay isn't significantly improved and changed from NCAA 10 I still won't purchase it. Hopefully they finally listened to us about some of the game play changes that needed to be made and were able to make those. I'll take decent to good graphics with great gameplay, over amazing graphics with subpar to average gameplay any day of the week.

But like I said I am not going to go crazy over screen shots, before we know what game play improvements or changes have been made.

To be quite honest I am starting to become more excited for Breakbreaker than NCAA 11 unless the game play improvements really wow us.
# 90 olemiss86 @ 03/26/10 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by Solidice
yup, NCAA '07(360) and '08 had the shadows move based on real life sun position for that stadium and time period. the progressive lighting was much better then as well if I remember correctly. I think it updated throughout the game instead of after every quarter like 10. for '09, they changed the lighting system and progressive lighting was gone and was brought back for 10, although it only changed after every quarter.
It didn't even change every quarter. Only changed at halftime. I hope that is fixed like it was for NCAA 08
# 91 boritter @ 03/26/10 07:23 AM
I find it amusing that lots of people are forgetting all the gameplay issues that NCAA10 had just because NCAA11 has new cleats and knee braces. Graphics and accessories mean nothing if the suction effect and poor blocking AI are still in place.

Until I see gameplay improvements I'll assume that NCAA11 is similar to all the 360 versions--prettier than the PS2 coupled with inferior gameplay and features.
# 92 michigan21 @ 03/26/10 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by boritter
I find it amusing that lots of people are forgetting all the gameplay issues that NCAA10 had just because NCAA11 has new cleats and knee braces. Graphics and accessories mean nothing if the suction effect and poor blocking AI are still in place.

Until I see gameplay improvements I'll assume that NCAA11 is similar to all the 360 versions--prettier than the PS2 coupled with inferior gameplay and features.
Exactly. I will wait to hear gameplay improvments before I get excited.
# 93 Bruce Wayne Jr @ 03/26/10 11:36 AM
ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok ,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok, we get the point about GAMEPLAY. We all want better GAMEPLAY so we don't need another 1000 posts about GAMEPLAY. ea has stated in writing that announcements related to GAMEPLAY are coming. to reiterate please do not worry about GAMEPLAY
# 94 gator3guy @ 03/26/10 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bruce Wayne Jr
ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok ,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok, we get the point about GAMEPLAY. We all want better GAMEPLAY so we don't need another 1000 posts about GAMEPLAY. ea has stated in writing that announcements related to GAMEPLAY are coming. to reiterate please do not worry about GAMEPLAY
How can you not worry about the gameplay? Did you play last year's product? It was subpar to say the least.
# 95 davep @ 03/26/10 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Bruce Wayne Jr
ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok ,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok, we get the point about GAMEPLAY. We all want better GAMEPLAY so we don't need another 1000 posts about GAMEPLAY. ea has stated in writing that announcements related to GAMEPLAY are coming. to reiterate please do not worry about GAMEPLAY
I'm a little concerned about gameplay.

I guess I'm with The Watcher and the minority here...the series has just become so stale in the past years which is unfortunate since this used to be my favorite game to play. Go back and read the posts from the same time last year when they were releasing similar details, there was much more excitement and we all know how that turned out.

I would love to see them right their ship, but I just don't see it happening without a new man at the helm. Damn, maybe I'm just getting old and cynical.
# 96 Bruce Wayne Jr @ 03/26/10 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by gator3guy
How can you not worry about the gameplay? Did you play last year's product? It was subpar to say the least.
what part of my post where I stated "we all want better gameplay" and "ea has stated in writing announcements are coming" did you not understand? what more do you want ea to do until they make the announcements? not a single graphics whore or equipment geek is 100% happy with GAMEPLAY.
# 97 gator3guy @ 03/26/10 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bruce Wayne Jr
what part of my post where I stated "we all want better gameplay" and "ea has stated in writing announcements are coming" did you not understand? what more do you want ea to do until they make the announcements? not a single graphics whore or equipment geek is 100% happy with GAMEPLAY.
You said please don't worry about gameplay, tough guy. If you were like me and actually saw them take a step back last year in terms of gameplay, you would worry about it too. I know the news is coming, I can read. But you can't tell people to stop worrying about the gameplay after the product we all got last year. You don't work for ea. And if you have been a fan the last couple years you will realize that there has been letdown after letdown.
# 98 Bruce Wayne Jr @ 03/26/10 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by gator3guy
You said please don't worry about gameplay, tough guy. If you were like me and actually saw them take a step back last year in terms of gameplay, you would worry about it too. I know the news is coming, I can read. But you can't tell people to stop worrying about the gameplay after the product we all got last year. You don't work for ea. And if you have been a fan the last couple years you will realize that there has been letdown after letdown.
dude i'm withca on the gameplay (last year sucked) but relax. i want better gameplay but since 1200 other people have commented what i feel i can assume ea has the point. how fair is it that people like you can chastise those who compliment ea on equipment and graphics but are angry when someone tells you to relax.
# 99 enfilade22 @ 03/26/10 12:37 PM
am i the only one who doesn't care about graphics and wants to see the gameplay improved. I dont care how many shadows they throw in as long as they fix the major issues
# 100 gator3guy @ 03/26/10 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bruce Wayne Jr
dude i'm withca on the gameplay (last year sucked) but relax. i want better gameplay but since 1200 other people have commented what i feel i can assume ea has the point. how fair is it that people like you can chastise those who compliment ea on equipment and graphics but are angry when someone tells you to relax.
I don't feel like bitching with you anymore, but find a post where I complained about equipment? I spends hours upon hours editing players and equipment, so i love the additions. It just comes down to that fact that if the gameplay sucks the equipment wont matter cuz I wont be playing anymore.

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