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# 61
blackscorpion11 @ 03/25/10 01:00 AM
I dodnt think he said anything new, just showed better video footage.
# 62
blackscorpion11 @ 03/25/10 01:02 AM
good point, any game with physics tops EA's efforts
# 63
SouthernBrick @ 03/25/10 01:31 AM
When your actually ON the gridiron as a player your not playing chess. Your playing a contact sport that has to do with athleticism, instinct, and talent. The "chess game" so many people are referring to is played between the coaches that call the plays. Your still picking the plays as If you were the coach and playing the game as If you are the player so It can still be a chess match.
I have a feeling playbooks won't be very deep anyway(would be surprised If they were) but, I think It'll be less of a chess match but, a chess match none the less.
I have a feeling playbooks won't be very deep anyway(would be surprised If they were) but, I think It'll be less of a chess match but, a chess match none the less.
I am REALLY excited about how they metioned that the crowd reacts during the play, and is designed to react with you. That is amazing, and is what I have been asking EA for for years now. I have a feeling, if it is done right, that there will be an atmosphere to the game that we have not experienced before. To me, that is very important. Example : Battlefield Bad Company..this is a game with incredible atmosphere that makes you feel like you are there.
I am hoping BB pulls it off, but the way it is described really sounds like they will.
I am hoping BB pulls it off, but the way it is described really sounds like they will.
# 66
computerlover @ 03/25/10 06:33 PM
hmmm.. I wanted to see if you can import pics and logos.. but this is actually a brilliant play by Naturalmotion and 505!! EA and the NFL have no lawsuit if the game doesnt allow you to IMPORT logos, but have "poetic license" to re-create them!! whatever the fan does with the product is fine, they do not allow you to violate copyright by creating the logo from scratch! they dont make it easy.. but not impossible to do! colors and not copyrighted, cities either.. but if i create the ravens logo, legally its not 505's fault! lol!
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove in court."
Not knocking this game but I feel this will feel more like CFL (Canadian Football than NFL type).
The passing doesn't look pro style, and we know the running like in the cfl is not used that often.
This game will offer something completely different which is needed. I look forward to this game and hope we can start seeing some videos where people are playing on the higher level where you don't see the glowing receivers running backs etc etc..
I know they threw that mode in there to get people used to the game then ante up to the next level which takes out most of the stuff.. and I know it can be "turned off". I believe it's meant to get people used to the new Camera angle.
We know one thing, you will either love or hate the camera angle, and since there is NO other one... this will be the deciding factor on the games success. Can they pull off the new Camera angle? I hope so, we need a refreshing title!
The passing doesn't look pro style, and we know the running like in the cfl is not used that often.
This game will offer something completely different which is needed. I look forward to this game and hope we can start seeing some videos where people are playing on the higher level where you don't see the glowing receivers running backs etc etc..
I know they threw that mode in there to get people used to the game then ante up to the next level which takes out most of the stuff.. and I know it can be "turned off". I believe it's meant to get people used to the new Camera angle.
We know one thing, you will either love or hate the camera angle, and since there is NO other one... this will be the deciding factor on the games success. Can they pull off the new Camera angle? I hope so, we need a refreshing title!
I think it is pretty obvious from reading reviews and seeing gameplay, that the camera angle is going to deliver.
# 71
CreatineKasey @ 03/26/10 01:59 PM
I like the thought that you and your opponent won't actually have a complete view of the field. So, there's a chance that your opponent misses a read or blows coverage. It should be a lot more chaotic, and mistakes will stem from that.
My guess is early on that blitzing, aggressive defense will be king in this game given the new view.
I also agree with CK and Phobia that the camera angle will be alot of fun.
So why is Madden successful?
# 75
mr_president @ 03/26/10 06:32 PM
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