Tecmo Bowl Throwback News Post

We have just posted our interview with Mike Fahrny, Producer of Tecmo Bowl Throwback.

OS: "Will there be any online modes, leaderboards, etc.? If so, could you detail them?"

MF: "There will be online MP in Throwback - you can play head to head in PreSeason against other players. For the leaderboards, you will be able to track you're overall win/loss ratio against other ranked players in a weekly/monthly/all time format."

Tecmo Bowl Throwback screenshot gallery - Click to view Tecmo Bowl Throwback screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: Tecmo Bowl ThrowbackReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 Brandwin @ 04/13/10 11:45 AM
I want this and I want to play you guys online!
# 22 CreatineKasey @ 04/13/10 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
I want this and I want to play you guys online!
Bring it on, Dookie! I'll be waiting.

I have 1 rule:

No NG dive.
# 23 Brandwin @ 04/14/10 10:01 AM
Can we just get a date already?
# 24 Brandwin @ 04/16/10 02:48 PM
Hmmm... which year was the SNES version? Trying to see what players the Niners willl have.
# 25 TheWatcher @ 04/16/10 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Hmmm... which year was the SNES version? Trying to see what players the Niners willl have.
# 26 Brandwin @ 04/18/10 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
Aaah. So it's based on the 93 roster? I wish it was the 94 roster.
# 27 Valdarez @ 04/18/10 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Aaah. So it's based on the 93 roster? I wish it was the 94 roster.
Or that it was editable, but I'm sure they are saving that for the next release. Has anyone seen a release date on the game yet?
# 28 CreatineKasey @ 04/18/10 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Or that it was editable, but I'm sure they are saving that for the next release. Has anyone seen a release date on the game yet?
Nope. I google "Tecmo Bowl Throwback" every day and cross my fingers for press releases. Nothin'.
# 29 DirtyJerz32 @ 04/19/10 12:09 AM
I can't wait for this!!!
# 30 bkrich83 @ 04/19/10 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Hmmm... which year was the SNES version? Trying to see what players the Niners willl have.
Jim Drunkenmiller.
# 31 Valdarez @ 04/19/10 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by CreatineKasey
Nope. I google "Tecmo Bowl Throwback" every day and cross my fingers for press releases. Nothin'.
hah, I'm not doing it every day, but I'm definitely checking quite often. Very excited for the game.
# 32 Brandwin @ 04/19/10 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Jim Drunkenmiller.
# 33 centauris @ 04/19/10 01:21 PM
won't be this week.

maybe next.
# 34 centauris @ 04/19/10 02:09 PM
Because Major Nelson announces the XBL arcade releases for the week every Monday.

Tecmo was not on the list.. therefore it will not be released this week.
# 35 jsou4646 @ 04/20/10 01:18 AM
I have to say that I am really looking forward to this game, that being said not allowing us to edit player attributes is a huge mistake IMOP. Why give us the NFL city's and name editing but no attribute editing, makes no sense.
# 36 ODogg @ 04/20/10 10:24 AM
I have on my calendar Tecmo Bowl releases on April 27. I believe I got that from some earlier rumor, not sure where. So maybe next Tuesday is the day?

jsou - it makes perfect sense since the game would be unbalanced online. Although I don't know why they couldn't do like EA does NCAA and just make any roster edits for attributes not work for online play.
# 37 Brandwin @ 04/20/10 11:13 AM
If it doesn't come out soon, I may lose intrest. Once Red Dead Redemption and UFC drop, I wouldn't play this as much. NCAA in 3 months... time is ticking. This week with the NFL Draft would have been perfect.
# 38 exfiber @ 04/24/10 01:39 PM
Great news about the customizable names.

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