Tecmo Bowl Throwback News Post

We have just posted our interview with Mike Fahrny, Producer of Tecmo Bowl Throwback.

OS: "Will there be any online modes, leaderboards, etc.? If so, could you detail them?"

MF: "There will be online MP in Throwback - you can play head to head in PreSeason against other players. For the leaderboards, you will be able to track you're overall win/loss ratio against other ranked players in a weekly/monthly/all time format."

Tecmo Bowl Throwback screenshot gallery - Click to view Tecmo Bowl Throwback screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: Tecmo Bowl ThrowbackReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 CreatineKasey @ 03/12/10 11:58 PM
Great news about the customizable names. I hope those translate online!
# 2 boxboy99 @ 03/13/10 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by smacko82
tired of this very very soon response, just give us the dates already. I also don't like the cut scenes during the game, what is the purpose other than slowing up the game
Must not be old enough to know Tecmo Bowl. Jerry Rice jumps over 3 people and I get to see my sweet half second cut screen. Also can forget my friend in Jr. High telling me the cheerleaders at halftime were hot. Stay thristy my friends. Now if they just cough up the day. Honestly I am in no rush, I got plenty of things to play right now. Whenever I get it I get it and will be happy. Wish online leagues were and option as quick pace as these games are it would be perfect.
# 3 blackpuppy @ 03/13/10 01:34 AM
Gotta admit, it makes me feel a little uneasy that the difficulty varies according to which team you're playing against as opposed to difficulty settings. The one on the DS was WAY to easy.
# 4 CreatineKasey @ 03/13/10 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by blackpuppy
Gotta admit, it makes me feel a little uneasy that the difficulty varies according to which team you're playing against as opposed to difficulty settings. The one on the DS was WAY to easy.
You do know this is how ALL the Tecmo games were programmed right? That's part of the legend of Tecmo. It never had difficulty settings.
# 5 TheWatcher @ 03/13/10 10:32 AM
^^^ That's the one thing I was hoping for an upgrade on, but I live with it.
# 6 statnut @ 03/13/10 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by smacko82
tired of this very very soon response, just give us the dates already. I also don't like the cut scenes during the game, what is the purpose other than slowing up the game
Well, considering it's a XBLA/PSN release, I'm assuming they don't know the date as of yet. I not 100% sure, but I don't think the company gets to pick the release date.
# 7 reo @ 03/13/10 01:13 PM
After seeing that Madison Championship Game, I'm so excited.
# 8 reo @ 03/13/10 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
^^^ That's the one thing I was hoping for an upgrade on, but I live with it.
# 9 Brian Gee @ 03/14/10 10:32 AM
Those 3D graphics will never see the light of day in my house...
# 10 CreatineKasey @ 03/14/10 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by kerowack
Those 3D graphics will never see the light of day in my house...
I wonder if someone playing under the 3-D view can play someone online using the 2-D view without conflict. Hope so. I wouldn't want a dichotomy in visual preference to hinder the community.
# 11 jsou4646 @ 03/30/10 01:04 AM
I think its a huge mistake to not allow us to edit ratings, for obvious reasons.
# 12 SuperSeahawks @ 04/05/10 11:54 AM
Nice, can't wait for this to come out.
# 13 ODogg @ 04/07/10 05:47 PM
i heard april 24th as a release date somewhere but can't remember where
# 14 Brandwin @ 04/11/10 07:44 PM
I'm itching for football, so this can't come soon enough.
# 15 CreatineKasey @ 04/12/10 12:05 AM
I've got the injury song stuck in my head!
# 16 bcruise @ 04/12/10 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by CreatineKasey
I've got the injury song stuck in my head!
The music from Tecmo Super Bowl is permanently burned into my memory, every bit as much as 007-373-5963.
# 17 Sausage @ 04/12/10 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
The music from Tecmo Super Bowl is permanently burned into my memory, every bit as much as 007-373-5963.
Originally Posted by rm217
What do those numbers represent?
Those numbers represent the code to fight Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punchout.
# 18 TheWatcher @ 04/12/10 09:47 AM
Their music team for Throwback isn't as talented as the old original Tecmo Bowl team. The new music sounds slow and lame to me.
# 19 ExtremeGamer @ 04/12/10 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
i heard april 24th as a release date somewhere but can't remember where
I heard the rumored date of 4/21, but I think that's just people thinking it would coincide with the NFL draft.
# 20 bcruise @ 04/12/10 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sausage
Those numbers represent the code to fight Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punchout.

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