MLB 2K10 News Post

Hey guys, just a reminder that we will be forwarding more community questions to the developers (tonight), so if you want to get some last-minute questions in you can use this question. I figure some of you might have some fresh questions after playing the demo.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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# 1 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/23/10 03:12 PM
Chase could you ask what is the formula they are using in reference to Inside Edge. Specifically around IE Batter Breakdown.

I'm being told (by Ron ovr @ 2K) that even though the letter grades are looking screwed up (Most players have C or D Walk Ratings in the DEMO in turn causing the AI to sometimes seem a little too aggressive @ the plate) that IE is working as it's suppose to.

Clarification would be appreciated
# 2 leafsfan2008 @ 02/23/10 03:28 PM
Has the franchise freeze been removed this year?
# 3 KeMiKaL @ 02/23/10 03:31 PM
can balls hit in line drives tail to the right or left, or do they always go in a straight line?

2. Dealing with contact hits... If my contact rating is a 90 and my power is a 30 ( just an example), will i be able to hit sharp line drives into the gap? does power determine how hard you hit the baseball on contact swings, or is it all about timing..?
# 4 Blazzen @ 02/23/10 03:47 PM
1) What do the developers think about the fact that many balls hit down the line end up in long singles on balls that should routinely be doubles?
2) What are player ratings based on? For example, I found it odd that Tommy Hansen was rated at 84 while Tim Hudson only 78. Troy Glaus power rating being in the mid 60's while Chipper Jones is up towards 80. Where do these numbers come from and specifically what statistic are focused for pitching, batting and fielding?
3) Going along with #2 - can each and every attribute for a player be edited and these edits applied into an already created and ongoing franchise?

Questions regarding sliders that will affect pitch count:
4) Will there be a foul ball frequency slider?
5) will there be a slider for CPU take ball, take strike, swing at ball, swing at strike, etc?
# 5 rovaira @ 02/23/10 04:54 PM
First off, I play the PC version, is there a PC demo?

More importantly, please answer the following:

Is there online play for the PC? If so, what does it consist of?

And if there are bugs in the franchise mode, etc. will there be a support team that does patches for the PC as well? Patches should cover all consoles and the PC.

# 6 malky @ 02/23/10 04:55 PM
Walk off homrun celebrations? Are they in the game?

Player of the game seems a bit off? Is that just the demo or a glitch?
# 7 Blzer @ 02/23/10 05:03 PM
I didn't yet play the demo, but I know that the demo doesn't have sliders.

Are there sliders for fielder speed and throwing speed? Is there an option to hide the ball landing & pitching cursors, or change the BTP camera so that it's always over the pitcher's right shoulder?

# 8 Wavebird99 @ 02/23/10 05:06 PM
Doesnt really have to do with the demo but:

Has the CPU Manager AI been reworked this year? Do they make smarter pitching decisions/changes, and we will stop seeing relief pitches left in for 3+ innings at a time?
# 9 adamj2281 @ 02/23/10 05:44 PM
How accurate are the team budgets in comparsion with in real life? I know the MLBPA does not allow exact budgets for whatever reason, but are they at least proportional, i.e. do small market teams have much smaller budgets in comparsion to the yankees, etc.
# 10 Spectre @ 02/23/10 05:51 PM
CPU Batters are still too aggressive and don't take enough pitches- its markedly better than last year. Are there any sliders that will help with this?

Crowd noise is still a little subdued- has that been tuned for the final version?
# 11 AmazingMets @ 02/23/10 06:23 PM
This is not about the demo but....

Is there a limit on how many players can be edited?
Also, is there a limit on how many players can be created?

Thanks in advance!
# 12 rpm123 @ 02/23/10 06:40 PM
Not demo related, but not found on 2ksports.com (at least I couldn't find it):

1. Are there any classic stadiums, if so, which ones?
2. Is there a HR Derby mode?

# 13 a walrus @ 02/23/10 06:45 PM
can we choose a fielding view.LOW ,BROADCAST, HIGH.
# 14 a walrus @ 02/23/10 06:46 PM
ooh will their be a release day patch.
# 15 jhoff80 @ 02/23/10 06:55 PM
Where's the pitch out button, the cut-off button (not the relay which is already there, but cutting it off after it's thrown), how come I can't warm up / substitute pitchers or put in a pinch hitter?

And isn't there a better way to select the runner than the horrible "A cycles through them all" functionality?
# 16 AmazingMets @ 02/23/10 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by jhoff80
Where's the pitch out button, the cut-off button (not the relay which is already there, but cutting it off after it's thrown), how come I can't warm up / substitute pitchers or put in a pinch hitter?

And isn't there a better way to select the runner than the horrible "A cycles through them all" functionality?
I am pretty sure that the cut-off button is LB..not sure though. As for the warm up/substitute..i think it is because it is only a demo.
# 17 jhoff80 @ 02/23/10 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by AmazingMets
I am pretty sure that the cut-off button is LB..not sure though. As for the warm up/substitute..i think it is because it is only a demo.
You can throw to the cutoff man from the outfield with LB, but if you've already thrown it and want to cutoff the throw, not possible. And yeah I'm sure some of it is because it's a demo, but still. What's the point of a demo with that stuff cut out exactly? It doesn't give a good first impression.
# 18 AmazingMets @ 02/23/10 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by jhoff80
You can throw to the cutoff man from the outfield with LB, but if you've already thrown it and want to cutoff the throw, not possible. And yeah I'm sure some of it is because it's a demo, but still. What's the point of a demo with that stuff cut out exactly? It doesn't give a good first impression.
Oh, then I honestly have no idea.

I guess they figured that substituting/pitching changes were unneeded because it was only 3 innings, i don't know though.
# 19 guitargd20 @ 02/23/10 07:50 PM
Overall amazing what you guys did with a whole year under your belts to give us this game, if you could I was interested to know after playing the demo is this a early build or finished code. The other question I have is along with the check swing patch what else are you looking to improve in the first patch... Thanks for the improvements.
# 20 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/23/10 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by randombrother
The mound actually looks like it has steps on either side. I hope this can all be worked out with a patch.
That's because the DEMO has NO Anti-Aliasing. The jaggies are very evident. Makes you wonder if this is what were gonna get @ launch. I really hope this Senior Producer wasn't selling us dreams when he mentioned they worked hard to get rid of the jaggies..

Mark Little: We made big improvements to the visual quality on the PS3 (and 360 for that matter). We definitely reduced the jaggies and sizzle in the game, but we didn't stop there. We also improved many other areas like players, lighting and overall color balance.

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